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Peak Performance 10e

Chapter 4: Manage Your Time

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• Chapter 4 Learning Objectives
• Determine how they use their time and how
they should use their time
• Use personal goals to identify priorities
• List time-management strategies
• Work in alignment with their learning styles
• Overcome obstacles with better time-
management habits
• Handle interruptions
• Identify strategies to juggle family, school,
and job commitments
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• Where Does Time Go?

• Committed time
• Maintenance time
• Discretionary time

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• Time Management = Setting Goals

• Goals need to be
• specific
• measurable
• observable
• realistic
• A goal is a target that motivates you and
directs your efforts

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• Types of Goals

• Long-term goals
• Goals that will be accomplished in 10 years or so
• Intermediate goals
• Goals to be accomplished in the next 5 years
• Semester goals
• Your goals for this semester or quarter of school
• Accomplishing semester goals will help you achieve your
bigger goals

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• Habit Cycle for Success

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• Setting Priorities

• Urgent priorities
• Important priorities
• Ongoing activities
• Trivial activities

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• Time Management Strategies

• Keep a calendar
• Create a daily to-do list

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• Time Management Strategies

• Do the tough tasks first

• Break projects down into smaller tasks

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• Time Management Strategies

• Consolidate similar tasks

• Study at your high-energy time
• Study everywhere and anywhere

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• Time Management Strategies

• Study in short segments throughout the day

• Get organized
• Be flexible, patient, and persistent
• Realize that you can’t do it all (at least right
• Create a habit

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• Time-Management and Learning
Style: Left Brain Thinkers
• Time management strategies are designed
for left-brain thinkers.
• Left-brain people are convergent thinkers.
• Left-brain-dominant people like routine,
structure, and

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• Time-Management and Learning
Style: Right Brain Thinkers
• Right-brain people are divergent thinkers.
• They like variety, flexibility, creativity and
• Right-brain people should:
• Focus on a few tasks.
• Write it down.
• Use visuals.
• Integrate learning styles

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• Overcome Obstacles:
Stop Procrastinating
• Set daily priorities.
• Break the project into small tasks.
• Gather everything you’ll need to start your project.
• Focus for short spurts.
• Surround yourself with supportive people.
• Tackle difficult tasks during your high-energy time.
• Develop a positive attitude.
• Reward yourself.
• Don’t expect perfection.

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• Overcoming Obstacles:
Control Interruptions
• Create an organized place to study.
• Determine your optimal time to study.
• Create quiet time.
• Study in the library.
• Do first things first.
• Just say no.

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• Juggling Family, School, and Job

• Be flexible.
• Communicate with your
• Delegate and develop.
• Find good day care.
• Prepare the night before.
• Use your school’s resources. © Keith Brofsky/Getty RF

• Communicate with your employer.

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• Juggling Family, School, and Job

• Look into online options.

• Increase your physical and
emotional energy.
• Create positive time.
• Model successful behavior.
• Balance your life.

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• Tech for Success

• Semester calendar
• Management gurus
• A personal time-out.

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Chapter 4
Manage Your Time

What Questions
Do you Have?

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