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MSc (N)

Coughing is an important
way to keep our throat and
airways clear. But too much
coughing mean you have a
disease or disorder.
Some coughs are dry. Others
are productive. A productive
cough is one that brings up
mucus. Mucus is also called
phlegm or sputum.

expel air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound

Coughs can be either acute or chronic:
Acute coughs usually begin rapidly and are often due
to a cold, flu, or sinus infection. They usually go away
after 3 weeks.
Subacute coughs last 3 to 8 weeks.
Chronic coughs last longer than 3 weeks.
Common causes of coughing
Allergies that involve the nose
or sinuses
Asthma and COPD
(emphysema or chronic
The common cold and flu
Lung infections such as
pneumonia or acute bronchitis
Clearing the Throat
A cough is the standard way of clearing the throat. When
the airways become clogged with mucus or foreign
particles such as smoke or dust, a cough is a reflex
reaction that attempts to clear the particles and make
breathing easier.
Viruses and Bacteria
The most common cause of a cough is a respiratory tract
infection, such as a cold or flu. This is usually caused by a
virus and may only last for a few days or a week. Caused by
the flu may take some extra time to clear up.

Smoking is the second most common cause of coughing. A

cough caused by smoking is almost always a chronic
cough, with a distinctive sound. It is often known as
“smoker’s lung” or a “smoker’s cough.”
Other Conditions that may cause a cough

include; damage to the vocal cords; post-nasal

drip, bacterial infections such as pneumonia,
whooping cough and croup; and serious
conditions such as pulmonary embolisms and
heart failure.

inflammation of the larynx and trachea in

children, associated with infection and
causing breathing difficulties.
Another common condition that can cause chronic

cough is gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD). In this

condition stomach contents flow back into the
esophagus. This backflow stimulates a reflex in the
trachea causing the person to cough.
It is possible that some medications will cause
coughing, although this is generally a rare side effect.
ACE inhibitors, which are commonly used to treat
high blood pressure and heart conditions, can cause
coughing which stops when the medication is
The treatment of a cough will depend largely on its
severity and underlying cause. The treatment of an
acute cough is directed primarily at decreasing
the cough in addition to treating the underlying
cause. Symptomatic relief of cough can be provided
by over-the-counter or prescription cough remedies.
suppression of the cough reflex and active agents
sedative antihistamines;
codeine or pholcodine.

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