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• Bible, the English form of the Greek name
Biblia, meaning "books," the name which in the fifth
century began to be given to the entire collection of
sacred books, the "Library of Divine Revelation." The
name Bible was adopted by Wickliffe, and came
gradually into use in our English language.
• The Bible is the account of God’s action in the world,
and his purpose with all creation. The writing of the
Bible took place over sixteen centuries and is the work
of over forty human authors. It is quite an amazing
collection of 66 books with very different styles, all
containing the message God desired us to have.
• The accounts in the Bible were not generally written
down as they occurred. Rather they were told over and
over again and handed down through the years, before
eventually being written down. Yet the same themes
may be found throughout the book. Along with the
diversity, there is also remarkable unity throughout.
• This compilation of booklets contains an astonishing
variety of literary styles. It provides many stories about
the lives of good and bad people, about battles and
journeys, about the life of Jesus, and about early church
activity. It comes to us in narratives and dialogues, in
proverbs and parables, in songs and allegories, in history
and prophecy.
So what is the Bible?
• A guide for living life to the full. It gives us a road map for the perilous journey of life.
Or to put it another way, on our voyage through life’s ocean, the Bible is an anchor.
• A storehouse of wonderful stories for children and grownups.
• Noah and the ark
• Joseph’s coat of many colors
• Daniel in the lion’s den
• Jonah and the fish
• The parables of Jesus
These stories emphasize the triumphs and failures of ordinary people.
• A refuge in trouble. People in pain, in suffering, in
prison, and in mourning tell how turning to the Bible
brought strength in their desperate hour.
• A treasury of insight as to who we are. We are not
meaningless robots, but we are magnificent creatures of
a God who loves us and gives us a purpose and a destiny.
• A sourcebook for everyday living. We find standards for
our conduct, guidelines for knowing right from wrong,
and principles to help us in a confused society where so
often “anything goes.”
A. The Bible or Scared Scripture is the written,
inspired, Word of God. 2 Tim 3: 16-17

B. The Bible is a “fundamental” source of Divine

Revelation. -John 21: 24-25

Divine Revelation is God self-communication, the

unveiling, of the mystery of God and his redeeming
Old Testament
The old Testament is the first
section of the bible, covering the
creation of earth through Noah and
the flood, Moses and more, fishing
with the Jews being expelled to
Sections of the Old Testament
Catholic Bibles Hebrew Bibles
 Torah or Pentateuch The Law (Torah)
 Historical Books The Prophets (Nebhim)
 Wisdom Books The Writings (Kethubhim)
The Prophets
 Deutero-canonical books.
The four sources of the Torah or Pentateuch

1.The Yawist or (Y) used Yahweh as Gods name.

2.The Elohist or (E) described God as Elohim or Lord.
3. The Deuteronomist or (D) stressed the importance of the
Law as the as the foundation for the Kingdom of
4. The Priestly writer or (P) highlighted religious rituals and
the function of the Priesthood.
Major and Minor Prophets

The Major Prophets are four: There are 12 Minor Prophets:

Hosea Joel
A.Isaiah B. Amos
B.Jeremiah C. Obadiah
C.Ezekiel Micah Nahum
D. *Daniel Habakkuk
Historical Books
The Historical books narrate the early history of Israel, the conquest
of Canaan, the era of the Judges, the emergence and division of the
Monarchy into Northern and Southern Kingdoms and the events
leading to the captivity of both kingdoms by the enemies of Israel.

The historical books are:

I and II Samuel
I and II Kings
The Wisdom Books
The “Wisdom books “Wisdom books” because they are
mixture of philosophical treaties and poetry. These
books are grouped in the Hebrew canon under “the
The Wisdom books are:
Ecclesiastes Song or Song of Solomon
Bible Stories of the Old Testament
The New Testament Christian Scriptures
are the inspired testimony about Jesus
Christ the son of God and the new
Covenant (relationship) he came to
stablish between humanity and God.
Luke 22:20
The New Testament is divided in four main sections:
A. Gospels
B. Acts
C. Letter or Epistles Pauline Letters ,
Catholic Epistles

D. Apocalyptic
 The word Gospel comes from the Greek word
“Euangelion” or Good News.

 The canonical Gospels were written in Koine Greek in the

period 65—100 A.D.

 There are four Canonical Gospels:

1. Matthew
2. Mark
3. Luke Synoptic Gospels
4. John

In chronological sequence
1.Mark 65-75 A.D.
2.Matthew 75-90 A.D
3.Luke 80-95
4.John A.D

There are twenty one letters or Epistles in the New

Thirteen of these letters or epistles are attributed to the
Apostle Paul and form what is known the Pauline Corpus.
The other seven are called Catholic Epistles.
Early Letters 1 Thessalonians 51 A.D.
2 Thessalonians 51 or 90 A.D.

Great Letters Galatians 54-57 A.D

Philippians 56-57 A.D
1 Corinthians 57 A.D
2 Corinthians 57 A. D
Romans 58 A.D

Captivity Letter Philemon 56-57 or 61-63 A.D

Colossians 61-63 or 70-80 A.D
Ephesians 61-63 or 90-100 A.D

Pastoral Letters Titus 65 or 95-100 A.D

1 Timothy 65 or 95-100 A.D 2
Timothy 66-67 or 95-100 A.D
The Dutero-Pauline Letters or “Disputed letters” are the epistles
Biblical scholars believe were written by Paul’s followers after his
death, rather than Paul himself. The opinion of Biblical scholars
on this matter is evenly divided, with some arguing for their

The Deutero-Pauline Letters or “Disputed letters” are:

2 Thessalonians
1 and 2 Timothy
The Catholic Epistles are seven They deal The Catholic Epistles in
with different themes such as:
order of composition are:
A. The relationship between works and 1 Peter 64 or 70-80 A.D 1
B. Faithfulness and Holiness of Life James 62 or 70-80 A.
C. The necessity to preserve the truth Jude 70-90 A.D
from false teachings from false teachings
D. The value of Jesus death and 1 John 90 A.D.
resurrection 2 John 90 A.D
E. Christological and Theological themes.
F. Hope in the Second Coming 3 John 90 A.D
2 Peter 100-150 A.D

The book of Revelation or Apocalypse was written around the

year 90 A.D 90 A.D. This book affirms Christianity’s hope for
an immediate transformation of the world, the destruction of
all evil powers and the establishment of Christ’s reign.
Influence of bible in the World
“The influence of the Bible is worldwide,” wrote Arthur Pink,
the Christian evangelist. “Its mighty power has affected
every department of human activity. The contents of the
Scriptures have supplied themes for the greatest poets,
artists and musicians which the world has yet produced,
and have been the mightiest factor of all in shaping the
moral progress of the race.”

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