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Admin User Interface (UI)

Application Admin | Client Admin | Agent Admin | System Admin

Deployment | December 17, 2016

Disclaimer 2

The information in this presentation is for information purposes. Detailed steps for when and how
to use each of the menu items will be incorporated into other training materials when the steps
are necessary for configuration.
For information on how to use the menu items before the applicable training sessions, step by
step instructions are located in the Admin UI Help & Support Center and are highlighted
throughout the presentation.
• Username: HelpAdmin
• Password: aHth%oRn7Les
Menu Overview
Admin UI | Overview 4
The Admin UI is used to configure all aspects of a client’s setup. There are four sections.
System Admin: Primarily used by developers.
• Cache Manager: Clear the cache allows you to push changes so you can view them immediately.
• Content/System Texts Manager/Application Feature Manager: DO NOT USE

Agent Admin: Allows you create new clients and configure a client through impersonation.
• Clients: A list of all Modern Survey Clients and Test Clients
• Impersonate Client: Use this to quickly impersonate the client
• Add Client: Create new clients
• Add mResearch Client: Create new mResearch clients

• Content
• Resources: Change the text that appears for all sub-clients
• Supported Languages: Add Languages that will be available to all sub-clients

• mResearch Users
• Upload: Upload mResearch Users
• Report Warehouse Users: Edit a RW user details or Impersonate them
• Report Warehouse Users Upload: Create RW users
Admin UI 5
Client Admin: Allows you to access the settings specific to the client. Whatever settings are defined
here trump the Agent Admin and System Admin settings.
• Client:
• Define client settings such as the client name, logo, subdomain
• Define the router page settings, default applications, and admin availability
• Map clients to mResearch accounts
• Security
• Create/Manage Membership Roles
• Manage passwords and usernames
• Create/Manage Challenge questions and Password aspects
• Content
• Change default text throughout the application
• Create new languages and define who sees them
• Create client specific style sheets

Application Admin: These settings are application specific unlike the other admin settings which can
apply to all of mSuite.
• M360: Design Surveys
• mThrive: Design surveys, Manage Teams, Manage Events, Explorer, Create Report Warehouse users
• Heat: Add & Manage Metrics, Upload Data Sets
Agent Admin 6
The Agent Admin module allows you to do everything in the Application Admin & Client Admin
modules through impersonation. This is the preferred method of making changes to a client's
Several of our clients use this feature. An example of this is Korn Ferry who manages many
clients and needs to impersonate one of their clients (like Abbvie). This allows the client to
change settings that apply to all their clients or at an individual level.

The Agent Admin UI follows this logic when using the Content section.
• Any changes made in the Content Menu will override the System Admin settings and apply to all clients
under the Agent Admin. An example is Korn Ferry who manages 5 clients. If a change is made to a text
resource such as changing the word ‘Subject’ to ‘Participant’ at the Agent level, the word ‘Participant’ will
appear for all of their clients.
• Changes made while impersonating a client will override both the System Admin and Agent Admin
settings. An example is Abbvie who is managed by Korn Ferry. If Korn Ferry Impersonates Abbvie and
changes the text resource of ‘Subject’ to ‘Users’ it trumps the Korn Ferry’s override of ‘Participant’ used in
the previous bullet point and Abbvie will see the word ‘Users’ while all other Korn Ferry clients will still see
the word ‘Subject’.
Client Admin 7
Client Admin: Allows you to access the settings specific to the client. Whatever settings are defined here trump the Agent
Admin and System Admin settings.

