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SEL at Home

for Gr. 6 – 8

By: M. Lopez, School Counselor

June 1, 2020
Emotion regulation is
the ability to identify
your feelings and
manage them
Emotion appropriately. It’s
important to identify
Regulation whether a situation calls
for a big or small
emotions and manage
your emotions
Emotion Regulation Skills:
● Regulate emotions and ● Engage in positive self-talk
demonstrate effective coping ● Resist jumping to conclusions
skills when faced with rejection and negative self-talk,
● Identify your feelings ● Cope with feeling left out and
● Practice resiliency in the face of hurt feelings
rejection ● Resist peer pressure
● Regulate emotions not only in ● Identify 
disappointing situations, like big emotions vs. small emotions
losing a game, but also in  and the appropriate reactions for
situations in which it’s tempting each
to boast, such as winning a game.
● Regulate emotions when false ● Identify degrees of feelings in sim
ilar emotions
accusations are made
Calming Activity

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