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Nuclear Power Plants

o In this lecture, we will discuss Nuclear Power

Plant, which includes:
o Critical Mass Chain Reaction
o Exercise Problems
o Binding energy and Mass defect
Critical Mass Chain Reaction
o Although two to three neutrons are produced for every fission, not all of these neutrons are available
for continuing the fission reaction. If the conditions are such that the neutrons are lost at a faster rate
than they are formed by fission, the chain reaction will not be self-sustaining.
o At the point where the chain reaction can become self-sustaining, this is referred to as critical mass.
o In an atomic bomb, a mass of fissile material greater than the critical mass must be assembled
instantaneously and held together for about a millionth of a second to permit the chain reaction to
propagate before the bomb explodes
o The amount of a fissionable material's critical mass depends on several factors; the shape of the
material, its composition and density, and the level of purity.
o A sphere has the minimum possible surface area for a given mass, and hence minimizes the leakage
of neutrons. By surrounding the fissionable material with a suitable neutron "reflector", the loss of
neutrons can reduced and the critical mass can be reduced.
o By using a neutron reflector, only about 11 pounds (5 kilograms) of nearly pure or weapon's grade
plutonium 239 or about 33 pounds (15 kilograms) uranium 235 is needed to achieve critical mass.
Binding energy and Mass defect
o One electron volt is the energy gained by an electron passing through the
potential difference of one volts. Since the charge on electron is 1.602 x 10-19C,
o 1 eV = 1.602 x 10-19 Joule

o 1 MeV = 106 x 1.602 x 10-19 = 1.602 x 10-13 J

o Atomic mass unit = amu, 1 amu = 1.66 x 10-27 kg
o Einstein mass-energy relation, E = mc2, where m is the mass in kg and c is
velocity of light in m/s. Hence the energy corresponding to 1 amu
o 1 amu = 1.66 x 10-27 x ( 3 x 108) 2 = 1.494 x 10-10 J
o 1 amu = ( 1.494 x 10-10 / 1.602 x 10-13) = 931 MeV

o The sum of masses of protons and neutrons exceeds the mass of atomic nucleus.
This difference in mass is called mass defect, and the energy associated with this
mass defect is called the binding energy.
Binding energy and Mass defect
o For one U235 atom, Mass defect

o 92 U235 + 0 n1 ========
156 Xe137 + 36Sr97 + 2 0n1 has the mass balance.
o 235.0439 + 1.00867 ==== 138.9061 + 96.9212 + 2 x 1.00867

o 236.0526 ==== 235.8446 amu . Thus a reduction in mass which

appears in the form of energy (exothermic)

o For one 92U235 atom, Mass defect Δm = 235.8446 - 236.0526 = - 0.2080 amu

o There fore ΔE = -0.2080 x 931 = 193.6 Mev

Binding energy and Mass defect
o The total energy released per fission reaction is about 200 Mev.
o 1 mole of Uranium-235 contains 235.0439 grams

o Number of atoms per mole = 6.023 x 10 23 atoms

o Number of atoms per gram of U235 = 6.023 x 1023 / 235.0439

o The complete fission of 1 gm, of U235 nuclei thus produces

o energy = Avogadro No./mass of U235 isotope x 200 Mev.

o = (6.023x1023 / 235.0439) x 200 = 5.126 x 1023 Mev =8.19 x1010 J

o = 2.276 x 104 kwh = 0.948 Mw- day.

o Thus , a reactor burning 1 gm of U235 , generates nearly 1 Mw day of energy. This

referred to by the term “FUEL BURNUP” which is the amount of energy in Mw- days
produced by each MT of fuel.
o The complete fission of all U235 nuclei in a fuel mass is impossible, since many of the
fission products capture neutrons in a non-fission reaction.
Problem 1
o Find the binding energy in MeV of ordinary helium 2He4 for which atomic mass
is 4.002603 amu. Given that mp = 1.007277 amu, mn = 1.008665 amu

and me = 0.00055 amu.

o Molecule of helium has 2 protons, 2 neutrons and 2 electrons. Therefore,

o Mass defect = 2 x 1.007277 + 2 x 0.00055 + 2 x 1.008665 – 4.002603 =

0.030381 amu
o Binding energy = 0.030381 x 931 = 28.285 MeV
o Binding energy per nucleon = ( 28.285 / 4 ) = 7.071 Mev

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