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Machine Learning With Python

Name: Sagar Joshi

Online Platform: Coursera
Outline of course:-
1. Introduction to Machine Learning
2. Regression
3. Classification
4. Clustering
5. Recommender System
1. Introduction to Machine Learning
Introduction with the python for machine learning
List of libraries are:-
Types of machine learning:-
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
2. Regression
Basic definition of regression

Types of regression:-
Linear Regression
Non-Linear Regression

Variants of Regression:-
Simple Regression
Multiple Regression
3. Classification
Basics of classification

To apply classification on various datasets to solve real

world problems

Classification Algorithms:-
K-Nearest Neighbors
Decision Tree
Logistic Regression
Support Vector Machine
4. Clustering
Basics of clustering

To apply classification on various datasets to solve real

world problems

Clustering Algorithms:-
K-Means Clustering
Hierarchical Clustering
Density-based Clustering
5. Recommender System
To understand the purpose and mechanism of
recommendation system
To understand different types of recommender systems
To implement recommender system on a real dataset
Types of recommendation Engines:-
Content-based recommendation engines
Collaborative Filtering

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