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There are differents ways to express peace’s
concept: there is who can do this with
words, who with musics, who with art, who
with behaviour…Today we want to describe
how some people,listening and living in
peace ,can share it, with some poems.
Robert Frost was an American
He published in England before it
was published in America.
He is highly regarded for his
realistic depictions of rural life and
his command of American
colloquial speech.[2]
His work frequently employed
settings from rural life
In New England. He used them to
examine complex social and
philosophical themes.
Wendell Berry is an american
novelist and poet. He has
Written many novel, poems
and short stories. He is an
elected member of the
Fellowship of the Southern
Writers and a recipient of The
National Humanities and the
Jefferson Lecturer for 2012. On
January 28, 2015, he became
the first living writer to be
inducted into the Kentucky
Writers Hall of Fame.[
This poem is written by
Riken Shrestha,
a man from Nepal. This
poem describes the
hopes of a person
regarding world peace.
The importance of this
poem lies within the
optimistic verses that it
If everybody applied
some of these ideals to
their own lives,
the world would be one
step closer to peace.

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