Evolve Pay For Performance: Sample

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Evolve Pay for

Shift from a one-size-fits-all to a tailored approach to base pay increases and

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Situation Walk away from this
• The traditional approach to compensation, where performance
management ratings drive annual base pay increases and
blueprint with:
bonuses, is becoming less suitable for today’s environment.
• The objective of pay for performance is to motivate future
performance, however, research indicates that this does not work • A current-state assessment that
in practice. provides a holistic view of the
organization to guide decisions
Complication throughout the design process.
• Budgets typically aren’t big enough for true differentiation among • Defined objectives for each
employees, and many managers do not bother trying to employee segment or
differentiate their direct reports.
organization-wide that are
• The process is lengthy with the involvement of many stakeholders
realistic and tailored to your
and the outcome has minimal impact.
• Both the changing workforce and nature of work no longer support
organization’s strategy,
a one-size-fits-all approach to base pay increases and bonuses. structure, and culture.
• A tailored approach to base pay
Resolution increases and bonuses that will
• Redefine the objectives of providing base pay increases and achieve the desired outcomes
bonuses to align process with practice. of the defined objectives, as
• Design a tailored approach for base pay increases and bonuses well as high-level cost impacts
that aligns with defined objectives in order to achieve desired to bring to stakeholders.
• This will require a cultural shift in how organizations and
employees view the purpose of such compensation programs, as
well as transparency regarding what the organization is paying for.

McLean & Company 2



“Our team has “Our team knows “We need to hit the “Our team does not
already made this that we need to fix a ground running and have the time or the
critical project a process, but we get this project knowledge to take
priority, and we have need assistance to kicked off this project on. We
the time and determine where to immediately. Our need assistance
capability, but some focus. Some check- team has the ability through the entirety
guidance along the ins along the way to take this over of this project.”
way would be would help keep us once we get a
helpful.” on track.” framework and
strategy in place.”

Diagnostics and consistent frameworks used throughout all four options

McLean & Company 3

Use McLean & Company’s process to guide you
in determining your organization’s approach

3 Implementation Plan
Design Base Pay
Increase and Bonus New Objectives
2 Approach

New Objectives Base Pay

Determine New Increase
Objectives for Base
1 Pay Increases and
Base Pay Bonus
Evaluate Current Pay Increase
for Performance Pay for Performance

Annual Base
Pay Increase New Objectives


Pay for Performance

McLean & Company 4


McLean & Company 5

The evolution in performance management
signals compensation needs to change
Dissatisfaction with traditional performance Despite
Despite extensive
extensive coverage
coverage of
of this
this evolution,
evolution, there
there is
uncertainty around how to handle impacts
uncertainty around how to handle impacts to to
management has resulted in an evolution
compensation. Organizations
Organizations that
that have
have shifted
shifted away
towards an Agile or more modern approach to from traditional performance management need to evolve
from traditional performance management need to evolve
better reflect today’s operating environment. compensation
compensation as as well.

Traditional Performance Modern Performance Agile Performance

Management and Compensation Management Management
Backward-focused performance Approach that follows a System of ongoing, continuous
appraisal during an annual cycle defined cycle and may use feedback and goal setting that
that results in a rating, which then ratings. Key shift is towards a enhances the performance and
drives base pay increase and forward focus rather than development of employees on a
bonus amounts. backward appraisal and constant and consistent basis.
quarterly goal reviews.

Although only
only 10%
10% of
of organizations
organizations report
report being
being fully
fully Agile,
Agile, 31%
31% have
have incorporated
incorporated some
some aspects
aspects of
Agile performance
performance management
management andand 33%
33% are
are in
in the
the early
early stages
stages of
of determining
determining what
what to
to incorporate.
(Human Resource
Resource Executive,
Executive, 2016)

This blueprint is for organizations that have moved to a modern or Agile approach to performance
management, or at least are looking to. For more information on these approaches, explore McLean &
Company’s Modernize the Performance Appraisal and
Abolish the Annual Performance Appraisal and Move to an Agile System blueprints.
Both Sales and Executive compensation are out of scope for this blueprint, as they require separate
structures and a separate design process.
McLean & Company 6
Satisfaction with pay for performance is
It’s evident that across the board, pay for performance receives a failing grade.
of organizations find that base pay
40% increases are effective at driving higher
Only 45% of employees reported
levels of employee performance.
that there is a clear link between
their performance and their pay.
of managers believe that base pay
48% increases drive improved performance What’s worse is that 26% of
among their direct reports. organizations reported that they pay
bonuses even to poor performers
of managers find that base pay (Willis Towers Watson, 2016).
49% increases adequately differentiate
performance among their direct reports.

of organizations find that short-term

50% incentives drive higher levels of
employee performance.
McLean & Company insight
of managers believe short-term
52% incentives drive improved Despite a vast array of evidence that the current
performance among their direct reports. approach is ineffective at both driving and
differentiating performance, the objective of P4P
of managers find that short-term continues to be that of motivating performance.
52% incentives adequately differentiate It’s time for pay for performance to evolve
performance among their direct reports. with a new sense of objective.
(Willis Towers Watson, 2016)

McLean & Company 7

It’s imperative to redefine the objectives of
providing base pay increases and bonuses
HR needs to debunk the idea that compensation motivates performance.

Redefine why
why you’re
you’re providing
pay increases
providing annual
increases and
annual base
and bonuses.
“ Clearly, a few percent difference in the
amount of a pay increase is unlikely to
prove to be a powerful retention

• Find a new approach that will better suit
device or motivator of performance.
your organization, its goals, and – Edward Lawler
performance drivers.
• Be honest and specific with what you’re • 63% of departing employees stated that
trying to drive and how programs are they were receiving a pay increase in their
new role (McLean & Company Exit Survey
carried out in practice. Are you paying for Database, N=2,737).
retention? Attraction? Recognition?
• 42% of departing employees stated that
• Don’t focus on trends. Look at what you base pay had a moderate effect, major
want to pay for and why. effect, or was the primary reason for leaving
(McLean & Company Exit Survey Database, N=3,363).
• Have the courage to look for alternatives
• 29% of departing employees stated that
that challenge the conventional ways of variable pay had a moderate effect, major
doing things. effect, or was the primary reason for leaving
(McLean & Company Exit Survey Database, N=2,982).

Over 50% of employers have already taken action or are planning on taking action to
change the criteria for base pay increases (Willis Towers Watson, 2016).

McLean & Company 8


Empower management to
apply HR best practices
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Now, more than ever,
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Stay abreast of HR trends &

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Vice President,
McLean & Company

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