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Presentation On

Innovative Invention of Apple


SL NO Name ID Present
01 MD.SHAHEDUL HAQUE 2019210005037 Introduction
(Slide 1-3)
03. MD.FARHADUL ISLAM 2019110005011 Question No : 2
04 NAFEES ISLAM 2019110005010 Question No: 3,

Product : Ipod ,Iphone ,Ipad, Apple software

Price : High In price but customer are happy to purchase
Promotion : Electric & Print media (ad,
Place : All over the word through
 Apple store
 Online apple store and app store /ecommerce site
 Authorizes retail telecom company
Strength Weakness
 High price
 Leading innovator of mobile  Decreasing market share
technology  Defects on new product
 Strong financial performance ($ 10  Long term profit marginal decline
billion in cash )
 Brand Reputation
 Retail Stores
 Strong Marketing and Advertising

Opportunities Threats
 High Demand for ipad & iphone  Rapid technological change
 Market growth for tablet and smartphone  Strong Dollar
 Increasing demand for icloud  Android OS growth
What makes the company so good at innovation?

 Always focus on developing technology and design.

 Clever marketing effort by developing memorable ads.
 Identify new opportunity in market.
 Being good at customers behavior research .
 They are ready to take up any risk and maintain effective team
 Continuously monitoring the activities of the competitors.
Is anyone comparable to Apple in this respect?

 Apple has gained huge profits through its innovations.

 There is no company doing better than Apple in innovation.
Importance Of IPod To Apple current

 Total Integration
 Interface
 Windows Support
 I-tunes Store
 Fair Play
Apples I-phone And I pad Product
Development Strategy

 Quality Product With Premium Offering.

 New Updeats,Not Necessary New Product.
 Control Both Software And Hardware.
 Giving Multicolor Attention To Details.
What is next for apple?

‘’Apple Inadvertently Revealed Its Next Big Thing

It's Not What You Think’’

The Guardian-may 2017

Should it continue to move away from computers and toward more new handheld

Almost Shifted to handhold devices

 Siri in 2011
 TouchID in 2013
 Apple Pay in 2014
 CarPlay in 2014
 Apple Watch in 2015

Apple is now primarily a mobile device company and not a computer company.

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