Client Automation
• Define client settings such as the client name, logo, • For Developers only
• Define the router page settings, default applications, and
Person Import
• Prepare and upload a client's census file
admin availability
• Map clients to mResearch accounts • Review and resolve upload errors
• Create and delete email notifications
• Create/Manage Membership Roles People  
• Manage passwords and usernames • Add a person to mSuite
• Create/Manage Challenge questions and Password aspects • Import people to mSuite
• Export Membership Roles • Edit a person and their attributes in mSuite. 
• Upload Bulk Membership Roles

• Change default text throughout the application
• Create new languages and define who sees them
• Create client specific style sheets
• Edit a person and their attributes in mSuite. 
Application Admin 8
The Application Admin allows you to configure client modules without the help of a developer.
• Survey Designer: Build m360 Surveys.
• Export Admin: Export the m360 survey content and people dataset. This is primarily used for Heat setup.
• m360 Admin: Quickly access the Client Admin section of m360 to set up events to view the surveys built in the Survey
• Match: Do No Use - for developers only. Developers use this to create Events for clients.
• Survey Template: Do Not Use - for developers only. Developers use this section to build the client Goals & Ratings forms.
• Automation: Do Not Use - for developers only. 
• Manage Events: Manually move forms from one state to another in the Goals or Ratings phases.
mResearch: Quickly navigate to the clients mResearch account.
• Manage Events: Modify Action Planning events.
• Survey Designer: Do Not Use - Eventually you will be able to build Engagement Survey's here.
• Manage Organizations: Make changes to Action Planning Teams.
• Explorer Admin: Configure Segment, Story and Sentiments modules.
• Report Warehouse: Upload and link user to their Report Warehouse account.
mAction: Used to create Edit ability for membership roles within the applications. Only make edits to this page for mThrive Action
Planning clients.
Heat: Configure the Heat module for a client. 
Agent Admin Structure 9

MS Agent/Client Agent Impersonate Level

Clients Content mResearch Users

Add Client Create new Resources Change the text
for the client and Upload mResearch users.
mSuite client
(Text) all sub-clients.

Should be empty.
These should be
created at the
Add Report client level.
Create new Supported Create languages
mResearch client
accounts. Languages
that are available
to all sub-clients.
Warehouse Users
Do not use at
Agent level.
Create at the
Report Warehouse client level.
User Upload
Client Admin Structure 10
Client Admin

Client Person
Security Content Automation Import People
Settings Change password, Upload a Census
impersonate a user, or Change file
Name, logo and assign membership to create or
Settings User Resources Edit all text you see modify people. Add Person
sub domain. roles. Upload
Security (Text) in the client’s site.

Define the Membership Create and assign Supported Column Define default Edit People
Applications applications Roles membership roles.
Languages Mappings attributes:
available and Name, email,
who should see Change the CSS hire date, EEID.
them. Client Remove or add throughout the site Import Import
Application features through Style Sheets for branding. Scripts People
out the client site.
System Application Scheduled
Link the mSuite
Admin Client to the Challenge Change or create Settings Change the initial Imports Upload new
Settings password and people. Does not
mResearch Questions questions.
security state. Turn make changes to
Client. existing users.
on/off security
requirements. Configuration
Password Change or create Change user name
Aspects new password criteria.
View the status of
History an upload and
download a copy
of the file.
Feed Person
Application Admin Structure 11
Application Admin

m360 mPerform mResearch mThrive mThrive Setup! Survey Designer mAction Heat

Upload People datasets, set

Survey Used for Manage Events dates, turn on trend, make
Match Metrics Admin
Designer Action visible.
Survey Designer
Survey Upload Survey Responses. Metrics Datasets
Export Template
Admin Manage
Upload & modify survey Survey Datasets
Organizations content. Concepts
M360 Link a RW Explorer Admin Configure Story.
Survey Content
Admin user to the
Manage mSuite Report Define segment & filters,
Events User visibility, hierarchy and map
Warehouse Attributes

Create scope, comparison

Change the calendar year groups and hierarchy filters.
Filter Groups
when clients use a fiscal Link to a membership role.
Do not use.
Create statements to
configure tenure, age group, Roles
ethnicity when client
doesn’t provide.
Qualifier Script
Agent Admin
Agent Admin 13
Agent Admin is the Top Level of the Client structure. When you want to create
new client accounts, mResearch Users and Report Warehouse Users this is
where you want go!
We can also create Agent Level structures for a client. Scenarios in which you
would want to do this are:
• The client is global and has multiple project teams, each should have their own
mThrive site when the data should not be mingled or visible to other teams. Example:
The Abundance company is a global company. The European group has a separate
engagement initiative than the USA group. They would never need or want to see each
others data and should have their own mThrive portal.
• The client is a partner and will be managing their own set of clients.

