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Creep, Shrinkage and Temperature Difference
(Reference from Japan Standard)

For the composite section,

we should need to consider the following conditions,
(1) Creep of Deck Concrete
(2) Temperature Difference between Deck Concrete and Steel Girder
(3) Drying Shrinkage of Deck Concrete
(1) Creep of Deck Concrete

• Concrete creep : time dependent permanent deformation under sustained load.

• Like a concrete column getting more compressed or beam bending.
• Creep induced strain increases significantly in concrete of young material age.
• After two or three years, creep is stopped and remains at a certain strain value.

(sum of elastic strain
& final creep strain
when t=α)
Initial elastic strain

Figure 1.1: Creep Strain

• In Specification of Highway Bridges (Part II),
creep coefficient, Ø1 = 2 as a standard.
• Creep coefficient is related to
- concrete curing
- concrete moisture or other conditions
- concrete quality
- dead load
- pre-stressing force
- permanent load.
Creep Coefficient, Ø1 = 2
Young’s Modulus Ratio, n = /
For creep,
Young’s Modulus Ratio, n1 = n(1+ Ø1 /2)
Young’s Modulus of concrete for creep, = /(1+Ø/2)

Total Concrete Compressive Force (Nc)

Total concrete compressive force acting in the initial permanent load state,
N  c =

MD = Moment caused by the permanent load after loading

Iv = Moment of Inertia
Ac = Cross-sectional area of deck concrete
Figure 1.3: Combination of Creep-Induced Change Stresses

Axial Compressive Force (Pɸ)

Pɸ = Ec1.Ac.Ɛɸ0

Bending Moment (MØ)

MØ = PØ (dc1 + rc2/dc) = PØ dc1
•   Compressive Force (Pø)

E  ,


Pɸ = Ec1.Ac.Ɛɸ0
= Ec1.Ac Ø1

= . Ac Ø1
Pɸ =
Calculation of Stress Level
From Specifications of Highway Bridges (Part II, Steel Bridges), Eq: C12.2.3,
At concrete area of slab,
1 P ɸ M ɸ . y v1 E c1 ( 𝜎 𝑐 ) ɸ1
σ c=
n1 A v1
At steel girder area,
+ (
I v1

Ec )
  Pɸ M ɸ. y v 1
σ s= ( A v1
Iv1 )
Where, Iv1 = Moment of Inertia converted into steel equivalent
Av1 = Cross-sectional area converted into steel equivalent
( 2) T em pe ratu r]]] ]]]]] ]]]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]]]]]] ]]]]] ]]]]] ]]]]]] ]]]] ]]]] ]

In Japan standard,
( 2)Tem pera ture Diffe rence between De ck Concr ete an d Ste el G irder

• Temperature difference between floor slab and steel girder shall be 10˚ C as a standard.
• The linear coefficient of expansion between concrete floor slab and steel girder, α shall be 1.2 x 10-5 .

Figure 2.2 : Temperature Difference between

Figure 2.1 : Distribution of Temperature Difference
Floor Slab and Steel Girder
Figure 2.3 : Superposition of Stresses due to Temperature Difference

Strain induced by temperature difference,

Ɛt = αt
Axial Force induced by temperature difference,
P 1 = E s Ɛ t Ac / n
Bending Moment induced by temperature difference,
Mv = P1 dc
The stress induced by temperature difference between concrete floor slab and steel girder should
consider with the following two conditions,
(1) when the temperature of concrete floor slab is lower than that of steel girder, and
(2) when the temperature of concrete floor slab is higher than that of steel girder.

Calculation of Stress Level

From Specifications of Highway Bridges (Part II, Steel Bridges), Eq: C12.2.9,
At concrete area of deck,

c  t

At steel girder area,

  P1 M v. y v
σ s= ( Av
I v )
(3) Drying Shrinkage of Deck Concrete
• Volumetric change of concrete due to loss of moisture without external load.
• When the stress due to drying shrinkage of the deck concrete are calculated,
the degree of final shrinkage, Ɛs shall be taken at 20x 10-5 and
creep coefficient for drying shrinkage, Ø2 = 2 Ø1 = 4.
• Shrinkage is affected by:
- Aggregate characteristics and proportions,
- Average humidity at the bridge site,
- W/C ratio,
- Type of cure,
- Volume to surface area ratio of member, an
- Duration of drying period.
Young’s Modulus Ratio for shrinkage, n2 = n(1+ Ø2 /2)
Young’s Modulus of concrete for shrinkage, c2 = s / 2

Axial force reduced by drying shrinkage,

2 = s.Ɛs. c / 2
Bending moment reduced by drying shrinkage,
v2 = 2 c2

 s = Stress due to shrinkage
c = Area of concrete slab

c2 = Distance between center of deck concrete and

Figure 3.1 : Central Axis of the Composite Section
center of composite section
Calculation of Stress Level
From Specifications of Highway Bridges (Part II, Steel Bridges), Eq: C12.2.10,
At concrete area of deck,

c2 .Ɛs

At steel girder area,

  P2 M v 2. y v 2
σ s=
A v2
+ ( Iv2 )

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