Strategic Management (战略管理): Lecturer: Huo Mingkui (霍明奎) Student: Jabri Bin Juhinin (加比利)

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Strategic Management

Lecturer : Huo Mingkui (霍明奎)
Student : Jabri Bin Juhinin (加比利)
Question 1 : When it comes to excellent companies, we think
of Apple, Microsoft, Google, General Electric, Samsung,
HSBC, Emirates and so on. Why do you think they can call it
‘excellent’ ?
Answer :
-In my opinion, those companies are called excellent
companies because they created something that add
tremendous values to society. They build an amazing
products that helps millions of people around the
world. Not only did it help millions of people, in fact
they continuously innovate their products, provide
excellent service, as well as holding the highest quality
products possible.
Question 2 : Based on your coffee experience, and take a
look at Starbucks website. What do you think is Starbucks
competitive advantage ? Can it last for a long time ? Why ?
Answer :
-Starbucks has done an excellent job of branding their company – it is the only coffee brand that
on the list of 100 most recognized brands in the world. Howard Schultz, company President and
CEO, defined the atmosphere that Starbucks attempts to create when he said "We're in the
business of human connection and humanity, creating communities in a third place between
home and work”. The Third Place concept informs the design of Starbucks shops. While coffee
takes center stage, the design is meant to make customers comfortable. To further customer
comfort and social interaction, most Starbucks stores mix upholstered chairs and sofas with
hard-backed chairs around tables. Most Starbucks stores offer free electricity to their
customers so that they can plug in their laptops and all U.S. Starbucks offer Wi-Fi access
through AT&T. In addition, many Starbucks feature a well-stocked reading and game shelf to
encourage customers to settle in and hang out with friends for a while.
-More than anything else, of course, Starbucks is about the coffee. The company started out
as a premium coffee roaster, and they stayed true to their roots by serving nothing but
excellent coffee. Starbucks are also committed to grind and brew many coffee varieties to
order, as well as to discard any coffee that has been brewed for more than thirty minutes.
The Starbucks coffee experience extends to brewing your own Starbucks coffee at home. The
coffee roasts that Starbucks have chosen for sale are those that best reflect the rich coffee
flavor and aroma of your local Starbucks.
-The Starbucks coffee experience can be summed up in just a few words: great coffee in
comfortable surroundings served by an attentive staff and produced by a company that cares
about our world. With great tasting drinks and a commitment to creating a fun atmosphere, it
is no wonder why Starbucks has become a household name.  I believe that Starbucks for
reasons, like McDonalds, will last for a long time.
Question 3 : Introduce yourself to me, let me remember you and
your hometown.
-My name is Jabri and I am from a small beautiful village in Sabah,
Malaysia.I studied manufacturing engineering and management in my
undergraduate studies.
-I like things to be simple and easy to understand. Over the years I have
learned to breakdown complex things and convey and organize the
information into simpler things so it can be easily understand by anyone.

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