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ACTIVITY 1: Salundiwa (Activating Prior Knowledge)

Here’s how:

1. Use the following terms associated with the lesson:

a.Social Dancing
b.Ballroom Dancing
c.Cottillion/Rigodon de Honor
d.Dancesport (Competitive Ballroom Dancing)

2. Select one which is most familiar to you.

3. Draw a circle in your worksheet and write the term you selected at the center.
4. Draw as many lines as the connections you can give about the term outside the circle.
5. At the end of each line, write a word that describes their experience, description, or anything you
can say about the term you chose.
6. This time, organize your thoughts and connect the words that came up with to describe the term
you have selected.
7. Facilitate the sharing of ideas with the class.
guidelines that help learners
navigate the social dimensions of
dancing. Why do they care about
dance etiquette? Because it is
essential for them to maximize how
to go about the process of social
dancing and have an enjoyable
dancing experience.
 Do not wear sneaker or any shoe with rubber or spongy sole. They can
stick to the dance floor during turns and spins that may cause knee and ankle
injuries. Always wear dance shoes.

 Avoid sleeveless shirts and strapped dresses. It’s not pleasant to have your
partner touch your damp skin.

 Avoid shaggy, baggy, low armpit upper shirt. Partner’s hand may get
caught in the baggy sleeves.

 Avoid accessories like big rings, watches, brooches, loose/long necklaces

and big belt buckles. They can be dangerous. They can catch in partner’s
clothing, causing scratches and bruises.

 Long hair should be put up or tied in a pony tail. It is difficult to get into
closed dance positions when the lady has long flowing hair. They might get
caught in partner’s hands or may even hit your partner’s face.

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