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KEDUA 2017/2018

Kuliah M2

Definisi Kerja sosial
1) NASW (National Association 1) NASW (National
of Social Work) - 1973 Association of Social Work) -
Kerja sosial merupakan aktiviti 1973
profesional untuk menolong Social work is a professional
individu, kumpulan atau
activity to help individuals,
komuniti bagi meningkatkan
groups or communities to
atau memulihkan keupayaam
mereka bagi mencapai enhance or restore their
kefungsian sosial dan seterusnya ability to achieve social
membentuk “societal” yang baik functionality and thus form a
bagi mencapai matlamat good societal to achieve
masing-masing. their goals.

Definisi Kerja sosial
2) Boehm (1959) – Council on 2) Boehm (1959) – Council on
Social Work Education Social Work Education
Kerja sosial bertujuan The aims of social work is to
meningkatkan kefungsian enhance individual social
sosial individu samada functions whether alone or in
berseorangan atau groups through activities that
berkumpulan melalui aktiviti focus on their social
yang memfokus kepada relationships (individual
perhubungan sosial mereka interactions with other
(interaksi individu dengan individuals as well as the
individu lain dan juga
Definisi Kerja sosial

Payne (1997)
Social work is socially constructed through
interaction with clients, because they
themselves become defined as clients by
social processes, through its formation as
an occupation among a network of related
occupations, and through the social forces
which define it through its organizational,
agency and social context
Definisi Kerja sosial
Berdasarkan fungsi kerja Based on social work
sosial function
 Kerja sosial bertujuan untuk  Social work is intend to
meningkatkan kefungsian enhance individual social
sosial individu samada functionality either alone
secara berseorangan atau
or in a group.
 Through activities that
 Melalui aktiviti yang
menfokus kepada focus on social
perhubungan sosial relationships (interactions
(interaksi antara manusia between humans and the
dengan persekitaran) environment)
3 Fungsi Utama

 Memulihkan  Restoration of
kelemahan impaired capacity
 Menyediakan  Provision of
sumber individu individual and
dan sosial social resources
 Mencegah  Prevention of
berlakunya social
disfungsi sosial dysfunction
“Restoration of impaired capacity”

1) Curative (Pengubatan) 1) Curative

Mengurangkan faktor yang Reducing the factors that
menyebabkan cause dysfunction,
ketidakfungsian berlaku, example: -
contoh:-  Provides hearing aids
•Memberi alat pendengaran
pada kanak-kanak cacat
in hearing impaired
pendengaran children
•Menempatkan kanak-kanak  Placing orphan or
yang yatim atau tersisih dari children who separated
keluarga ke rumah anak- from their family to
anak yatim
orphanage homes
“Restoration of impaired capacity”
2) Rehabilitative (Pemulihan) 2) Rehabilitative
Menyusun dan membina Organizing and improve
semula corak interaksi individual interaction
individu, patterns,
Contoh:- Examples: -
• Menolong seorang kanak-kanak  Help a child to be
supaya “psychologically psychologically accepted with
accepted’” dengan alat the hearing aid given
pendengaran yang diberi  Help the children to receive
• Menolong kanak-kanak yang new atmosphere and
ditempatkan di rumah kanak- conditions in new family in
kanak untuk menerima suasana orphanage home
dan keadaan baru di situ
”Provision of individual and social
1) Developmental 1)Developmental
(pembangunan) Use of existing social resources
Penggunaan sepenuhnya sumber
to create more effective social
sosial sedia ada untuk mewujudkan
sosial interaksi yang lebih efektif, interactions, for example: -
contoh:-  The process of helping
 Proses menolong melalui through counseling,
kaunseling, secara individu individually or group
atau kumpulan  Problem between husband
 Pasangan suami isteri yang and wife - providing more
bermasalah – menyediakan meaningful communication
saluran komunikasi yang channels to them to solve
lebih bermakna kepada their problems
mereka untuk menyelesaikan
”Provision of individual and social
2) Educational 2) Educational
(Pendidikan) To educate individuals,
Memberi pendidikan kepada groups or communities
individu, kumpulan atau
For example: -
komuniti Contohnya:-
 General lectures on
 Syarahan umum
families and the role
mengenai keluarga
of parents
dan peranan ibubapa
 Lectures on current
 Syarahan mengenai
isu semasa masyarakat
issues in society
“Prevention of social dysfunction”
1) Prevention of 1) Prevention of
problem problem
Mencegah berlakunya Prevent the occurrence
masalah, Contoh:- of problems, Example: -
 Counseling before
• Kaunseling sebelum
perkahwinan untuk marriage to prevent
mencegah berlakunya the occurrence of
kegagalan dalam failure in the
pembentukan institusi establishment of
kekeluargaan family institution
“Prevention of social dysfunction”
2) Prevention of 2)Prevention of
social ills social ills
Mencegah penyakit- Preventing social
penyakit sosial
illnesses such as: -
 Reduces juvenile and
 Mengurangkan masalah
juvana dan delinkuen delinquent issues by
dengan menggunakan fully utilizing the
sepenuhnya sumber economic and social
ekonomi dan sosial yang resources available
terdapat dalam komuniti in the community
Fokus utama The main
pekerja sosial focus of social

