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República bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Defensa

Universidad Nacional Experimental de la Fuerza Armada Nacional Bolivariana
Maracay - Edo. Aragua

Realizado por:
Nahomy Arrieche C.I. 29.866.736
Manuel Rodriguez C.I. 30.582.078
Luisangel Flores C.I.29.866.543
Sección: D2

Mayo, 2020
• ¿What are they?
English modal verbs are a type of auxiliary verbs that have a peculiarity: they must always
accompany another verb, since they cannot be used independently.
These verbs serve on the one hand to provide semantic meaning, expressing, for example
ability, possibility or need.
are the following:

•Can •Could
•May •Might
•Will •Shall
•Ought to •Should to
•Must •Would
Identification and use of can - could.
Can: We use can to indicate what we can do in the present, as well as to express our knowledge about some subject or
specialty. In the latter case, its usual translation is "know", and would be equivalent to the verb know.

• I can pass the exams if I study every day. (Puedo aprobar los exámenes si estudio todos los días).

• He can play the piano like a virtuoso(Sabe tocar el piano como un maestro).

Could: Could is (among other things) can's past, one of the few modal verbs that can boast of having its own past. It is
used just like can, but to express those ideas in the past

• When I was young, I could speak four languages, but I got rusty from not using them (Cuando era joven sabía cuatro
idiomas, pero me he oxidado de no utilizarlos).
• I couldn’t believe my eyes.  was talking to my friend in the pub! (No podía creer lo que veían mis ojos. ¡Amarna
Miller estaba hablando con mi amigo en el pub!).
Manners and expressions of possibility
The modal verbs of possibility, as the name implies, indicate the possibility of a certain event taking place. The purpose
of this lesson is to explain in what situation to use "must be", "might be" and "can't be", as well as to present some
examples of its use in English.

1.- The store must be closed at this time.

(La tienda debe estar cerrada a esta hora)

2.- A little girl must not be in the street so late.

(Una niña pequeña no debe estar en la calle tan tarde)

3.- My sister may be sick.

(Mi hermana podría estar enferma)

4.- Oscar's car might be broken.

(El auto de Oscar podría estar descompuesto)
Identification and use of may - might.
MAY and MIGHT are two modal verbs to express possibility (in the future, past, or present)
MAY is used to express possibility and also to give permission.
MIGHT is used to express possibility.


• I may teach tonight. – Tal vez enseñaré esta noche.

• I may teach tonight. -Tengo permiso de enseñar esta noche.

• In order not to confuse MAY of permission and MAY of possibility, MIGHT can be used.

• I might teach tonight. -Tal vez enseñaré esta noche.

¡Thanks for your attention!

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