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Directions for Questions 1 to 5: A B school offers an MBA degree

with specializations available in Finance, Marketing and HR. 40%
of the total students are girls. The number of boys studying Finance
in the institute is 432 which is 40% of the total number of boys in
the institute. 25% of the girls in the institute study HR. The number
of boys and girls studying Finance is in the ratio 4 : 1. 35% of the
boys in the institute study Marketing.
1. How many girls study Marketing in the B school?
a. 392 b. 432 c. 456 d. 108 e. 180
2. The number of girls studying finance in the institute is what
percentage of the number of girls studying Marketing?
a. 15% b. 40% c. 25% d. 30% e. 45%
3. What is the ratio of the number of boys studying HR to the
number of girls studying HR?
a. 2:3 b. 2:5 c. 5:3 d. 3:2 e. 5:4

4. What is the total number of students in the institute?

a. 1600 b. 1640 c. 1540 d. 1720 e. 1800

5. What is the ratio of the number of girls and boys studying

a. 8:7 b. 7:8 c. 5:7 d. 7:5 e. None of these
Directions for Questions 6 to 10: In a school consisting of 2400
children, the ratio of girls to boys is 7 : 5 respectively. Al the
children have taken different classes as per their hobby viz. chess,
badminton, table-tennis and carom. 30% percent of the boys take
table-tennis classes. The number of girls taking badminton classes
is three fifth of the number of boys taking the same. One-fourth
of the girls take carom classes. The total number of students
taking carom classes is 650. One-fifth of the boys take chess
classes and the remaining boys take badminton classes. The girls
taking chess classes are thrice the number of boys taking the
same. The remaining girls take table-tennis classes.
6. What is the ratio of the number of girls taking table-tennis
classes to the number of boys taking badminton classes?
a. 33:30 b. 3:2 c. 33:20 d. 8:5 e.16:11
7. The number of girls taking carom classes is what percentage
of the total number of children in the school?
a.14.58% b. 12% c. 9.54% d.16% e. 20%
8. What is the total number of children taking badminton classes?
a. 450 b. 800 c. 320 d. 650 e. 530
9. What is the total number of girls taking table tennis classes?
a. 600 b. 120 c. 330 d. 440 e. 350.
10. Which game is taken by the maximum number of girls?
a. Chess b. Badminton c. Table Tennis d. Carrom
e. More than one of the above
Directions for Questions 11 to 15: Four boxes P, Q, R and S are
measured for their weights and then loaded onto a train. The weight
of P, which' is 100 kg is less than that of R by the same amount by
which the weight of R is less than that of S. The average weight of
P, R and S is 300 kg. It is also known that the average weight of the
4 boxes is 75 kg more than the weight of R.

11. The weight of how many boxes is more than the average of all
the four boxes?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. Cannot be determined
12. Box R weighs less than box S by
a.40% b. 150 kg c. 100 kg d. 60% e. None of these
13. The weight (in kgs) of box Q is
a. 600 b. 250 c. 350 d. 100 e. 150
14. If the heaviest box is not loaded on the train What
is the
average weight (in kgs) of the 3 loaded boxes?
a. 300 b. 333.33 c. 400 d. 466.66 e. 500
15. The ratio of the difference in weights of box P and Q and the
sum of the weights of box R and S is
a.5:2 b. 1:2 c. 5:8 d. 3:8 e. 2:5
Directions for Questions 16 to 20: Answer the following
questions based on the information given below:
In Indian Public School (IPS) 80% of the students who appeared
for the class X Board exams in 2014 passed the exam. Among.
these who passed the board exams, 60% joined Indian Intermediate
college (IIC) for their class Xl. The students of IPS who joined
I1C opted for science, commerce and humanities streams In the
ratio 3 4 : 5. 60% of students in science stream, 40% of students in
commerce stream and 50% of students in humanities stream of
class XI in 11C, happen to be students of IPS who passed In 2014.
The total number of students in all the three streams of class XI In
11C is 800. Each student opts for only one stream.
16. How many students failed in the board exams in IPS in 2014?
a. 160 b.120 c.200 d. 240 e. none of these
17.If 10%of the students who opted for humanities in the class XI
in IIC are awarded a scholarship, how many students got the
scholarship ?
a. 10 b. 26 c. 32 d. 45 e. none of these
18. For every 3 students from IPS who opted for science stream in
class XI in IIC, there are 2 students from another school APS
pursuing science stream in class XI in IIC. If the students of APS
who joined class XI in IIC opted for science, commerce, and
humanities in the ratio 2:3:4. How many students pursuing
commerce stream in class XI in IIC are from APS?
a. 120 b.130 c.156 d.196 e. none of these
19. Using the data from the above question , what percentage of
students pursuing humanities in class XI of IIC are from
neither IPS or APS?
a. 15% b.18% c. 10% d. 20% e. none of these
20. If IIC collects monthly fees of 1000rs, 1500rs and 2000rs from
class XI students of science , humanities and commerce
respectively, what would be the fee collected from three streams in
a month from class XI of IIC?
a.10.2 lakhs b. 10.8 lakhs c.12.8 lakhs d. cannot be determined
e. none of these
Directions for Questions 21 to 25: Hiralal wrote his will on his
deathbed. The terms of his will are as follows:
(1) Hiralal's wife gets a third of his property originally-worth Rs
(2) After Hiralal's wife, his son Haralal gets 50% of the remaining
(3) After Haralal, Hiralal's daughters Heera and Henna get the
remaining property in the ratio 8 : 9 respectively.