When you want to create an Agent Level structure for a client, you will need to
submit a developer request.
• Process for this will be documented and provided to you.
Agent Admin 14
Impersonation uses: Impersonation uses:
Login requires you to use your personal Agent Admin Login requires you to use the Client Admin
credentials. credentials.

Client Agent
MS Agent

GM Europe
Thrivent Canada
Agent Admin
Agent Admin 16
Agent Admin | Clients
Training for Adding a client and mResearch client was given in the 2 day
session. Remember the steps?
Agent Admin 17
Agent Admin | Clients | Add Client
Memory refresher…
1. Enter: Client Name
2. Select: Template: mThrive Client
3. Click: Add Client
4. Click: Un-impersonate
Agent Admin 18
Agent Admin | Clients | Add mResearch Client
Memory refresher…
1. Enter: The information
2. Click: Add mResearch Client
3. Link the mResearch client to the mSuite client
A. Navigate to: Client Admin/Client/System Admin Settings tab
B. Click: System Admin Settings
C. Select the mResearch Training Client you created
D. Leave the application Type as Global. Click: Add
Agent Admin
Agent Admin 20
Agent Admin | Content | Resources
Rarely will you need to modify anything on this page unless you are changing text for ALL
sub-clients. This should only be done when your logged into the Client Agent and making
changes that you want all the sub-clients to see. A reminder is at the top of the page.
Training on how to change text using Resources will be covered in the Client Admin section
as the concept is the same in each of the menu’s.
Agent Admin 21
Agent Admin | Content | Supported Languages
Languages can be configured from this level when you want them to be available to all of the
Supported Languages is currently undergoing development and full internationalization
capabilities will be available in late May. Training on how to create Supported Languages will
be provided after the new features and processes have been documented to avoid confusion.
Agent Admin
mResearch Users
Agent Admin 23
Agent Admin | mResearch Users | Upload
Clients can purchase user accounts that allow
access mResearch so they can create their own
surveys or run their own reports. You can
create the users directly in mResearch one by
one or upload them in bulk in mSuite.
Training on how to use this feature will be given
in the F2F session.
Instructions are located in the Admin H&Sc
under: Agent Admin/Upload mResearch Users.
Agent Admin 24
Agent Admin | mResearch Users | Report Warehouse Users
This menu item is only applicable when you’re impersonating a client. If you try to navigate to
it without impersonating, it would be empty. This page lists all of the Report Warehouse users
for a client, since your in the Agent Admin or Client Admin, there are no RW users at that level
to show.
This is an example of the page when your impersonating a client:
Agent Admin 25
Agent Admin | mResearch Users | Report Warehouse Users Upload
This menu item is only applicable when you’re
impersonating a client. You should not upload RW
users at an Agent Admin or Client Admin level.
However, there’s nothing stopping you from doing it
as it might be necessary in the future for a Client
Training on how to use this feature will be given in a
future web session or the F2F session.
Instructions are located in the Admin H&SC under:
Agent Admin/Upload or Edit Report Warehouse Users.
Agent Admin | QA 26
• How do you know when your in the MS Agent or the Client
Agent account?
• What happens when you change text at the Agent level?
• Why would you want to create languages at the Agent level?
• What client should you use as your template client when
creating a client?
• What are the benefits of using the template?
• Who should get mResearch user accounts?
• What are the benefits of creating them in mSuite?
Client Admin
Client Admin
Client Settings
Client Admin Step 1
Client admin is where you configure all of the settings for a
clients application. Most of the settings are pre-defined when
you created the client by copying the Template: mThrive Client.
• CSS, Default Culture, Feed Client Setting, Color Mode
• Membership Roles (not entitlement)
• Application Access and Application Settings
• Client Level settings within an application
• Password aspects and challenge questions
• Supported Languages and style sheets
Client Admin 30
Client Admin | Client Settings | Settings Tab
• Upload a client logo
• Define the Person Identifier
• If the client will use any type of hierarchy filter,
person identifier should ALWAYS be: ClientPersonId
• Define the default culture when the client uses
multiple languages.
• Add the subdomain
• Feed client will be checked when the client
provides us regular census files. This is primarily
used for mPerform, mExit, mSpark applications.
• CSS is used when you create style sheets or
want to use special formatting for branding. You
can also hide downtime messaging using the CSS
displayed in the example.
Client Admin 31
Client Admin | Client Settings | Applications Tab
• The Applications tab defines the routing page options,
what application the client has access to and which
membership roles have access to the applications.
• mThrive and mResearch were automatically added when
you created the client by copying the template.
• Default identifies that this is the primary application the
client uses.
• By dragging and dropping the order, you can identify the
sort order of the applications on the router page.
• Click the X icon to remove an application.
• Click the pencil icon to add or remove membership roles
that should see the application.
• Troubleshooting Tip! When a user has a membership role but
doesn’t see the application, this is the first stop for resolution.
Chances are the membership role was created, assigned to
the user, but not added to the application!
Client Admin 32
Client Admin | Client Settings | Applications Tab
• Logo section defines the logo’s that replace the application logo.

