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 Bed bath means bathing a patient who is confirmed

to bed and who does not have the physical and
mental capability of self bathing
The patient who need bath in bed, are those in :

 Plaster casts and traction

 On strict bed rest
 Paralysed patient
 Unconscious and
 Those who have undergone surgery.
To clean the body off dirt and bacteria.
 To increase elimination through the ski
 To prevent bed sores.
 To stimulate circulation.
 To induce sleep.
 To provides comfort to the patient.
 To relieve fatigue.
 To give the patient as sense of well-being.
 To regulate body temperature.
 To provide active and passive exercises.
 To observe objective symptoms.
 To give the nurse on opportunity for health teaching.
 To establish an effective nurse patient relationships.

 Bathing in bed

 Bathing in bathroom.

 Partial bath.

 The ideal time for bath is in the morning before

breakfast along with the morning care.
 Maintain privacy by means of screen, curtains or drapes.
 Explain the procedure to win the confidence and the cooperation
of the patient.
 Wash hand before and after procedure.
 Patient’s unit should be warm and free of draughts.
 Only small area of the body should be exposed and bathed at a
 The wash clothes should be held with the corners tucked securely
in the palm of the hand to avoid dragging its cold and wet side
over the skin.
 Each stoke should be smooth and long rather than short and
 Support should be given to the joints in lifting the arms and legs
while washing.
 Provide active and passive exercise whenever it
possible unless it is contraindicated.
 Wash hands and feet by them in basin, because it
promotes thorough cleaning of the finger nails and
toe nails.
 Cut short the nails, if they are long.
 A thorough inspection of the skin especially at the
back to find out early signs of bedsore.
 Special attention to be given to axillae and groin to
prevent odours.
 All the skin surfaces such as creases and folds, bony
prominences etc are to be paid attention because this
parts are most likely to be excoriated by moisture,
pressure, friction and dirt.
 Cleaning should be done from clean area to less clean
 The temperature of water should be 110 to115 degrees
 Powders, creams or oils are used to prevent drying of
the skin.
 The nurse should be maintaining good posture and
balances of the body during bed bath. Keep the
patient near to the edge of bed to prevent over
reaching and strain on the lower back.

Check physician orders to see any specific precautions

regarding positioning and movement of the patient.
Assess the patient’s need for bathing.
Assess the patient’s ability for self care.
Check T.P.R & B.P
Assess the patient’s mental state to follow directions.
Check the patient’s preference for soap, powder etc.
a. Bath basin 01 To take water
b. Small bowl 01 To keep sponge cloth separately
c. Soap with soap dish 01 For bathing
d. Wash clothes 02 One to apply soap & to clean
e. Towels 02 To dry the skin
f. Gown 01 To wear
g. Sheet 01 To cover the patient
h. Mackintosh 01 To protect the bed
i. Comb & oil 01 + 01 To attend hair
j. Kidney tray 01 To collect the waste
k. Jugs 02 One for cool & one for hot water
l. Clean linen 01 To keep the patient clean
m. Scissors & nail cutter 01 + 01 To cut short the nails
n. Laundry bag 01 To discard the soiled linen
Th an k Yo u

Have A Nice Day

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