21. The share of the property that Hiralal's wife gets, is what
percentage of the property that Haralal and Heera together get?
a. 60% b. 58% c. 85% d. 68% e.
none of these
22. What is the difference in the amounts received by Haralal and Henna
(in lakhs)?
a. 8 b. 9 c. 11 d.12 e. none of these
23.The difference in the share of property that Heera and Henna get, is
what percentage of the property that Hiralal's wife got?
a.5% b.5(5/17)% c.6% d. 6(8/17)% e.none of these
24.The share of the total property that Hiralal's wife gets, is how many
percentage points more than Heera's share?
a. 33 b. 17.64 c. 15.69 d. 13.5 e. none of these
25.If the shares of Henna and Haralal are interchanged , Heera's share of
the property would be what percentage (approx) of the property share of
Haralal and Hiralal's wife together?
a. 29% b. 31% c. 33% d. 35% e. none of these
Directions for Questions 26 to 30: The table below shows the
number of vehicles purchased in six different cities in six different
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Ahmedabad 120 135 140 150 155
Bangalore 102 105 107 109 113
Kolkata 134 140 142 147 152
Indore 182 195 205 208 218
Lucknow 165 175 184 197 205
Kozhikode 160 179 185 195 207
26. In Ahmedabad, the total number of vehicles purchased in 2016 is what
percentage of the vehicles purchased in 2018?
a.75% b. 90% c.80% d. 85% e. None of these
27. What is the difference in the total number of vehicles purchased in Bangalore
and Kolkata in the years 2014 and 2017?
a.17 b. 25 c.20 d. 23 e. 16
28.What is the total number of vehicles purchased across all the six cities over
the given period?
a. 4652 b. 4715 c. 4791 d. 4561 e. 4811
29. What is the percentage increase in the number of vehicles purchased in
Indore in 2016 over the previous year?
a. 5.3% b. 7.2% c. 6.8% d. 5.67% e. None of
30. What is the ratio of total number of vehicles purchased in Kolkata to that
Lucknow over the given period?
Directions for Questions 31 to 35: The following table gives the
details of the specializations liked by percentage students in different
years in at IIM A. The following are the specializations: Finance (Fin),
Operations (Ops), Marketing (Mark) and Human Resources (HR)

Year No of Students Fin Ops Mark HR

2014 120 60% 70% 50% 60%

2015 140 50% 60% 60% 50%

2016 160 40% 65% 55% 45%

2017 180 65% 75% 65% 55%

2018 240 70% 80% 75% 45%

31. How many students in all opted for Finance as the specialization?
a.436 b. 432 c. 491 d. 511
32.By what percentage is the number of students in the class who opted for
finance as specialization in the year 2014 more/less than those who opted for
marketing as a specialization in 2018?
a. 60% less b. 50% more c. 53.33% less d. 56.67% more
33.The number of students who opted for finance as a specialization in 2015 is
what percentage of the number of students who opted for HR as a specialization
in 2016?
a. 88% b. 93.5% c. 95.6% d. 97.2%
34. In how many of the given years can more than 90 students have opted for
the 4 specializations?
a. 4 b. 3 c. 1 d. 2
35. What can be the maximum percentage number of students in the year 2014
who did not opt for any of the specializations?
Directions for Questions 36 to 40: The table below shows the
number of boys and girls studying in three different IIM’s A, B, C
in 3 different years

