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Signals and Systems

Class 3
1.4 Energy and Power Signals
 For a general signal x(t) that could be
complex the energy is defined as

E x   x(t ) dt

 The average power is defined as

1 T

Px  lim x(t ) dt
T  2T T
1.4 Energy and Power
Signals (Continuation)
Based on those definitions the following
classes of signals are defined:

 x(t) is an energy signal if and only if 0  E   , so that P  0

 x(t) is a power signal if and only if 0  P   , so that E  

 Signals that satisfy neither property are neither

energy nor power signals.
1.4 Energy and Power
Signals (Continuation)

 Example 1.11:
 t
Consider the signal x1 (t )  Ae u (t ) where A and   0
are constants. This is a signal that goes to zero;
therefore it is an Energy Signal. To calculate the
energy we have to calculate the expression:
  2 
E x   x1 (t ) dt  

Ae u (t ) dt  A 2
e  2t dt
  0
1.4 Energy and Power
Signals (Continuation)
 2t 
e e 2  e0 2 0 1 A2
A 2
A 2
A 
 2 0
 2  2 2

In the case   0 that we have x1 (t )  Au (t ) . This signal

does not go to zero as t goes to infinity. Therefore it is a
Power Signal. The power is calculated as:
1 T 1 T 2
 
Px  lim x(t ) dt  Tlim A dt
T  2T T   2T 0

A2 T A2 T A2 A2 A2 A2
 lim
T  2T 0 1dt  Tlim t  lim
 2T 0 T  2T
(T  0)  lim
T  2T
T  lim
T  2

1.4 Energy and Power
Signals (Continuation)
 Example 1.12: Consider the signal x t   A cos 0t   
This is a signal that does not go to zero at infinity,
therefore is a power signal.
1 T 1 T
Px  lim  x(t ) dt T  T
 lim A cos   0 t    2
T  2T T 2T
1 2 T
 lim A  cos 2   0 t    dt
T  2T T

1 2 T 1  cos 2  0 t    A2 2T  T cos 2  t    dt 

Px  lim A  dt  lim T
T  2T T 2 T   4T  0 
1.4 Energy and Power
Signals (Continuation)
sin(2t   ) T 2t
T cos 2(t   )  2  ( 2.2 ) sin(2( T   ))

T  4 (T ) 4 
sin(   )  sin( ( T )   ) 
4 T T

 sin( a  b)  cos(a ) sin(b)  sin( a) cos(b)

sin( 4   )  cos(4 ) sin( )  sin( 4 ) cos( )  sin   0 cos   sin 
sin( 4   )  cos(4 ) sin( )  sin( 4 ) cos   sin( )  0(cos  )  sin( )
 sin( 4   )  sin( 4   )  sin   sin   0
1.4 Energy and Power
Signals (Continuation)

Any function sine or cosine when is integrating

over (one or several) complete period their integral
is zero, then;
A2 A2
Px  lim (2T ) 
T   4T 2
1.4 Energy and Power
Signals (Continuation)
If the signal is periodic, the power is:

1 t 0 T0 2
Px 
T0 
x p (t ) dt

Homework: Comprobar con la formula anterior, el resultado para la

función cosenoidal dada, con t0=0
1.4 Energy and Power
Signals (Continuation)
 Example1.13: A rotating phasor is defined as:
x(t )  Ae j (0t  ) , find its power.
1 2
In this case the period is T0  
f 0 0
j (0t  )
Because x (t )  Ae  A cos( 0 t   )  jA sin( 0 t   )
and both signals are orthogonal, we can use the last
equation of power for sinusoids, saying the total
power is the sum of each sinusoidal power,
1.4 Energy and Power
Signals (Continuation)
which we know is , then the total power is:
Px  A2 . We can verify this
by making the integral as

homework. Suggest x (t )  x (t ) * x (t ) , the upper

symbol “ ” denotes conjugated.
1.5 Energy and Spectral Power
 Let be x(t) . We define G(f) to be the Energy Spectral
Density of if:

E x   G ( f )df

 We define S(f) to be the Power Spectral Density of x(t)


Px   S ( f )df
1.5 Energy and Spectral Power
Density (Continuation)
 Example 1.12: x t   A cos 0t   

The double side spectrum has an amplitude of A

each  and   side. We associate half of the power2
0 0
to each line of the amplitude spectra. Therefore the
power of each amplitude spectra is the square which is
1.5 Energy and Spectral Power
Density (Continuation)
Since the Power is the integral of the Power Spectral
Density is integrated to give the total power. We can
say that the Power Spectral Density of x(t )  A cos( 0 t   )
its PSD (power spectral density) is:
A2 A2
S( f )   ( f  f0 )   ( f  f0 )
4 4 A2
because when we integrate this we get 2 . For a
sinusoid of amplitude A, remember that we have its
power to be A
1.5 Energy and Spectral Power
Density (Continuation)
In a graphical manner it can be obtained by means
of the amplitude spectra for the signal A cos( 0 t   )
which is given by:
1.5 Energy and Spectral Power
Density (Continuation)
Then, the power spectral density of a single sinusoid is given

Generalizing, to calculate the PSD of periodic signals, we take

each line of its Amplitude Spectrum, square its value and
multiply by a shifted delta.
1.5 Energy and Spectral Power
Density (Continuation)
 Example 1.14: Find the PSD of the following signal
 
x(t )  10 cos(10t  )  4 sin(30t  )
7 8

First we convert the whole expression in to cosine

  
x(t )  10 cos(10t  )  4 cos(30t   )
7 8 2
 3
 10 cos(10t  )  4 cos(30t  )
7 8
1.5 Energy and Spectral Power
Density (Continuation)
For the magnitude spectrum, we have amplitude of 5
at  0 and  0 for the first cosine and amplitude of 2
at 1 and  1 for the second cosine.
1.5 Energy and Spectral Power
Density (Continuation)
When we square to calculate the power we have two
deltas with stress 25 at  0 and  0 for the first
cosine and two deltas with stress 4 at 1 and  1
for the second cosine.
1.5 Energy and Spectral Power
Density (Continuation)
The total power is the integral of all deltas, which is
the summation of 25+25+4+4=58W

