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Speaking and Writing TOEIC

Practice Test
Parte 1
Questions 1–2: Read a text aloud.
Directions: In this part of the test, you will read aloud the
text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare.
Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud.
• Question 1 of 11.
At the Airport

Miguel is standing in line at the airport. It is his turn and he walks to the
counter. The lady at the counter asks him for his ID and she checks his flight
details. Yes, he is confirmed on flight 103 from Los Angeles to Hawaii at
noon. He does not have any bags to check in but has one small carry-on bag
that he will take with him. The agent prints out his boarding pass. The
airport security officers walk past him with a big dog. The dog is sniffing
around people’s luggage trying to detect drugs and explosives. Miguel is
relieved when he sees the dog walk past him. Suddenly, the dog turns and
begins to sniff his bag and bark. The security officer looks at Miguel. “Sir,
please bring your bag and come with me.”
• Question 2.
• Saritha is watching a Bollywood movie with her boyfriend Chris. Bollywood
movies are filmed in the Hindi language by the film industry based in
Mumbai, India. The ‘B’ in Bollywood comes from ‘Bombay’, the old name
for Mumbai. Traditional Bollywood movies are not meant to be realistic.
They are usually musicals with plenty of dance, romance, action and very
often violence. The reason for their popularity is that most people in India
are poor and these films provide an escape from the reality of their daily
lives. For the middle class, they are a way to live out fantasies of falling in
love and marrying the man or woman of their dreams. This is not common in
a country where their spouses are usually selected for them in what are
called ‘arranged marriages’. When you watch a traditional Bollywood
movie, be prepared for a film, usually not shorter than two and a half hours,
whose main purpose is to entertain.
Question 3: Describe a picture
Directions: In this part of the test, you will describe the picture
on your screen in as much detail as you can. You will have 45
seconds to prepare your response. Then you will have 45
seconds to speak about the picture.
Question 4 of 11. (15 seconds to answer)

(Narrator): Imagine that you are the developer of the new

programme against child abuse, and you have to convince the
communities to support this program, and empower the people
to stop this social problem.

What examples of child abuse seen in these days can you

Question 5 of 11. (15 seconds to answer)

(Narrator): Imagine that you are the developer of the new

programme against child abuse, and you have to convince
the communities to support this program, and empower the
people to stop this social problem.

How could you convince people to follow this programme?

• Question 6 of 11. (30 seconds to answer)

• (Narrator): Imagine that you are the developer of the new

programme against child abuse, and you have to convince the
communities to support this program, and empower the people
to stop this social problem.

• What alternatives can you give to solve this problem?

(45 seconds to read the information)


Hours: From Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. and
Sundays from 10:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m.
Location: Av. La Revolución, Col. San Benito.
Services Guided visits
Specialized library and others
Exhibits: Migration and rooting room
Room of agricultura
Room of Religion and others.
Relevant parts: Perrito con ruedas. Pedernal excéntrico.
Estela del Tazumal. Xipe Tótec.
Parte 2
Question 7 of 11. (15 seconds to answer)

You will hear: This is Alejandro López. I am planning to attend the national Museum
of Anthropology, but I’ve lost the direction, so I need some information.
Question 8 of 11. (15 seconds to answer)

You will hear: I don’t know what service do you offer. Can you help me?
Question 9 of 11. (30 seconds to answer)(TO HERE. L.)

You will hear: Other than the relevant parts, what else do you have?

Now listen to this:

Hi, uh, this is Ron Thomas. This afternoon I shopped at your
supermarket and I think you made a
mistake. When I got home I checked my receipt and you charged me
for two bottles of cooking oil
but I only bought one bottle. I know it's not a big charge, but I, well, I
shouldn't be charged for
something I didn't buy. I can come back to your store if you need me to
or please ask your
manager to give me a call at 733-0770. Let me know what I should do.

Some people
prefer to take a job that does not pay well but does provide a lot of time off from
work. What is your opinion about taking a job with a low salary that has a lot of
vacation time?
Give reasons for your opinion.
Parte 3
Question 1 of 5

Question 2 of 5

Question 3 of 5

Question 4 of 5

Popcorn/ people
Question 5 of 5

Question 6
Question 7
Directions: Read the e-mail.

From: Carlton Peck, Director Teachnical Services

To: All engineering staff
Subject: Recent problems
Sent: March 9, 2:46 P.M.

I was recently informed that there have been a number of technical problems in the engineering
department recently, from telephone disturbances to computer failures. To fix these problems, I
must have a complete list of ALL of the problems, the affected employees, and their locations.
Please send this information to me as soon as possible.

Directions: Respond to the e-mail as if you work at a company where Carlton Peck is
the director of technical services. In your e-mail, respond to his request, and tell him
about ONE problem you have been experiencing.
What are the advantages or disadvantages of working in the same place as
other members of your family? Give reasons or examples to support your

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