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Technical terms used in Masonry:
 Corbel
 Cornice
 Coping
 Throating
 Weathering
 Through Stone
 Stretcher Bond
 Header Bond
 Flemish Bond
 English Bond
 Garden Wall Bond
 Facing Bond
 Raking Bond
 Dutch Bond
 English Cross Bond
 Zig-Zag Bond
Stretcher Bond
 In this type of bond all the bricks are laid in
stretcher courses.
 Easiest bond to lay & minimizes the amount of
cutting required.
 The stretcher bond is useful for one brick
partition wall.
 For higher thickness walls, it is not practicable.
Header Bond
Header Bond

 In this type of bond, all the bricks are laid in

header courses.
 This type of arrangement is suitable for wall
which are one brick thick.
 This is also suitable for the construction of
curved wall.
 this is also used in construction of footings.
English Bond
 Alternative courses of headers and stretchers;
one header placed centrally above each
 This is a very strong bond when the wall is 1
brick thick (or thicker).
 One of the strongest brickwork bond patterns.
Flemish Bond :
 Alternate bricks are placed as header and

stretcher in every course.

 Each header is placed centrally between the

stretcher immediately above and below.

 This is not as strong as the English bond at

1 brick thick . Can be successfully applied in

cavity wall.
Single Flemish Bond
Single Flemish Bond
Double Flemish bond
Double Flemish bond
English Garden Wall Bond
 An alternative version of English bond with
header courses being inserted at every fourth or
sixth course.
 This is a correspondingly weaker bond.

 Suitable for free standing wall.

Flemish Garden Wall Bond
 In this variant of Flemish bond, one header is

placed at every third stretcher

Raking Bond
 Used for thick wall construction.
 Bricks are laid in inclination to the direction of wall.
 It helps to increase longitudinal stability.

Diagonal Bond
It is suited for 2 – 4 brick thick wall.
Herringbone Bond
 It is a purely decorative bond.
 It is used in floor and wall panels.
Zig-Zag Bond:
 Similar to herring-bone bond, except that the
bricks are laid in zig-zag position.
 Commonly used for brick paved floorings.

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