Lean Mfg:-5S: Presented By: - Maulic N Shah PRN No: - 100207720-13

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Lean Mfg :- 5S

Presented By:- Maulic N Shah

PRN No:- 100207720-13
The Case
• MaST International Group is a management
consultancy and training business that
concentrates on maximizing organizational
effectiveness through people development.
• Couldn’t align itself with their global, parent
• Lost the value of TQM within the organization.
• Not achieving its true potential in the market
• A distinct lack of systems and processes in
Change Required
• A change in the way the organization
undertook day-to-day operations.
• A change in business focus to that of taking
charge of the loose business relationship with
the client and consultant associates.
Methodology for change
• planning a change,
• acting and observing the process and
consequences of the change,
• reflecting on these processes and
consequences, and then
• replanning,
• acting and observing,
• reflecting
5S Suggested
• A framework was needed to support and give effect to
the strategic direction of the company. The chosen
framework was 5-S.
• A useful starting point for a TQM program.
Adopted with following things in mind
• · the link between 5-S practice and the business
strategic plan;
• · changes in the internal culture of the organization; and
• · the lessons learnt that could encourage the adoption
of the 5-S practice into the International Group.
Implementation Of 5S
• Decided to look at individual work areas,
processes and procedures in turn and apply
the 5-S framework in total.
• Started in those work areas and with
processes and procedures that were known to
facilitate deviation from the intentions of the
strategic plan
3.1 Seiri (Organization)

• the excessive amount of furniture, dead files and

• excess furniture and equipment removed and
dispatched for sale.
• Dead files and paperwork that was not required on-
hand was archived off-site.
• Multiple hardcopies of computer files were culled
allowing the sale of half the cabinets.
• The removal of the excess material resulted in the
reclamation of one office space and a meeting area.
3.2 Seiton (Neatness)

• Now that there was room to move, workspace was re-

allocated to meet the new business direction requirement.
• Notice boards were cleaned once then twice.
• Filing cabinets and bookshelves were re-arranged to
support ready access.
• White boards became working boards once again and
used to gather thoughts rather than store them.
• Everyone is encouraged to be diligent in dealing with
deterioration of the 5-S practice so that when something
is out of place it is remedied without delay.
3.3 Seiso (Cleaning)

• Everyone took on responsibilities for their own work

area. The area remains clean because it is easier to
see when something is out of place.
• There are no more ‘skeletons in the closet’
• Team value of ‘if you see it, do it’ was volunteered
3.4 Seiketsu (Standardization)
• Paper colour coding has been established.
• Bookcases used rather than filing cabinets.
• Each drawer is labeled as to general contents and
there is a filing sheet detailing exactly what is
present on the inside.
3.5 Shitsuke (Discipline & Self-Discipline)

• 5-S has become a part of the fortnightly team

meeting agenda.
• An internal audit is conducted prior to each meeting
and the information gathered is used as a part of
the formative action plan aiming to achieve 45 of
the 50 audit points.
• Every three months an external audit takes place as
part of the summative action plan with the aim of
picking up the final 5 of 50 points.
• The danger was that 5-S would be relegated in
• Although it is very hard to break old habits it was
clearly necessary to do so if the new strategic plan
was to be inculcated into the new organizational
• change in business focus to that of taking charge of
the loose business relationship with the client and
consultant associates
• 5-S was a unifying experience amongst the team,
and particularly with new team members.
• 5-S has also helped the organization to realize that
before people can work in the business both
effectively and efficiently they must work on the
• pivotal part of the continual improvement process.
• The development of the in-house computer
Most Important Change
• No paper work, documents and record keeping
makes the scope wider.
• A small example is of the switch board in our class
which has colour coding and even numbers written
on the switches,.
Thank You

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