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And its Theories

Submitted to: Dr.Parveen Maan

Defining leadership
Leadership can be defined as ‘the ability to
influence a group towards the achievement of a
vision or a set of goals’.
Leadership is ‘the interpersonal influence,
execised in a situation and directed through the
communication process, towards the attainment of
a specified goal or goals.’
Trait theory
This theory focuses on the individual characteristics of
successful leaders.
5,000 leadership studies conducted, can be concluded
through some of these mentioned
Willingness points:
to accept behavioural
Strong desire for accompishment

Creativity and intelligence for High tolerance for uncertainty

problem solving

Self-assumed personality
Ability to structure social
Quantity of each of these
traits is not clear

Leadership effectiveness is
not restricted to only The list is too long, no finality
personality traits

Assumption that leader is
Little consesus on the meaning of born and not trained, is NOT
words used to label traits acceptable

People who fail as leaders, or who

never achieve the positions of
leadership, might possess same
Behavioural theories
Ohio State Studies

Initiating structure Consideration

 Refers to leader  Refers to leader
behaviour, that organises behaviour, that can be
the group tasks, and characterised by
assigns them to employees friendliness, respect,
 Related to employee supportivenss, openess,
performance, trust
 Also associated with  Positively related to low
negative consequences as absentism and grievance,
absentism and grievances  Neutrally related to
University of Michigan
Employee-centred leadership Production-centred leadership
 Emphasizes on interpersonal  Sets rigid standards, organised
relations tasks down to the last detail
 Accepts individual differences  Emphasizes the technical or task

among members aspects of their jobs

 Main concern is to accomplish
 Encourages employee
participation each group’s tasks
 Prescribed methods to be followed
 Ensures high performance by
inspiring respect and trust
•Could not identify a consistent relationship between leadership
behaviour and group performance
•Genral statements could not be made, variations over range of
Contingency theories
Fiedler Model
Effective groups depend upon a proper
match, between a leader’s style of
interacting with subordinates, to the degree
of control that the situation provides
There are three steps in this model,
1. Identifying the leadership style
2. Defining the situation
3. Match leaders and situation
1. Identifying the Leadership style
Believed that a key factor in leadership success is the
individual’s basic leadership style
Created a questionnaire for this purpose namely, Least
Preffered Coworker(LPC) questionnaire
LPC- used to measure whether the person is task
oriented or relationship oriented
Consists of 16 sets of contrasting adjectives(pleasant-
unpleasant, efficient-inefficient, open-guarded,
Low LPC= task oriented; High LPC= relationship
2. Defining the Situation
 Leader- member relations:
The amount of confidence, trust, and respect
members have in the leader
 Task structure:
The way that these assignments are procedurised
 Position power:
The degree of influence the leader has over power
3. Matching leaders and situations
After determining the leadership style, and defining
the situation, the leaders are choosen accordingly
Two ways to ensure leader effectivenss:
1. Change the leader to fit the situation
2. Change the situation to fit the leader
Path goal theory
A leader’s behaviour is acceptable to subordinates, if
they view it as a source of either immediate or future
Leader’s help clarify the ‘path’ to the workers
Leaders can display multiple leadership styles
 four types of leaders:
1. Directive: focuses on the work to be done
2. Supportive: focuses on well being of worker
3. Participative: consults with employees in decision
4. Achievement: sets challenging goals
Essence of Leadership
Leadership- ability of one individual to influence
The leader possesses a set of qualities or
characteristics to influence others
Behaviour is changed through non-coercive means
Leadership is a group phenomenon, involving
interaction between two or more people

Submitted by: Shruti Suman

Course: MBA(RFM) semester 1

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