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The foundation of every culture.
Is an abstract system of word meaning and
symbols for all aspect of culture.
Includes speech, written characters, numerals,
symbols, and gestures and expressions of non-
verbal communication.
Language does more than simply describe reality;
it also serves to shape the reality of the culture.
(Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis)
Principles on
Language and
Principle 1
UNESCO supports mother tongue
instruction as a means of improving
educational quality by building upon
the knowledge and experience of the
learners and teachers.
Principle 2
UNESCO supports bilingual and/or
multilingual education at all levels of
education as a means of promoting
both social and gender equality and
as a key element of linguistically
diverse societies.
Principle 3
UNESCO supports language as an
essential component of intercultural
education in order to encourage
understanding between different
population groups and ensure respect
for fundamental rights.
Mother Tongue
• Means one native language
• The language learned by children and
passed from one generation to the
Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual
Education or MLE
Refers to the “first-language-first”
The use of more than two languages
for literacy and instruction
MLE Programs:
• Strong Foundation
- Research shows that children
whose early education is in the
language of their home tend to do
better in the later years of their
• Strong Bridge
- an essential difference between
MLE programs and rural “mother
tongue education” programs is the
inclusion of a guided transition from
learning through the mother tongue
to learning through another tongue.
Stages of an MLE
1. Stage I – learning takes place entirely in the
child’s home language
2. Stage II – building fluency in the mother
tongue. Introduction of L2.
3. Stage III – building oral fluency in L2.
Introduction of literacy in L2.
4. Stage IV – using both L1 and L2 for life
long learning.
MLE proponents stress that the
second language acquisition
component is seen as a “two-
way” bridge.
Does MLE only involve changing
the language of instruction and
translating the materials into the
local languages?
a. the development of good curricula
(i.e. cognitively demanding)
b. the training of good teachers in the
required languages, content and
c. the production of good teaching
materials (error-free and culturally relevant)
d. the empowerment of the community (i.e.
school-based management). MLE will not
work when one simply changes the
language by translating existing materials
into the local languages.
What kind of learners does MLE
intend to produce?
MLE aims to produce learners who

Multi-literate – they can read and

write competently in the local
language, the national language, and
one or more languages of wider
communication, such as English
Multi-lingual – they can use these languages
in various situations and interactions for
learning in school

Multi-cultural – they can live and work

harmoniously with people of cultural
backgrounds that are different from their own,
they can comfortable living and working with
people from outside their community while
maintaining their love and respect for their
home culture and community.
What specific weaknesses in the Philippines
educational system does MLE seek to address?

Out of 57.59 million Filipinos aged 10-64 years

old, they were:
• 5.24 million Filipinos who could not read and
• 7.83 million Filipinos who could not read, write,
and compute;
• 18.37 million Filipinos who could not read, write,
compute, and comprehend.
Why use the other tongue or the
first language (L1) in school?
One’s own language enables a child to express him/herself
easily, as there is no fear of making mistakes.

MLE encourages active participation by children in the

learning process because they understand what is being
discussed and what is being asked of them.

Children can immediately use the L1 to construct and

explain their world, articulate their thoughts and add new
concepts to what they already know.
Is it costly to practice MLE?
Contrary to popular belief, L1 –based
education may actually cost less than a system
that is based on L2

If we consider the money wasted on drop-outs,

repeaters, and failures, as well as other added
costs, studies show that L2-based education
systems are more costly than L1 system.
Reflect and work on the
following questions
1. Do you think the use of Mother Tongue
based Multilingual Education help in
improving the country’s economic
situation? In what way?

2. In what way can you help support and

advertise MTB-MLE program?
Brief and concise 5
Coherent 5
Appropriate Content 5
Group yourselves into 5 and
simulate a teacher telling a story in
a grade one class using his/her own
mother tongue with the use of a
Organization 10
Interaction 10 GROUP
Participation 5
Creativity 15
Vocal Tone 10
Confidence 10
INDIVIDUAL Characterization 10
Engagement 5

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