• Routing Sequence: Defines the order that the applications appear on the
routing page.
• Access:
• Available to All: Applies the application to everyone and does not look at membership
• Available by Membership Role: Hides the application from everyone except people with
specific membership roles. This is primarily used when a client has multiple applications.
Example: A mResearch user should not have access to mThrive.
• Show in Routing: The routing page should be turned on when a client has more than one
application. This allows the user to choose which application they want to navigate to
from the home page.
• Admin: Users who have an Admin membership role, such as the ability to edit or create
participation monitors should have the membership role added here. This turns on the
Gear icon in the card which takes them directly to the admin area of the application.
Client Admin 33
Client Admin | Client Settings | System Admin Tab
• System Admin links the mSuite client to the mResearch client.
• Memory refresher…..
1. Select the client from the drop down
2. Click: Add

• Do you remember why you should leave it as Global?

• By leaving as Global, all applications will use the same mResearch Account.

• When would you change this?

• In some cases a client may have a different mResearch account for other applications. One for their Onboarding surveys in
mSpark and one for their Engagement Surveys in mThrive. In those cases, you would select the applicable accounts and
select the application from the drop down.
Client Admin
Client Admin 35
Client Admin | Security | User Security
User Security is your one-stop shop for everything related to users.

• From here you can view:

• Membership roles
• Security State
• Active Status
• Lockout Status
• Impersonate them
• Navigate into a users details.

• From here you can take actions:

• Bulk assign a security state
• Bulk assign/remove membership roles
• Bulk import membership roles
• Download all users and their membership roles
Client Admin 36
Client Admin | Security | User Security
Click the View icon to navigate into a users security page.
• From here you can:
• Update a user name
• Change their security state
• Change their password
• Impersonate the user
• Link the user to their mResearch user account
• Link the user to their Report Warehouse account
• Archive a user when terminated
• Assign/Remove membership roles
• View what application features they have access to and which
membership role grants them access to it.
• View their login history
• View what users they’ve impersonated if they have
impersonation access.

• For more details on each of these tabs and their

capabilities, review the Admin UI H&SC Site.
Client Admin 37
Client Admin | Membership Roles
Membership Roles is your go-to page for everything related to creating and assigning membership roles.

• From here you can:

• Create Membership Roles
• Export the list of roles
• Bulk assign membership roles
• Bulk assign application features to
multiple membership roles
• Navigate into a membership role to
edit it.
Client Admin | Membership Roles Defined 38
A Membership Role defines:
• What application a user has access to:
• Segments
• Story
• Sentiments
• Participation Monitor
• Report Warehouse
• Explorer Admin menu
• mExit
• mSpark
• Heat
• When logged into an application, what Scope a user has access to see and which Filters/Segments a user see’s in the

• A membership role is only assigned to people who should have access. If a user tries to access the client account and
they do not have a membership role assigned, they will get a router page with nothing in it. This allows you to restrict
access to the site and not worry that someone can ‘figure out’ how to log in and try to access without authorization.
• Membership roles apply to ALL applications, not just mThrive!
Client Admin 39
Client Admin | Membership Roles
Membership Roles is your go-to page for everything related to creating and assigning membership roles.