 Menolong membaiki atau  Help improve or enhance
meningkatkan kefungsian
social functioning and
sosial serta kemampuan
berinteraksi dalam masyarakat interaction in society
 Menolong individu  Help individuals solve
menyelesaikan masalah personal problems
peribadi  Social workers work with
 Pekerja sosial bekerja dengan
klien pada peringkat sedar clients at a conscious
(‘conscious level’), mereka level, they will help
akan menolong klien clients receive reality and
menerima realiti dan cuba try to solve the problem
menyelesaikan masalah
Prinsip asas Underlying
terhadap principles of
bidang kerja social work
sosial field

1. Merupakan salah satu 1. One of the helping
profesion menolong professions
2. Praktis kerja sosial 2. Social work practice
berdasarkan teori, nilai is based on scientific
dan prinsip yang theories, values and
saintifik principles
3. Profesion yang
3. Required and
diperlukan dan
constantly growing
sentiasa berkembang
4. Membawa nilai kerja
sosial secara 4. Establish social work
profesional ke dalam values professionally
masyarakat into society
5. Amalan kerja sosial 5. Social work practice
berdasarkan pendekatan based on scientific
saintifik, 3 bentuk approach, 3 forms of
pengetahuan terlibat knowledge involved
ialah are…
 Tested knowledge  Tested knowledge
 Hypothetical  Hypothetical knowledge
knowledge  Assumptive knowledge
 Assumptive knowledge & practice wisdom
& practice wisdom
6. Pengetahuan yang 6. Needed knowledge is
diperlukan based on goals,
berdasarkan matlamat, functions and nature of
fungsi dan nature of problem
problem 7. Value and knowledge
7. Nilai dan pengetahuan are a key feature of
merupakan ciri utama social work profession
profesion kerja sosial 8. Professional skills is
8. Kemahiran profesional highly emphasized in
amat dititik beratkan social work activities
dalam aktiviti-aktiviti
yang dijalankan adalah
Ciri-ciri Special
istimewa bidang features of
kerja sosial social work

1. Memfokus kepada “the 1. Focusing on "the
wholeness and totality of wholeness and totality of
the person” the person"
2. Menekankan faktor 2. Emphasize family factors
kekeluargaan dalam in individual behavior
tingkahlaku individu 3. Fully utilize community
3. Menggunakan sumber resources
komuniti sepenuhnya
4. Use the supervision
4. Menggunakan proses process
5. Unique research
5. Program penyelidikan
yang unik
6. Menumpu kepada 3 6. Focus on 3 main
proses utama processes
 Casework  Casework
 Groupwork  Group work
 Community  Community
organisation organization
7. Mempunyai badan 6. Has professional
profesional seperti bodies such as NASW,
8. Hubungan merupakan 7. Relationships are an
elemen penting dalam important element of
proses kerja sosial the social work
9. Menggunakan 9. Using concepts of
orientasi konsep- psychiatry and
kosep psikiatri dan pressure
10.Menitik beratkan
10.Emphasize the
hubungan dan relationship and
tekanan dalam pressure in
interaksi interaction
11.Masalah sosial dan 11.Human and
tingkahlaku social problems
13. Menolong klien untuk 13. Help clients to help
menolong diri sendiri themselves
14. Pekerja sosial bekerja 14. Social workers
dengan agensi always work with
15. Secara tradisinya agencies
menyediakan 15. Traditionally provide
perkhidmatan kepada services to individuals
individu dan keluarga and families
16. Pendekatan secara 16. Group approach
Konsep sosial dalam kerja sosial menekankan hubungan dan
tekanan yang terhasil dari hubungan
Social concepts in social work emphasize the relationship and the
stresses of the relationship
Individu, group, community
Pekerja sosial menekankan
permasalahan dan tekanan
dalam interaksi sosial individu
Social interaction stress dan kumpulan
Social workers emphasize problems
and stress in individual and group
social interactions
Individu, group,comunity

Social functioning or malfunctioning



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