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Time management

Importance of Time
• Everybody has got 24 hours a day, 7
days a week and 52 weeks a year.
• Time cannot be saved it can only be
spent wisely.
• The amount of time is not important,
but how you manage the time is
Keys to Time Mastery
• Find out where your time goes.
• Sort out what needs to be done now,
what can wait until further.
• Cut down on time wasting activities.
• Be ruthless about distractions.
• Locate information quickly.
• Build a time control plan that fits your
job and your own unique personality.
• Stop procrastination.
• Be creative with the use of your time.
• Work smarter instead of harder.
Establishing Priorities for use of
your time.
• The FIVE step procedure:
• Step 1. Make a list of all the activities
you must perform.
• Step 2. Rate each listed activity
according to its importance.
• Rate each activity according to its
• The FIVE step procedure:
• Step 4. Rate each task according to its
potential for being delegated.
• Step5. Rate each task according to its
communication requirement.
• Important tasks if not attended in-time
becomes urgent.
Common time wasters
• 1. Absence of plans
• 2. Procrastination
• 3.Indecision.
• 4. Mistakes
• 5. Misplaced Materials
• 6. Paper Shuffling
Common time wasters
• 7. Ineffective and Unnecessary
• 8. Misunderstood Communication.
• 9.Poor Coordination.
• 10. Unspecified Priorities.
• 11.Lack of Concrete Goals.
Common time wasters
• 12. Lengthy procedures.
• 13. Inefficient filing systems.
• 14. Clustered work places.
• 15. Socializing, Gossiping.
• 16. Failure to delegate.
• 17. Perfectionism.
Common time wasters
• 18.Too much memo writing / paper
• 19.Unselective reading.
• 20. Failure to Listen.
• 21.Over concern with details.
• 22. Conflicting policies.
Common time wasters
• 23.Telephone interruptions.
• 24. Unimportant tasks.
• 25. Day dreaming.

Time should never be wasted,

instead it should be invested.
Cutting down on wasted time
• Identify the sources of wasted time- both
in your work and in personal affairs.
• Plan specific actions to reduce the extent
of wasted time.
• Implement planned actions.
• Don’t say YES without proper thought.
Cutting down on wasted time
• Check your resources before hand.
• Decide quickly on small things.
• Control the telephone interruptions.
• Limit chit chat.
• Discourage Interruptions.
Cutting down on wasted time
• Use the waste paper basket.
• Act fast on important paper work.
• Don’t let paper work pile up.
• Leave a clean desk at night.
• Have your eye sight checked at
intervals .
Organizational time
• 1. Eliminate a task if it is no longer
• 2. Defer it to a more convenient date
when it can be performed better.
• 3. Reduce the quality standard to what
is actually needed.
Organizational time
• 4. Reduce the amount of details to
what is actually required .
• 5. Reduce the frequency of the report
or activity.
• 6. Make frequent use of modern
technology like e-mail, fax etc.
Organizational time

• Managing time is an art, the

more you develop it, the MORE
YOU develop yourself.
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