• From here you can:

• Create Membership Roles
• Export the list of roles
• Bulk assign membership
• Bulk assign application
features to multiple
membership roles
• Navigate into a membership
role to edit it.
Client Admin 40
Client Admin | Membership Roles
Click the View icon to navigate into a membership role.
• From here you can:
• Change the Name and Display Name
• Assign an application to the role
• Enter a detailed description
• Create entitlements
• Assign the application features a user
should get by having this membership role.
• Add or remove users who have this
membership role.
• More training on membership roles will
be given in the F2F session. For more
details on each of these tabs and their
capabilities, review the Admin UI H&SC
Client Admin 41
Client Admin | Client Application Features
Application features allows you to turn on/off features for a client.

• The definition of a Feature: Anything a user should/should not have access to see.
• The defaults were set when you created the client by copying the template.
• This turns on/off the feature at the client level. If a feature is turned off here, then it will not appear as an
option at the membership role level. Rarely will you need to make changes on this page, we recommend
chatting with a developer before making any changes to this page due to the impacts.
• Examples:
• An application module (Segments, Story, Action Planning)
• A tab in the Help section (Online Guide tab)
• Access to Report Warehouse in the menu.
• Access to the Edit button in Participation Monitor
• Access to Impersonation abilities
Client Admin 42
Client Admin | Challenge Questions
Challenge Questions were copied over by the template.

• The questions listed on this page are the

default question and can be removed. If the
client has their own set of questions, you can
create them here.
• Challenge questions are not turned on by
default. You have to turn the setting on via
the Content/Application Settings Menu.

• For more details on each of these tabs and

their capabilities, review the Admin UI H&SC
Client Admin 43
Client Admin | Password Aspects
Password Aspects were copied over by the template.

• The settings listed on this page

are the default and can be
edited if the client requests it.
• For more details, review the
Admin UI H&SC Site.
Client Admin
Client Admin 45
Client Admin | Content | Resources
Almost* every text you see in the client site can be changed (Buttons, info icon text, card text on the
routing page, etc).
• Each text item is assigned a Resource Key.
• Each Resource Key has system default text that can be changed (Override).
• Each Resource Key is assigned at an mSuite level or Application level.
• For more details on how to override the system text, review the Admin UI H&SC Site.
Client Admin 46
Client Admin | Content | Supported Languages
Supported Languages is where you will create new languages available to the client.
• Supported Languages is currently undergoing development and full internationalization
capabilities will be available in late May. Training on how to create Supported Languages will
be provided after the new features and processes have been documented to avoid confusion.
Client Admin 47
Client Admin | Content | Style Sheets
When a client has Branding requirements, the style sheets are used to program the changes.

The common changes:

