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DzulRizka Razak, Prema Hapsari Hidayati, Rezky Putri Indarwati A, Dahliah, Andi
Tenri Sanna
Faculty of Medicine,Universitas Muslim Indonesia


Background: About 30-40% of people with type 2 This study uses a cross-sectional study design
diabetes mellitus could experience renal damage with consecutive random sampling technique, the
that will eventually lead to terminal renal failure and sample is patient with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and
require hemodialysis. Some people with type 2 hypertension that examined for their urine and blood
diabetes mellitus also experience hypertension. pressure at the same time. The sample that having
High blood pressure can affect kidney function by urinary tract infection at kidney abnormalities will be
stimulate the kidneys to work harder and induce exclude.
renal cell damage which is characterized by Patients who have the criteria then continued to
proteinuria. Aim: The purpose of our study is to measuring the blood pressure and urine test. The
determine the relationship between hypertension and result of this study are performed in univariat and
proteinuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in bivariat. That analyzed by using SPSS program. The
Ibnu Sina Hospital Makassar. Methods: A cross statistic test that used is chi-square test.
sectional study of Diabetic patients at Ibnu Sina
Teaching Hospital that examined for their urine and
blood pressure at one time. Results: There were 32 RESULTS
diabetic patients included in this study at March to
June 2019. Among these samples there were Of the 32 diabetes mellitus patients that fulfill
81,25% with hypertension and 8,75% without
hypertension. Our study revealed that out of 32
the inclusion and exclusion criteria, where found 26 DISCUSSION
patients that are having hypertension and
diabetic patients 8 (25%) had proteinuria and 24 normotension as many as 6 patients while the
(75.0%) didn’t have proteinuria. After we analyzed patients with proteinuria are 8 patients and negative The incident of women whom suffering from
with Chi Squared Test, we obtained p value is 0,296. proteinuria are 24 patients. In the bivariate analysis diabetes mellitus are more than compared to the
In prehypertension group, we found 1 patient with that using the chi-square test, twhere found non number of men. This is because the level of
proteinuria (+), and 1 patient with proteinuria (++). In significant p value which is p = 0.296.  sensitivity to the action of insulin in the muscles and
stage 1 hypertension group, there were 3 patients liver. Estrogen is a hormone that belongs to women.
with proteinuria (+). And in stage 2 hypertension , we Increased and decreased levels of the hormone
found 2 patients with proteinuria (+++) and 1 patient estrogen which is can be increased and decreased
with proteinuria (++++). It seems the more severe by blood glucose levels. When estrogen levels
degree hypertension would induce more severe increased, the body will be resistant to insulin
proteinuria, although statiscally not significant. The relationship of hypertension with the
Conclusion: There is no relationship between incidence of proteinuria in patients with diabetes
hypertension and proteinuria in patients diabetes melitustype 2 also showed that patients who detected
mellitus type 2. proteinuria were positive as many as 8 people
  (30.8%) and negative 24 people (69.2%). This also
Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; showed that not all patients with diabetes mellitus
Hypertension; Proteinuria  who accompanied hypertension could detected
proteinuria because proteinuria is usually found in
patients with diabetes melitustype 2 who have long
BACKGROUND suffered from hypertension, usually the length of time
needed to cause proteinuria about 10 years more
Diabetes mellitus is a clinical syndrome due to kidney atherosclerosis and benign
associated with insulin deficiency, inefficiency or nephrosclerosis.
both. The IDF estimates that over 382 million people Research conducted by Saaito T, et al in 2013
worldwide are presenting with diabetes with the of 216 people found that metabolic syndromes
number possibly rising to 592 million in the year of including hypertension and diabetes mellitus were
2035. Indonesian on 7th rank out of 10 countries that predictors of the development of chronic kidney
presenting the people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. disease characterized by pathological proteinuria.
One of the complications of type 2 diabetes Higher blood pressure in hypertension results in
mellitus (T2DM) is nephropathy characterized by damage to renal nephrons, decreases in nephron
increased excretion of protein in the urine which is mass causing an increase in plasma nephron flow
presently the leading attributable cause of chronic and hyperfiltration in the remaining nephrons.
kidney disease. This condition sometimes eventually Hyperfiltration increases glomerular capillary
become worsen and require hemodialysis. Persistent permeability, so that the protein passes through the
proteinuria in T2 DM patient indicated the beginning glomerular capillary membrane and proteinuria
of damage of kidney function. occurs.
Some studies found that hypertension is one
of risk factor that contribute to development CONCLUSION
proteinuria in T2DM.
Research on the relationship of hypertension
In this study there was no significant
to the incidence of proteinuria in patients with type 2
relationship between hypertension and incidence of
diabetes mellitus in Indonesia is still rare to be found
proteinuria in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
the incidents of the type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is
at Ibnu Sina Hospital Makassar. 
increase year by year. There for, the authors are
interested in conducting research on this matter.

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