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Name of main actors placed along top, in

order of most famous on far left to captivate

the audience about who is in the film

3 protagonists in the middle of the poster

with ninjas jumping behind them conveys the
idea these 3 characters are being chased,
reinforcing the action genre

Light contrast and shadowing in the poster

gives the impression of dark vs. light – ninjas
vs. 3 protagonists

Use of light shining behind the protagonists

gives the impression that they are the

Main title centred in middle of poster to state

and make clear the name of the film

Subtitle (“A hero will stand”) implies the film

belongs in the action genre as use of the
term “hero” indicates a fight might take place

Release date highlighted in red to signal to

the audience that they should go to the
cinema to watch the film
Possible implications of pathetic fallacy due to
the characters holding weapons implying a
fight taking place which links to death hence
the use of rain as it could indicate sadness,
showing something tragic may occur in the film

Costume of Geoffrey Rush with his hat and

gun gives the impression he is cowboy
connoting the film location is set in Western

Jang Dong Gun is the main character as he

is the central focus point – sword implies he
is an assassin or warrior and his clothing
gives the idea he is quite experienced

The sullen expression on Dong Gun’s face

conveys a “cool” image

Kate Bosworth is wearing typical Western

1800 style clothing indicating the time period
of the film.

As a female lead, Bosworth’s character can

be seen as a potential love interest in the
film to give a romantic edge to the narrative
Dolryeochagi (Spin Kick) denotes the film
revolves around the sport Taekwondo as the
title is the name of a popular Taekwondo

The costume of the characters indicates they

are high school students, thus the film
revolves around the lives of high school

The two students placed in front of the others

could suggest they are close friends and are
perhaps two of the more important characters

Low angle shot used implies these characters

are strong, powerful and have status in their

Students are all holding Taekwondo uniforms

wrapped in a black belt showing not only are
they very strong and train in this sport, but
they all belong to the same club thus
indicating they are all friends

Facial expressions and poses convey the

image of being confident and full of fighting
“No rule, No technique, No manner” suggests
the idea these students might be delinquents
as the phrase could be referring to their
attitudes, or instead Taekwondo

“Take that! Foul King goes out” (in yellow)

conveys the idea that the “Foul King” (the
central student) is fighting properly perhaps
due to some sort of conflict which happens in
the film

Smoke behind the students used to reinforce

the film being an action genre as well as to
add a serious tone

Students standing at top of stairs behind rows

of chairs could imply they are entering

Multiple lines drawing out from the characters

and the light behind them highlights that the
narrative revolves around them

Orange at the bottom used to draw audience

attention as it stands out
Quote at the top clearly indicates to audience
that the film is a mixture of martial arts and
comedy which attracts certain audiences

Referring to well known martial arts films such as

“Crouching Tiger” and “Enter the Dragon”
immediately draws attention to the eyes of fans
of these films

Display of 4 and 5 stars gives the impression the

film is high quality and worth watching

“You’ve never seen football like this” placed

under the title is used to grab an audience of
football fans

Main character in middle of the poster is

surrounded by golden light possibly indicating
God-like powers

“Get ready to kick some grass” is a play on

words/ pun used to create a rapport with the
audience through the use of an allusion with a
comical twist
Football has images of Shaolin poses on it
implying culture is a key feature in the film

Name of the famous actor Stephen Chow

displayed above the title to bring attention to the
film – he is also the director

Two teams standing on a soccer pitch implies the

film is building up to a showdown between these
two teams

Contrast between the black and yellow teams

clearly shows which team the comic factor comes
from as yellow is used to convey happiness and
fun (as is indicated by the way the team is acting)
as opposed to black which is deemed as serious
and constricted, hence the stern stances.

Sponsor of the Sun newspaper indicates which

class the film is aimed at, and likely to appreciate
the film the most

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