Year IIM A IIM B IIM C Total

2015 20 40 25 85 65

2016 15 35 30 115

2017 50 27 22 72 102

Total 60 75 115 92 242

36.How many students are studying in these three IIM’s in the year
a. 195 b. 205 c. 215 d. 210 e. 200
37. The number of girls studying in IIM C in 2016 is what
percentage of
the number of boys in IIM A in 2017?
a. 180% b. 150% c. 120% d. 90% e. None
of these
38. What is the ratio of the total number of students in all three
IIM’s in
2016 to that in 2017?
a. 101:37 b. 105:39 c. 105:31 d. 107:37 e. 100:87
39.In IIM A, what is the ratio of the total number of boys and girls over
the given period?
a. 3:4 b. 4:3 c. 4:5 d. 5:4 e. 8:5
Directions for Questions 41 to 45: The table below represents the
percentage of employees of six companies who got promoted in the
year 2017-2018

Company % of employees who got promotion

P 48
Q 34
R 56
S 30
T 45
U 58
41.What is the total number of employees who did not get promotion in
companies Q and R together if there were 1100 employees in each of the
companies Q and R?
a. 1205 b. 1210 c. 1130 d. 1195
42.If the ratio of the number of employees in the companies P and U is
8:13 then what is the ratio of number of employees in P and U who did
not get promoted?
a.23:16 b. 21:23 c. 16:21 d. 17:21
43.In company S, the number of employees was 20% more than that
of the previous year and the number of employees who got promotion is
also 20% more than that of the previous year , than what is the ratio of
the number of employees who did not get promoted in 2016-2017 to that
of 2017-2018?
a. 5:6 b. 5:7 c. 7:6 d. 4:3
44. If 140 employees in Company S did not get promotion, then
find the total number of employees in the company that year?
a. 170 b. 180 c. 160 d. None of these

45. If the number of employees in company P and T forms 20% and

25% respectively of the total employees of all the six companies
together, then what is the approximate ratio of employees who did
not get promotion in Companies P and T?
a. 2:3 b. 4:5 c. 3:4 d. 1:1
Directions for Questions 46 to 50: The following tables give the
results of five candidates Akanksha, Brinda, Charan, Dolly and
Esha in CAT exam comprising three sections: Quantitative Aptitude
(QA) Logical Reasoning (LR) and Verbal Ability (VA) with 60
questions in each section.
Table 1 gives the number of questions attempted by each
candidate in each section as a percentage of the total number of
questions in that section.
Table 2 gives the number of questions answered correctly by each
candidate in each section as a percentage of the total number of
questions attempted by that candidate in that section. Further, for
any candidate, fetches one mark for a correct answer, while an
incorrect answer attracts a penalty of one-third of a mark. No
marks are awarded or deducted for any un-attempted questions.
Table 1: Percentage Terms Table 2: Percentage Terms

Candidate QA LR VA Candidate QA LR VA

Akanksha 66.67 40 55 Akanksha 60 83.33 66.67

Brinda 50 53.33 70 Brinda 70 75 50

Charan 30 25 83.33 Charan 66.67 100 78

Dolly 60 63.33 40 Dolly 75 50 87.5

Esha 25 20 75 Esha 100 100 80

46. The sum of the highest marks scored in each of section QA, LR & VA.
a. 75(2/3) b. 75(1/3) c. 78(1/3) d. None of these
47.In the test, for how many candidates was the total number of
questions attempted incorrectly less than 30% of the total number of
questions attempted:
a. 1 b. 2 c.3 d. 4
48.The maximum number of questions attempted by any candidate was
a. 97 b. 98 c. 104 d. 106
49. Who answered the maximum number of questions correctly?
a. Akanksha b. Brinda c. Charan d. Dolly
50. Who scored the highest marks?
a. Akanksha b. Esha c. Charan d. Dolly

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