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Unitary, Federal, and

Confederal States
It refers to the way power is devolved and
transmitted to every part of the territory.
The division maybe based on several factors:
1.Size of the territory
2. Geographical condition
3. Similarity of cultures
The system of government/administration
which is based on how power is distributed
Unitary State (power resides in
the central government)
Salient features:
1. Formal power and authority are located at the
national center; sub-national units do not
have powers independently from the center,
2. Sub-national units may exercise power and
authority delegated to them by the center but
the center may withdraw such power and
Unitary State
3. Central government may at any time redraw
or abolish boundaries of sub-national units,
4. Actions and policies of the central
government control and override the actions
and policies of sub-national governments.
About 90 percent of independent states are
Advantages of Unitary State
1. The possibility of the uniform application of
laws and policies. For culturally
homogenous country.
2. Simple organization, no duplication of
personnel and services,
3. No conflict of authority between different
levels of government,
4. Less wasteful.
Disadvantages of Unitary State
1. Central government policy-makers and
administrators are emotionally and
physically distant from the locality,
2. Loss of local initiative, and of desire to
participate enthusiastically in politics,
3. Growth of large, highly centralized
Unitary state

people c. government

------ ------ -government

of the component parts
Federal State ( at least two sets of
government) foedris (league)
Salient features:
1. Two sets of government—central and
provincial [regional/unit] government,
2. Division of power between central and
provincial government,
3. Constitution is supreme, and rigid,
4. Court has judicial review.
Advantages of Federalism
1. Uniting different units,
2. Military and economic mobilization on a
wider scale,
3. Testing of policies in small scale before
applying it at national level,
4. Sub-national units can handle local
concerns effectively.
Disadvantages of Federalism
1. Duplication of services and office-holders,
2. Absence of uniform policies on many
3. Rigid constitution is difficult to amend.
grant political power
exercise of political
c. government authority

of the
component parts
Confederation (power resides in
the component parts)
1. Component parts of the confederation
maintain their sovereignty,
2. Component parts delegate some powers to the
central ‘government,’
3. Component parts have broad powers,
4. The scope of central government’s power is
much narrower, only on issues delegated by
component parts.
Found in some international organizations.
Islamic Perspective
No specification. Ummah to decide.
Madinah—federal structure.
Madinah was divided into several districts
[wards] on the basis of tribal affiliations.
Supreme authority was with the Prophet

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