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Group Members:

 Pizza Parlor

 our project main aim is to create a

Performance Management System for
any organization just for the practical
execution of the knowledge which we
have learn in our classroom

 Performance management system is an ongoing process

to check the performance of each employee of
organization, it includes six steps:
 Pre-requisites
 Performance Planning
 Performance Execution
 Performance Assessment
 Performance Review
 Performance Renewal

 StrategicPlan (mission, vision,

 Knowledge of a job (responsibilities,

 Vision:
Vision statement of our business is to provide best
services and tasteful food item and see the
excitement on customer faces.
 Mission:
Our mission is to deliver higher meals
alternative to customers via technology
advancement and greater level of pleasure to our

The purpose of our business is
to attain 100% consciousness of our new product
in our target market.
with all business our focus is on customers
satisfaction not just profit earning.
Introducing the new technology in the area of
Pizza Parlor hierarchical chart:

Restaurant Manager

 Departments

Front of House Back of House


 Front of House Back of House

Head Waiter Head Chef

Captain Sous Chef

Front Waiter Kitchen Porter

Back Waiter

 Departments:
First made two department by dividing restaurant.
 Front of House (FOH) Staff:
The FOH is dining room and service areas. So, FOH Staff
consist of runners, waiters and so on.
 Back of House (BOH) Staff:
BOH is basically kitchen, it consists of chefs and other
related to kitchen faculty.
Front of House Roles

 Back Waiter
 Front Waiter
 Captain
 Head Waiter
Restaurant Manager

 JD: The restaurant manager is the representative as the

CEO of restaurant.
 They are placed at the upper level of the restaurant and
they control both back and front of house. They also
control the progress of the whole business.
 They deal with the marketing for promotion of the
restaurant, payrolls, budget, deliveries and kitchen stock
revenue under the observation of manager.
 Restaurant success or failure is commonly associate with
the restaurant manager’s skills. So, CEO play tough job
as compare to others in a restaurant.
KSAO’s for Front House Roles:

 Polite in nature
 Good communication skills
 Highly cooperative
 Has grip on English language
 Empathy and kindness
 Also have a knowledge of operating the technology we
used in our restaurant.
Back of House Roles

 Kitchen Porter:
 Sous Chef
 Head Chef
KSAO’s for Back House Role:

 Expert in cooking
 Have managing skills
 Highly Energetic
 Cooperative
2-Performance Planning:

 Approach using to measure performance:

For this purpose, we will use the Result Approach because this
approach produce the instant results and take less time as
compared to behavior/trait approach. The circumstances of result
approach are directly linked with our restaurant’s employees which
 Workers are skilled and linked in indeed behavior
 Behaviors and results are obviously related
 Consistent improvements show consistency overtime
 Employer provide rights to employees to do his/her job in right
and unique way

 Employer Responsibility
 Employee Responsibility

 For our restaurant’s performance management

system, the information should be collected
through following methods:
 Supervisors will provide authentic and reliable
source as it provides authentic and reliable
 Customers are the main part of our business and
give more importance in gathering information
about the performance of employees special for
front house employees.

 For top management appraisal we should use

subordinates as a source of information
gathering which is important for the
development of top-level management
 Self-appraisal will also be used because it will
help employees to adopt the new decisions and
system as they involved in appraisal.
Performance Appraisal Form of
 Employee Name:
 Evaluation Period:
 Title:
 Manger:
 Date:
 1-Performance Factors:
 2- Employee accomplishments and strengths:

3- Improvement areas of employees:

4- Action plans for improvements 
5- Employee comments:
6- Job description section:
 7- Signatures:
Employee’s signature:
Evaluator’s signature:
Reviewed person’s signature:
-Performance Factors:


1 Is employees demonstrate the skills required to 1 2 3 4 5

perform tasks
2 On time comes to the work 1 2 3 4 5
3 Less absentees, only a few sick days 1 2 3 4 5
4 Impressive in time Mgt 1 2 3 4 5
5 Realistic decision making 1 2 3 4 5
6 Employee follow state, federal and local guidelines for 1 2 3 4 5
food to make sure all requirements of food are met
7 Is able in controlling production 1 2 3 4 5
8 Is capable of inspecting and receiving supplies of food 1 2 3 4 5
according to the guidelines of food regulation
9 Strictly complies with uniform policies 1 2 3 4 5
10 Is willing for observing others and learning different 1 2 3 4 5
skills and new aspects of business
1-Performance Factors:

Kitchen Employee Evaluation

1 Performance is superior consistently 1 2 3 4 5

2 Performance is above requirements routinely 1 2 3 4 5

3 The individual is punctual, competent and 1 2 3 4 5

4 Is effective with skills, methods and techniques 1 2 3 4 5
5 Is an employee who establish goals 1 2 3 4 5

6 Is good in identifying the improvements where it 1 2 3 4 5

can be made
7 Is able in controlling production 1 2 3 4 5

8 Is able in professional manner communication and 1 2 3 4 5

very much respectful manner

9 Personal hygiene and neatness measures and 1 2 3 4 5

appropriate for position

10 Under the changing condition performance is well 1 2 3 4 5
5-Performance review:

 In this step we should take a detail review of

whole PMS to check either whole system work
proper and adopted by all the employees
without any issue or it should contain some
areas for improvements.
6-Performance renewal:

 In this step we should make corrective actions

and modified the system then implement it
again, if the system need any flaw or
employees face issues with the system.

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