 Problems:
1.8, 1.10, 1.11, 1.14, 1.16, 1.18, 1.25, 1.26, 1.27,
1.29, 1.31, 1.33, 1.38, 1.43, 1.44
System Modeling and Analysis
in the Time Domain
2.2 System Modeling Concepts
 y (t )  T  x(t ) is the output of an input signal
2.2 System Modeling Concepts
 Examples of input output relationships
1- Instantaneous, non dynamic relationships.
y(t)  Ax(t)  B
2- Linear constant coefficients, ordinary differential equations.
d n y (t ) d n 1 y (t ) dy (t ) d m x(t ) d m1 x(t )
an n
 a n 1 n 1
...  a1  a0 y (t )  bm m
 bm1 m 1
 ...........  b0 x(t )
dt dt dt dt dt
3- Integral relationships
 
y (t )   x( )h(t  )d   h( ) x(t  )d
 

This last is the superposition integral h is the impulse

response of the system.
2.2 System Modeling Concepts
 Example 2.1 (this example is only to demonstrate
the integral relationship of the superposition integral
“input-output relation”, No fear, this is not theme for
the partials).
Consider the RC low pass filter. We want to obtain
the differential equation output/input
2.2 System Modeling Concepts
x(t )  Ri (t )  y (t )
dy (t )
i (t )  C
dy (t )
Then x(t )  RC dy (or
 y (t ) (1) RC  y (t )  x(t )
dt dt

In order to solve the last equations different

approaches can be used, following differential equation
techniques gives in the text book, we first obtain the
solution to the homogeneous differential equation:
dyh (t ) dyh (t ) 1 t
RC  yh (t )  0,  dt then y h (t )  A exp(  )
dt yh (t ) RC RC
2.2 System Modeling Concepts
In order to find the total solution we use the
technique of parameters variation, which consist of
assuming a solution of the form y h (t ) but with the
undetermined coefficient A replaced by a function of
time to be found ( A(t )). Thus we assumed that:
y (t )  A(t ) exp( ), differentiating by the chain rule
we have:
dy (t )  dA(t ) A(t )  t
   exp( )
dt  dt RC  RC
2.2 System Modeling Concepts
Substituting in 1), we have:
 dA(t ) A(t )  t t
RC    exp( )  A(t ) exp( )  x(t )
 dt RC  RC RC
t dA(t )
RC exp( )  x(t )
RC dt
Then, A(t )  1

RC t0
x (  ) exp(
)d  A(t 0 )

Where is a dummy variable of integration, and A(t0 is

the initial value of A(t )at the time t .0
2.2 System Modeling Concepts
t t0
Since y (t )  A(t ) exp(  ) it follows that A(t )  y (t ) exp( )
RC 0 0
Using this last result together the expression for A(t ),
we obtain:
 1 t  t0  t
y (t )   
 RC t0
x (  ) exp(
) d  y (t 0 ) exp( )
RC 
 exp(

t  t0 1 t 
y (t )  y (t0 ) exp(
) 
RC t0
x( ) exp( 
) d

if we assumed not answer of the system at t  t 0 then,

y (t0 )  0
2.2 System Modeling Concepts
t 
then, y (t )  
RC t0
x( ) exp( 
)d , if we define
1 t
h(t )  exp( ), then, h(t   )  1 exp( t   ),

and the general equation becomes to:

y (t )   x( )h(t  )d
Properties of Systems
 Continuous time systems and discrete time
If the signals processed by the systems are
continuous, the system is referred as continuous
time system.
 Fixed and Time-Varying Systems
A system is Time invariant if its input output
relationship does not vary with time.
y (t )  T  x(t ) then y (t  t0 )  T  x (t  t0 )
Properties of Systems
 Causal and Non Causal Systems
y(t) can not do anything in anticipation of x(t)

 Dynamic and Instantaneous Systems

In an instantaneous system the output has no
memory. In a Dynamic system, the output depends
on x and on past occurrences of x. Systems with
differential equations are dynamic.
Inductor i (t )   v( ) d
L 
Properties of Systems
 Linear and Nonlinear Systems
Linear system holds superposition and homogeneity
if y(t)= T{x(t)}
y1(t)= T{x1(t)}
y2(t)= T{x2(t)}
y(t)= T{x1(t)+x2(t)}}=T{x1(t)}+T{x2(t)}=y1(t)+y2(t)

y(t)= T{x(t)}
y1(t)= T{a.x(t)}
y1(t)= a.T{x(t)}=a.y(t) Homogenity
Properties of Systems
y (t )  T  a1 x1 (t )  a 2 x 2 (t )  a1T  x1 (t )  a 2T  x 2 (t )  a1 y1 (t )  a 2 y 2 (t )
Both of them for Linearity
Properties of Systems
 Example 2.3:
Show that the system described by the next
differential equation is linear dy (t )  ty (t )  x(t )
dy1 (t )
a1x1(t) = a1 + a1ty1(t)
dy 2 (t )
a2x2(t) = a2 + a2ty2(t)
Properties of Systems
 Example 2.4: Show that the system described by
the next differential equation is not linear
dy (t )
 10 y (t )  5  x(t )
(NO a1)x1(t) = a1 dy1 (t ) + 10a1y(t) + 5

Not Linear

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