• Button colors
• Image boarder color
• Header color
• Text Color
• Hide or show downtime
Client Admin 48
Client Admin | Content | Application Settings
Application Settings define certain criteria that can be changed to accommodate a clients specific setup.
The most commonly changed settings are:
• AddUsersforInsertedPeople: When users are imported, setting this to 1 will automatically create Person
and User records.
• DaysAfterSecurityActionUntilLockout: When a user clicks the ‘Reset Password’ on the login page but
doesn’t complete the process you can set the number of days for them to complete the process before
locking them out.
• InitialPasswordReplacementKey: When a user logs in for the first time, they are provided with an initial
password. This is where you define the password.
• MaximumChallengeQuestionAnswerAttempts: Defines the number of wrong attempts a user is allowed
when answering the challenge questions. User gets locked out.
• MaximumLoginAttemptsDefines the number of wrong attempts a user is allowed when entering their
password. User gets locked out.
• NewUserSecurityState: When new users are created via an upload, this sets their security state to
Initial or Active.
• PersonHierarchyAttributeName: Defines the clients attribute name used to create hierarchy (Manager
• UseChallengeQuestions: Turns on the challenge questions feature.
• UserDefinedChallengeQuestionsCount: When challenge questions are turned on, this feature allows the
user to create their own questions.
• UserNameReplacementKey: When the client does not want to use the default unique identifier (usually
employee ID) as the users login name, you can change the user name criteria. {Email Address},
{FirstName}{LastName}, etc.
Client Admin
Client Admin 50
Client Admin | Automation
Automation is used by developers when configuring consumption of the HRIS files for feed
clients. This is often referred to as an ‘Autojob’.
• This can be used to automatically assign membership roles to users who meet a
specific criteria in the file.
• Please work with a developer to create automation schemes.
Client Admin
Person Import
Client Admin 52
Client Admin | Person Import | Upload & History
Import a Census file or a Change file to create person and user records.
• When your creating a client for the first time, you will want to upload their
people file to create people records and user records.
• People records are stored in the People table and is simply a laundry list of the people in the
company and everything related to them. You cannot give a person record access to the
• User records are stored in the User table, people with user records have the ability to
access the system when a membership role is assigned to them.

• Selecting Census
• Census should be used the first time you upload a clients file. This will create all of the
people and user records.
• Census will OVERWRITE all existing users. Existing users records will be archived and new
records will be created for everyone in the file.

• Selecting Change
• Change should be selected when a census has already been uploaded. It will compare
what’s in the database to what is in the upload file and make the changes where it finds
• When it identifies new people, it will create people and user records.

• Navigate to History to view the results of the upload. You can also download
a copy of the file from here when investigating issues.
Client Admin 53
Client Admin | Person Import | Column Mappings
Before uploading a Census file the system requires you to enter attributes that are required for
use throughout the system.
Enter the System Text in the Person Column and
the Column Header in the Person file. Below are the
system column names:
• LastName
• FirstName
• EmailAddress
• ClientPersonID
• HireDate
Client Admin 54
Client Admin | Person Import | Import Scripts, Scheduled Imports, Configuration and
Feed Person Exceptions
These menu items are used by the developers to configure the HRIS files for feed clients.

• Import Scripts: Used to define import criteria such as, set people who are missing from the
file to Inactive status.
• Schedule Imports: Defines the date/day interval and time that we consume the feed file.
• Configuration: Used to schedule notifications to the developers when errors occur with the
• Feed Person Exceptions: When clients have users that should be ignored during the import
process, the rules are defined here. Example: Joan is a consultant who has access to
mThrive. She will always be missing from the HIRS file so automation will Archive her
record. We can create rules to ignore this setting and keep her as an Active employee.
Client Admin
Client Admin 56

Client Admin | People

Use the People menu when the client is NOT a feed client.

When you Add or Edit a person using this method, ensure when you use the Person Import
upload that the file is updated with the appropriate changes!
• Add Person: This allows you to create a person/user manually. This is helpful when you do
not have a census or people file and only want to create one or two records.
• Edit People: This allows you to update a person/user record manually when the client
requests a small change to a user.
• Import People: Use this when you need to create new people/users. This will NOT update
any existing users attributes or information. Use the Person Import/Upload/Change file
function to make changes to existing users in bulk.
Application Admin
Application Admin 58
At this time, the only relevant Application Admin menu item is mThrive. These
menu items will be reviewed in the web and F2F sessions.
System Admin
System Admin 60
System Admin is primarily used by developers.

The only feature you should use is the Cache Manager. Use the Clear All button when you’ve
made changes to the system but don’t see the changes reflected yet. Scroll to the bottom of
the page to the Async Cache Manager and use the Clear All button for mThrive specific

• When you’ve created hierarchy and don’t see it when impersonating a user.
• When you’ve applied application feature changes.
• When you’ve created Style Sheets

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