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Ch - Parts of a plant

Teacher - Madhu Sharma Class - IV

Subject - Science.
A plant has two parts.
* The part below the ground is called root.
*The part above the ground is called shoot.
*The shoot is made up of the stem and its branches leaves,
flowers and fruit.
*All plants do not have the same kind of root. Some have a
main root ,which has branches growing from it.
Types of root
1)Tap root
2) Fibrous root
There are two types of roots

* has one main root. * has no main root.

* It has many branches. * It has clump of fibre like
growing from it. Roots coming out of the
base of stem.
* Ex- tomato, spinach ,. * Ex- grass,rice ,wheat,maize
chilli etc. etc
Main functions of the root
The root has two main functions:
1) It absorbs water and minerals from the soil.The minerals come from the
soil and are important for the growth of plant.
2) The route fixes the plant firmly to the soil.
Soil that is not covered by the plants get blown away by the wind or washed
away by the rain this is called soil erosion. Plants protect soil from erosion.
Activity to show the function of root

Other functions of root

1) Roots of carrot, radish ,turnip ,sweet potato and dahlia
store food. The plants use the stored food to grow.
2) Banyan tree roots grow out of their branches and
move downwards towards the soil. They grow thick and
act like pillars. They are called prop roots because they
prop up ,or support the tree.
3) Money plants and betel ( paan ) have roots growing
out of the stem. This route are called climbing roots
because they help the plant climb.
Functions of stem
The stem of a plant has three main functions:
1) It supports the plant
2) It bears branches leaves and flowers .They grow from buds
on the stem.
3) It carries water and minerals from the roots to the leaves
and flowers. It also carries food from leaves to the rest of the
plant. There are separate tubes for carrying out water
minerals and food.
Activity to prove the the movement of water from
root to other parts of the plant

The tubes inside the stem carry water also become coloured.
Other functions of the stem
* The stems of potato, onion and ginger for example
store food.
*Potato ginger and onion are underground stems and
not roots because
-they have buds. Only the time has buds.
- the eyes of potato are actually buds and new plants
grow from these.
*The fleshy green leaf like parts. of
cactus and not leaves but. special stems
that make food. and store water.
* Cactus plants grow in dry places so they need to
store water.
* The leaves of cactus are like spines.
* There are main three functions of leaves
- makes food
- take in and throws out air
- gets rid of extra water
1) The leaf makes food from carbon dioxide and water. Water
is carried away from the root by tubes running through the
plant. Carbon dioxide comes from air and enters through tiny
pores of leaves called stomata
Carbon dioxide in water combine to form a kind of sugar in
oxygen. The energy needed by the leaf to cook food comes
from sunlight. Leaves have a substance called chlorophyll
which helps to trap the sunlight and makes leaves look green.
2) During the day the plant uses carbon dioxide from air to
make food and oxygen and also uses some of the oxygen for
respiration and throws out rest through the stomata.
At night there is no sunlight so photosynthesis cannot tak
e place.then the plant uses oxygen from the air for respir
ation and throws out carbon dioxide through the stomata.
3) The extra water that is not used. by the
plant are thrown out of stomata as
water vapour.

Activity to show the evaporation of water from leaf

Other jobs of the leaf

*Cactus and date palm leaves are like prickly spines and
protect the plants from animals.
* Indian spinach ( poi ) another thick leaved plants store food
and water.
* The special leaves of onion also store food.
The flower
* Flower helps the plant to reproduce.
*The fruit grows from the flower
* Inside the fruit are seeds from which. new
plants grow.
* Fruits like mango and litchi have just one seed.
* Fruits like tomato and papaya have many seeds.
The seed
* The seed stores food for the baby plant which is inside it.
* It is covered by a tough skin called the seed coat.
* The seed coat protects the baby plant and its food.
Scattering of seeds
Some seeds of a plant feel right under and die. The parent plant
would shade them from Sun. And the big roots of the parent plant
would observe most of the water and minerals from the soil. The
tiny seedlings would get no sunlight ,water or minerals.this is my
nature has found ways of scattering seeds far away from the plants
that produce them.
Ways of scattering of seeds
*We and other animals eat juicy and colourful fruit and
throw away seeds. This is how seats travel far
away from the parent plant.
* Some seeds have hooks or bristols that stick to
the photo of animals and our clothes. Thus,carried
*Seeds of cotton and some other plants have
hair growing out of them which have that fly far away
with the wind.
*The seeds of lotus ,water lily ,coconut and other plants growing in
water can float and are carried by water.
So seeds are scattered by animals ,wind and water.
Answer these
1) What are the two types of roots that plants have?
Ans The two types of roots that plants have are:
1) Tap roots.-It has one main root with branches growing from
it.Ex - tomato, spinach ,chilli etc
2) Fibrous root - It has no main roots but a clump of fibre like
roots coming out of the base of the stem.Ex - rice ,wheat,maize
,onion etc.
2) what are the two functions of the root?
Ans The two functions of the root are:
1) It absorbs water and minerals from the soil.
2) It fixes the plant firmly to the soil. And prevents soil erosion.
3) which part of the plant carries water from the root?
Ans Stem carries water from the root.
4) What special job do the stems of onion and potatoes do?
Ans The stems of onion and potatoes store food. We eat is
underground stems and new plants also grow from them.
5) What are the three functions of the leaf ?
Ans The three functions of leave are:
1) It makes food.
2) It takes in and throws out air.
3) It gets rid of extra water.
Fill in the blanks.
1) The substance that help the leaves trap sunlight is called
2) Carbon dioxide and water form sugar and oxygen in the leaves.
3) Leaves give off carbon dioxide at night.
4) The job of the flower is to help the plant reproduce.
5) Seedlings grow when seeds get water ,air and animals scattered
6) The process by which plants make food is called photosynthesis.
Name one
1) A root that stores food. Carrot
2) A stem that makes food. Potato
3) A plant with climbing roots. Moneyplant
4) A plant that has fibrous root. Rice
5) A seed with two cotyledons. Kidney bean
6) A seed that is scattered by water. Lotus
Choose the correct option.
1) Most trees and shrubs have tap roots
2) The roots growing out of the branches of Banyan trees are
prop roots
3) Carrying away of soil by wind and water is called erosion.
4) We know that potato is a stem because it has buds
5) Gases enter and leave the leaf through stomata
6) Cotton seeds are scattered by wind

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