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The Ministry of Community Development was established through a Presidential

decree in September 2011. This Ministry is key in providing and facilitating the
provision of equitable social protection and quality primary health care services to
communities in order to contribute to sustainable human development. It
contributes to poverty reduction and improved quality of life of citizens in order to
foster national development. Within the context of Social Protection and Health
service delivery, the Ministry implements and facilitates the provision of social
welfare, community development and primary health care services.
The Zambian economy has experienced high economic growth
and has one of the fastest growing populations. Yet poverty
levels remain high. Under the Ministry of Community
Development and Social Welfare, the Department of
Community Development is tasked with alleviating extreme
poverty and suffering, which they do through four
programmers; food Security Pack, women empowerment, self
help initiative and non-formal education and skills training.
Community Development is a developmental strategy that is
democratic, locally owned and community driven. The
projects in this set of data have been identified for the
centrality of communities in their development objectives.
They have enhanced the social, economic and political conditions of
communities and have assisted in up skilling communities to become
drivers of their own development. The Community Development Policy
Initiative has drawn some conclusions about what the Government of
Zambia should do to improve the community development, and perhaps
more importantly, how it should do it. The Initiative has identified the
need for a Provincial Community Development Policy, with a solid
action plan to operationalize it community development policy or action
plan outlines the expected outcomes and specific activities that will be
undertaken to improve the livelihood of citizens of a country.
Community Development Initial Action Plan results from the
Initiative’s extensive learning process. It includes collaborative and
concrete proposals for how Government can support sustainable
Community development. It aims to influence how Government
works. It strives to ensure Government decisions, activities and
outcomes that support or impact community development are
compatible with the principles of sustainable community
development. The key purpose is to build communities based on
justice, equality and mutual respect.
• Community development involves changing the relationships
between ordinary people and people in positions of power, so
that everyone can take part in the issues that affect their lives
• Its key purpose is to build communities based on justice,
equality and mutual respect. Community development
involves changing the relationships between ordinary people
and people in positions of power, so that everyone can take
part in the issues that affect their lives.

• Policy refers to a principle that is proposed and adopted by an organization or


• Collaboration means working together to encourage integration of resources, work

and/or decision-making across organizations.

• Community is a group of people who live and interact in a specific geographic area
or people with shared cultures or common interests.
• Co-orperation means making a conscious effort to work together and build informal
ties that facilitate sharing

• Community Development Action Plan outlines the expected outcomes and

specific activities that will be undertaken to implement the Community
Development Policy and achieve its objectives.

• Coordination means working together to reduce or eliminate overlap and

duplication the specific steps in the Initial Action Plan are organized to support
the achievement of the Community Development Policy objectives of:
• . Clarifying Government and community roles in community development

• Increasing cooperation, coordination and collaboration among

Departments/Offices between communities and Departments/Offices, among
levels of Government and among communities.

• Increasing Government and community capacity to understand and advance

community development

• Developing an accountability framework to report on progress, ensure

transparency and enable evidence based decision-making
The Community Development Policy promotes the engagement of the Zambian community in
actions to
• Analyze their environment.
• Define their individual and collective needs and problems
• Define their individual and collective potentials;
• Design individual and collective plans to meet their needs and solve their problems in a
prioritized manner;
• Implement those plans by drawing from the resources of the community;
• Add to those resources if necessary, with support services and resources from government or
private organs or any other stakeholders outside the community;
• Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the plans
• Sustain the activities and make them productive.
• The revised Community Development Policy aims to mobilize and
empower the country Community to exercise its powers in decision
making in order to promote its development, Commensurate with the
progress of decentralization. The policy, among other things, takes
into account the challenges the community is still confronted with
extreme poverty, illiteracy, Environmental degradation, widespread
use of traditional farming methods, a culture of deference to
authority and weak collaboration which all constrain development.
• In this policy, the GoR envisages a community that is organized, self-
motivated, hardworking, forward-looking, and has the ability to
exploit local potential with innovations geared toward sustainable
• The mission of Community Development Policy remains to “ensure
effective and sustainable Participation of the community in its own
development, in order to achieve poverty reduction and self-reliance
based on the sustainable exploitation of available resources”.
• Community Development is essentially about building the capacity of the
community to solve its own problems. Community operates at different levels,
both formal and informal. The core formal community addressed in the
community and ultimately the Nation of Zambia community.
• But the Policy also recognizes that there are other more informal communities
within these jurisdictions beginning with the family and broadening to include
youth, women, kin, religions, civil society and private sector, all of which
contribute to and form of the larger community.
• A given community consolidates efforts under the prevailing socio-economic
conditions to better its standard of living, through increased economic output,
improved public services and enhanced security, participation and voice
• Economic Development
• Individual and community promotion of commerce and income
• Building community/shared productive assets; manpower, natural
resources, infrastructure
• Co-operative income generation – agriculture and off-farm activity
plus access and accountability of finance
• Community engagement in ecosystem rehabilitation and
• Community access, maintenance and monitoring of health and
education services
• Community access and participation in sports
• Community access and participation in cultural events
• Community access and participation in spiritual development
• Community access and participation in social welfare assistance
/responsibility (in kind or cash) for vulnerable citizens

• Community leadership and engagement in leadership development

• Community participation in local and national elections
• Community participation in local and national planning and budgeting
• Community participation in monitoring and evaluation of service
• delivery, utilization of public resources and service delivery innovation
• Community participation in assuring internal security
• Community participation in accountability and justice systems
• The guiding principles for the Community Development Policy include:
• Community participation: Local communities hold the key to
sustainable development. They have the capacity to take charge of their
own development and hence their effective participation is
indispensable. Participation should be mobilized and concentrated at
the lowest operational
• Common benefit: Communities should invest in projects which are
productive and beneficial to a large proportion of the public
employment and contribute to the improvement of the lives of the
most deprived.
• Exploitation of local potential: Communities should first deploy
locally available socioeconomic and cultural resources, including
mobilization of capital and savings to solve their problems, and seek
external resources to build on these and fill the gaps where necessary.
•   Enhancing a culture of transparency and accountability: The
community development policy promotes horizontal and vertical
accountability between state and citizens and active oversight of all
development programmers by communities at various levels.
• Autonomous management at local government level: Local
governments need to be given the space they need to manage their
own community development programs within the national
frameworks. Further fiscal decentralization, including enhancing local
tax collection will facilitate this process. The role of partners should be
complementary and aimed at empowerment, guidance, follow up and
harmonization of procedures. 
• · Promotion of Commerce: Income poverty afflicts much of Rwandan
society. Therefore promoting a culture of commerce and encouraging
commercial activity individually or collectively at the community level is
a core principal of the community development policy.·
• Collaboration between sectors and partners: This will promote
efficient integrated community development and coordinated
monitoring of activities and outcomes Cell and Sector levels
• for every country to develop, it needs to formulate a community
development policy. This will help the government of that particular
republic or country to adhere and attend to the needs of the citizens.
It is important that before and while formulating the policy, the policy
makers listen to the concerns of the citizens. The community
development policy is key to satisfying the different needs of the
community, whether it be economic, social or just providing good
governance to the citizens of a country. Since the formulation of the
Zambian developmental policy, there has been some improvement in
the national welfare.
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