How To Use Active Learn

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How to use Active Learn

Active Learn is your online platform for Spanish and French

across KS3 and KS4. Your teachers will set different tasks for
you to complete and submit by the deadline set for each task.
Instructions will be given with each task and you should try your
best to complete them. The time you spend completing each
task as well as the results can be monitored by your teachers.

More information on how to log in and use Active Learn in the

following slides.
This is the link to
access Active Learn:

Click log in
This window will come up. You need to type in your username and your password.

 Your username will probably be the first part of your school email. That is: YEAR OF ENTRY, SURNAME
AND FIRST LETTER OF YOUR NAME. If it doesn’t work, try your full email (the one ending in If that still doesn’t work, please speak to your teacher.
Once you log in for the first time, you will need
to accept the terms and conditions and you will
need to answer some questions.
Then, this window will come up. On the top bar, you will see how many tasks have been set for you/you need
to complete. Click on the number to see the tasks.
Once you have clicked on ‘TASKS’, you will see this:

This is the
deadline. Your
work needs to be
completed before
that date.

Click ‘START’ to
start or continue
with your tasks.
For each unit, you will have a variety of tasks to complete.
Please, complete them in this order:

1. Vocab learning
2. Readings
3. Grammar
4. Listenings
5. Vocab tests

If you start with a listening and haven’t learned the

vocabulary first, you will find it very hard! That’s why you
need to do them in this order. 
What to do if your account is locked?
If you try to log in a few times and you are unsuccessful, your account may be
locked. This is what you need to do to if that happens:

1. Click on the link to reset your password

2. It will ask you for your email. You need to write your school email, the one
ending in
3. Log in into your school email. You will have received an email from Pearson
Active Learn with a link to reset your password.
4. Create a new password for you. Write it down in your planner or
somewhere handy as you will need it every time you log in.
5. Log in as normal using the same username and your new password.

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