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Signals and Systems

Professor Abraham H. Diaz Perez

Class 1
Signal and System Modeling
1.1 Introduction
 System: a combination and interconnection of several
components to perform a desired task.

 Signal: a function of time that represents a physical

variable of interest associated with a system.
1.1 Introduction (Continuation)
 Linear System: The output is a linear function of the input,

 Model: is an idealization of a real-world (physical) system (electric,

electronic and mechanical devices models, block diagrams
models, acad models, etc).


F=b dx
1.3 Signal Models
 1.3.1 Deterministic Signals:
Deterministic signals can be defined by mathematical
Ej. V=IR

 1.3.2 Continuous-Time vs. Discrete-Time Signals.

a) Continuous: It is a function of a continuous-time
variable. y=sin(x)
1.3 Signal Models (Continuation)
b) Discrete: has a discrete time values. Also called
sample-data signal.
1.3 Signal Models (Continuation)
 Analog: The amplitude values are a real number.

 Digital: or quantized signal has discrete amplitude values.

1.3 Signal Models (Continuation)
 1.3.3 Periodic and Aperiodic Signals
A signal x(t) is periodic if and only if
x(t  T0 )  x(t )    t  
Where the constant T0 is the period. The smallest T0 is
the fundamental period. Any signal that does not satisfied
this is called Aperiodic.
1.3 Signal Models (Continuation)
Example: x(t )  A sin( 2f 0t   )   t _
A is referred as the amplitude, f0 as the frequency and θ as
the relative phase, where 0  2f 0 (angular frequency)
is in units of radians per second if f0 is in Hertz.
It is important to notice that the time delay that a sinusoid
suffers from a change of phase is equal to:
 
td    x(t )  A sin( 2f 0 (t  t d ))
0 2f 0
1.3 Signal Models (Continuation)

The sum of two o more sinusoids may or may not be

periodic, depending on the relationship between their
respective periods or frequencies. If the ratio of their
periods can be expressed as a rational number, or their
frequencies are commensurable, their sum will be a
periodic signal.
1.3 Signal Models (Continuation)
Two frequencies f 1 and f 2 , are commensurable if
they have a common measure. That is, there is a
number f 0 contained in each an integral number of
times. Thus, if f 0 is the largest such number,
f1  n1 f 0 and f 2  n2 f 0
1.3 Signal Models (Continuation)
 Example 1.6:
Which of the following signals are periodic?. If are
periodic, show their fundamental period.

a) x1 (t )  sin 10t
b) x 2 (t )  sin 20t
c) x3 (t )  sin 31t
d) x 4 (t )  x1 (t )  x 2 (t )
e) x5 (t )  x1 (t )  x3 (t )
1.3 Signal Models (Continuation)
 0 10 1 1
a) Periodic f0    5; T0  
2 2 f0 5

0 20 1 1
b) Periodic f0    10; T0  
2 2 f 0 10

 0 31 1 2
c) Periodic f0   ; T0  
2 2 f 0 31
1.3 Signal Models (Continuation)
d) x4 (t )  x1 (t )  x2 (t ) ;
f 1  n1 f 0  5 ; f 0 
f 2  n2 f 0  10; f 0 
n1 5 1
Now,   , a rational number, then if we choose
n2 10 2

1 1
n1  1, n2  2 (minimal) then f 0  5 then T0  
f0 5
1.3 Signal Models (Continuation)
e) x5 (t )  x1 (t ); x3 (t )
Then f 1  n1 f 0  5 ; f 0 
31 2
f 2  n2 f 0  ; f0 
2 31n2
n1 5 * 2 10
Now, n  31  31

is not a rational number, then is not periodic.

1.3.4 Phasor Signals and Spectra
Although physical systems always interact with real signals, it is
often convenient to represent real signals in terms of complex
 Remember from circuits that the phasor quantity:
X  Ae j  A  Is a shorthand notation for the real, sinusoidal

   
 j t
x(t )  Re Xe 0  Re Ae j e j0t  A cos(0t   )    t  
1.3.4 Phasor Signals and
Spectra (Continuation)
We refer to the complex
 signal:
~ j j  0 t
x (t )  Ae e  Xe j 0 t

as the rotating phasor signal. Characterized by three

parameters A the amplitude, θ the phase and 0  0 the
angular frequency.
Using the Euler theorem which is e ju
 cos(u )  j sin(u )
~ 2
We can show that x (t ) is periodic with period T0 
1.3.4 Phasor Signals and Spectra
In addition we may relate ~ x (t ) to x(t) by writing:
1~ 1 ~*
x(t )  x (t )  x (t )
2 2
1 j ( w0t  ) 1  j ( w0t  )
x(t )  Ae  Ae
2 2
x(t )  A cos(0t   )
1.3.4 Phasor Signals and
Spectra (Continuation)
This is a representation of two conjugate rotating phasors.
These expressions are referred as time domain
An alternative representation of x(t) is provided in the
frequency domain. This representation can take the
form of two plots. One showing the amplitude A as a
function of frequency f and another showing θ as a
function of frequency.
1.3.4 Phasor Signals and
Spectra (Continuation)

Figure 1. Amplitude and phase spectra for the signal A cos( 0 t   ).

1.3.4 Phasor Signals and
Spectra (Continuation)
 Example 1.7: Sketch the double sided amplitude
and phase spectra of the signal

x(t )  4 sin(20t  )
We have to convert this from sine to
 
x(t )  4 cos(20t   )
6 2
 4 cos(20t  )
1.3.4 Phasor Signals and
Spectra (Continuation)
 4 cos(20t  )
2 2
2*10tj  j  2*10tj  j
e 3
e 3

Now we can plot the magnitude and phase

of this expression.
1.3.4 Phasor Signals and
Spectra (Continuation)
1.3.4 Phasor Signals and
Spectra (Continuation)
 Example 1.8: Sketch the spectrum of
 
x(t )  2 cos(10t  )  4 sin(30t  )
4 6

We have to convert this from sine to cosine.

sin   cos(  )
  
x(t )  2 cos(10t  )  4 cos(30t   )
4 6 2
 2
 2 cos(10t  )  4 cos(30t  )
4 3
1.3.4 Phasor Signals and
Spectra (Continuation)
By expanding in complex exponentials
  2 2
2*5tj  j  2*5tj  j 2*15tj  j  2*15tj  j
e 4
e 4
e 3
e 3
 2( )  4( )
2 2
  2 2
2*5tj  j  2*5tj  j 2*15tj  j  2*15tj  j
e 4
e 4
 2e 3
 2e 3
1.3.4 Phasor Signals and
Spectra (Continuation)

Exercises: 1-9,1-10,1-11

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