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The Kingdom of Thailand

Presented by:
• Nasir Chowdhury-1631506030
• Mohammad Musabbir Ullah Mumin-1711888030
• Sakib Bin Hasan- 1812716030
• S.M.E.A. Nasif- 1812070630
• Md. Sakibul Hoque- 1812853630
• Iftekhar Jahan Shifat- 1831285030
Let’s take a virtual walk and
explore Thailand
Political System:
Economic System: Parliamentary form of
Mixed Economy government
Highly Export-oriented A constitutional
Some monopoly
industries from the A unitary state
government The monarch as the
head of State
Legal System:
A statutory legal based
on the constitution
Civil Law
Not extremely strict on
FDI in terms of legality
Benefits of doing business in Thailand

Booming Economy: Did you Know?

• Thailand is the world’s 27th largest economy Thailand's original name
• The second largest economy in the ASEAN was 177 letters long.
• The nominal GDP is US $504,928 billion and translated briefly, it
$1.321 Trillion of Purchasing Power Parity as means “Great City of
of 2018 Immortals”.
Improving HDI:
• Thailand’s HDI index is at 0.765 In Billion USD
• Ranked on 77th in the world
Comparatively good Corruption index (CPI):
• Thailand is ranked on 99th out of 180 countries
Low unemployment rate:
• Unemployment rate for 2018 was 0.67%, a
0.03% increase from 2017
High Literacy Rate
• The country is ranked 77th in terms of literacy
• Thailand has an adult literacy rate of 92.87%
according to UNESCO.
Costs of doing business in Thailand

Political: Moderately
expensive cost of
Some level of living
Hefty corporate and
Government Control income taxes
on some resources
Moderately high cost
Legal: of starting business
Property registration
Legislation and day
to day legal costs
Potential arbitration
Risks of doing business in Thailand

The economy is
Political: performing well and
Government may is not likely to
restrict some experience much
resources turbulence and
Unpaid bribe can hence economic risks
slow down are much lower
procedures compared to other
developing nations.
Complex legal
Military ruling and
intervention can
hamper business
Is Thailand Attractive for International Business?

Benefits Costs Risks

> +
Thai Values: All over Thailand, the most
important values that Thai people hold to are
respect, self-control, and a non-
confrontational attitude. Losing face by
showing anger or by telling a lie is a source of
great shame for Thai people. (Reach to Teach,

Thai Folkways:
 People of importance, such as teachers,
professors or monks, the first name should
be preceded with ‘Ajarn’.
 The ‘wai’ is the traditional form of
greeting, given by the person of lower
status to the person of higher status.
 Most meals are served as buffets or with
serving platters in the center of the table
family- style
Thai Mores:
 Criticizing the Royal Family is absolutely
 It is illegal to take pictures of sacred
Buddha temples.
 Touching someone’s head is highly
offensive, as is raising your feet or pointing
them at people or religious objects.
 Buddhism is the official religion (93%)
The Royal Family:
 The present royal family of Thailand is
descended from Prince Mahidol Adulyadej
of Songkla and Srinagarindra forming the
House of Mahidol.

Did you know?: Bangkok

is know as the Venice of
the East.
Social Stratification:
An elite section of Thai noble people,
complimented by a small foreign merchant
class, increasing middle class and large class
of poorer rural dwellers.

 Thai is comprised of 44 consonants, 32
vowels and five tones in Thai
pronunciation, along with a script that has
Indian origins.
 Chinese, Lao, Malay and Mon-Khmer are
also spoken in Thailand.
 English is becoming more prevalent in
government and commerce sectors.

 The country is ranked 77th in terms of
literacy rate.
 Thailand has an adult literacy rate of
92.87% according to UNESCO.
 The male literacy rate is 94.66%, for
females is 91.19%.
Political Condition:
Kingdom of Thailand
is a constitutional
monarchy, where
Prime Minister is the
head of the
government and a
heredity monarch is
the head of the state.

Economic Condition:
Thailand has a mixed
economy, highly
export oriented.
Hofstede’s Theory of Culture
Regional Economic Integration

“One Vision, One Identity, One Community”.

 ASEAN was established on 8

August, 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand.
 Objective is to flourish trade
between member countries and to
achieve cooperation in industrial
 It includes Thailand, Brunei,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines,
Singapore, Vietnam, Myanmar,
Cambodia and Laos. Did you know?: Thailand
 An ASEAN Free Trade Area(AFTA) is made up of
was formed in 2003. approximately 1,430
Trading Partners
• A country at the center of the Indochina
peninsula in Southeast Asia.
• Bordered by four countries- Cambodia,
Malaysia Laos and Myanmar.
• Area-513,120 km2, world's 50th-largest
country by total area and the 22nd-most-
populous country.
• Tropical climate with high humidity.
• Capital and the largest city-Bangkok .
• Official language- Thai.
• Population-68 million approx.

• Thailand’s flag stands for nation-

• Red stripes exemplify Thai people
blood, that was split to achieve
• White stripes represent for purity
and Buddhism.
• Blue stripes symbolizes the Thai
• Rice is not only the staple but also
the main agricultural export.
• The second most important crop in
value is rubber, which is raised
mainly on plantations on the Malay
Peninsula. (, 2019)

• Tin is the most valuable mineral

• The country has 0.2 trillion cubic
meters of natural gas reserve,
which reduces energy import
• In 2015, Thailand produced 38.2
million tons of oil.
Top Local Companies
Name Logo

PTT Public Company

Airports of Thailand


Advanced Info Service


Thai Beverage

Siam cement public

company limited
Top Multinational Companies
Did you
know?: Name Logo
is the
only G.E. Medical Systems
(Thailand) Ltd.
that has
never Aetna International Inc.
by the
European Amway (Thailand) Co. Ltd.
ASSA ABLOY (Thailand)
Co. Ltd.

Air New Zealand Co. Ltd.

Corruption Perception Index
 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) is published by
Transparency International once a year.
 It first published on 1995.
 The scale is measured from 0 to 100 where 0
means very corrupt and 100 means clean.

CPI Linear (CPI)


Corruption Perception Index






2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Axis Title
Foreign Direct Investment and Corruption
Perception Index

Percent GDP
Theoretically it is
believed the FDI is
aligned with CPI, which
is true in most of the 2.22
cases but, it doesn’t 1.77
match all the time. 1.22
0.67 0.68
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
There are mostly
35,000 temples in
Thailand which makes
it a land of temples and
visiting there requires
modest clothing.
Thank you for staying with

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