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“A Literature Review on Training Need Analysis”

Arti Bansal, Dr. Jai Prakash Tripathi

Name: Mehazabin Alam

ID: 2017010000084
3 Purpose
Introduction The purpose of a training needs analysis is
to close the gap between the desirable
performance and actual performance.

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) determine

current employee level and improvement
Training needs analysis is the prime step in the training process possibility.

Training need analysis is a vital tool to assess organizational and

Individual needs.
Training, as any other investment, needs to match the business’s

needs and be supported with a view of objectives defined by the

organization. 2
4 Objective of the Study
To investigate various aspects of Training need analysis.

To provide explicit framework of TNA Process.

Training Need Analysis Process 85

Training Needs Analysis


 Organization analysis allows to view the performance of
the organization like Profit or loss, Employee turnover,
Business plan etc.
 Operational analysis concerned with what Knowledge,

6 Skills and Abilities are required to perform certain
 Individual analysis evaluate individuals perfomance
through Interviewing staff (about the job) , Observation

'On-the-job‘, Job Profile.
Steps to Condu
ct a
Training Needs

 Id
fy cocommppeete
relalate d
ted to to sp
speeci ficc jo
cifi jobbs.
ti fy co
co mm pp et
et e
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ncci ess hhel
ie eldd bbyy
 Id
 en
Iden tify
in ivid alss fo
iduual speeci
forr sp jobbs.
cifificc jo s.

 Compare
Compare current
current and
and required
required competencies
competencies held
by individuals
individuals for
for specific
specific jobs.
jobs. h e n wiitth
ttss w
e m
m e n
e t
aiinniinngg rreeqqu
t he maatt

 Ouuttlliinnee t apppprroopprriiaattee ffoorrm
ddeettaaiillss aannd
Literature Review
To make an organization successful , performance improvement need to be achieved through
skilled, knowledgeable and dedicated workers (Johnson (1993).
The organization should persuade more facilities like off the job training to motivates
employees to develop skills through training and development program.

Before providing any employee training, all organizations must focus on conducting training
need assessment cause TNA plays a vital role in Organizational change
Training needs must be evaluated from the perspective of both solving problems and investment.
TNA practice and research based on literature on skill and skills management are rare and it
investigates methodological or practical problems and solutions related to TNA systems.
This study explores training process and effectiveness of the Conclusion
Training Needs Analysis that contributes in enhancing the
employee efficiency through training.

This study focuses on the importance of TNA for employee


The organization’s investment in its people is the most

important investment it can make.
Thank You

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