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Artificial intelligence-benefits and risks

Created by Nana
What is
• In computer science it is intelligence demonstrated by machine, in
artificial contrast to natural intelligence displayed by human beings and animals 
The term artificial was first coined by John McCarthy in 1956

It is divided into 2 categories- weak and strong 

OpenAI-research laboratory, based in California. Their mission- to

ensure that artificial intelligence benefits all of humanity
Artificial intelligence features

Fast thinking
24/7 available
Reduce the probability of error
Can hadle repetitive jobs
Do not requre refreshments
Thinks rationally/logically and do not make mistakes
Artificial inelligence in medicine helps to

• Diagnose diseases
• Develop drugs faster
• Personalize treatment 
• Improved gene editing
How artificial intelligence could become

• rise of unemployment 
• Can become unpredictable
• Spreading disinformation
• Impersonating others
• Attacking on servers
Elon Musk and CEO of google, Syndar Pichay say that
artificial intelligence need to be regulated

• Musk said it should be regulated in his company too.

• Pichay said that deepfake systems which can

recognize people's face present real danger.
A senior researcher in
Cambridge University
•he says, in order to reduce unexpected
surprises, we should control it  and avoid the
future we wouldn’t like to have. 
•To reduce  malicious use of artificial
intelligence we should make forecasting,
prevention and mitigation
Artificial intelligence is double-edged sword-in the right hands
and used for the right purpose, it can do more good than harm
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