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Solution Evaluation Knowledge
◦ Evaluate the performance of and value delivered by
a solution in use by the enterprise and recommend
removal of constraints that prevent the full
realization of the value.
◦ Solution evaluation tasks can
be performed on solution components at various
stages of development like prototype/proofs of
concept ( Part ), pilot or beta releases (limited
implementations) or operational releases (full
versions )
Solution Evaluation
◦ Solution Evaluation tasks that support the realization of
benefits may occur:

• before a change is initiated, while current value is assessed

• during a solution has been implemented.

• after a solution has been implemented.

1- Measure Solution Performance
◦ Purpose: To define performance measures and use the data collected to evaluate the
effectiveness of a solution the value it brings.

◦ Business analysts work with stakeholders to determine and collect measures for the
solutions. Performance can be evaluated by means of (KPIs), goals and objectives for a
project, process performance targets etc.
Elements : Measure Solution Performance

◦ 1- Define Solution Performance Measures

Use relevant existing performance measures or define new measures for measuring solution performance.
These may be quantitative(numerical, countable etc.) as well as qualitative (subjective and includes
attitudes, perceptions etc.).
Business goals, objectives and business processes are common sources of measures.

◦ 2- Validate Performance Measures

Validate solution performance measures with key stakeholders to ensure it is relevant.

Elements : Measure Solution Performance

◦ 3- Collect Performance Measures

Use statistical techniques for collecting data as following :

◦ Volume or Sample Size

◦ Frequency and Timing
◦ Currency ( new data )
Outcome : Measure Solution Performance

◦ Solution Performance Measures

Measures that provide information on how well the solution is performing or

potentially could perform.
2- Analyze Performance Measure
◦ Purpose: To provide insights into the performance of a solution in relation to the value
it brings.
Elements : Analyze Performance Measure

◦ 1- Solution Performance versus Desired Value

There can be solutions which are low performing but offer significant potential
valuable. Such solutions should be improved further ( better ).

◦ 2- Trends
When analyzing performance data, business analysts consider the time period
when the data was collected to guard against anomalies and skewed trends
Elements : Analyze Performance Measure
◦ 3- Risk
Performance measures help in identifying new risks to solution performance and to the

4- Performance Variance
Variance is the difference between expected and actual performance – Root Cause
Analysis may be necessary
Outcome : Analyze Performance Measure

◦ Solution Performance Analysis

Results of the analysis of measurements collected and recommendations to solve
performance gaps to improve value.
3- Assess Solution Limitations
◦ Purpose: To determine factors internal to the solution those
restrict full realization of value.

◦ Identifies the root causes for under-performing

and ineffective solutions and solution
Elements : Assess Solution Limitations
◦1- Identify Internal Solution Component Dependencies

Solutions often have internal dependencies that limit the performance of the entire solution to the performance of
the least effective component

◦2- Investigate Solution Problems

When the solution doesn’t deliver the expected potential value, or consistently delivers ineffective outputs,
perform problem analysis in order to find out the root cause of the problem

◦3- Impact Assessment

Business analysts review identified problems in order to assess the effect they may have on the operation of the
organization or the ability of the solution to deliver its
potential value . Identify problems which must be resolved, which can be mitigated through other activities or
approaches, and which can be accepted.
Outcome : Assess Solution Limitations

◦ Solution Limitation
a description of the current limitations of the solution including constraints and
4- Assess Enterprise Limitations

◦Purpose: To determine how external factors to the solution are

restricting value realization.

◦ Enterprise limitations may include factor such as culture,

operations, technical components, stakeholder interests, or

reporting structures. Business Analysts assess enterprise

limitations to identify root

causes and describe how enterprise factors limit value realization.

5- Recommend Actions to Increase Solution Value

◦Purpose: To understand factors that create differences between potential

value and actual value, and to recommend a course of action to align them.
Elements : Recommend Actions to Increase Solution
◦ 1- Adjust Solution Performance Measures
Identify and define appropriate measures for solutions which are acceptable but do not completely
fulfill the business goals and objectives.
◦ 2- Recommendations
Recommend actions to improve solution performance

- Do Nothing : When value of change is low compared to the effort required for the change.
- Organizational Change
- Minimize complexity of interfaces : can improve understanding between systems and people.
Elements : Recommend Actions to Increase Solution
◦ 2- Recommendations (Cont. )
- Eliminate Redundancy : Single solution for common needs of stakeholders can reduce the cost of
- Avoid waste : Eliminate activities which do not add value and minimize activities which do not
contribute directly to the final product
- Identify additional capabilities : which do not add immediate value but can be of potential value
when a need arises in future.
- Retire the solution

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