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Leadership and teacher professional development

1. Teaching as profession
2. Profession and professionalism
3. Characteristics of a professional

You should be able to explain

• The Concept of Teaching as a Profession

• The concept of profession and professionalism
• Characteristics of the teacher as a professional
Type of exam Past year questions:
questions • Explain the concept of profession
• Structure ( a-5m, b- 10 m) • Teaching is a profession. Describe
• Essay ( 20 marks each) the concept of teaching
• Why teaching is considered a
professional career
• Explain the characteristics of the
professional teachers

Understand , define and can explain….

4.Is teaching a profession? Why?
Explain with examples.
6. Characteristics of a professional teacher.

What is Profession?
• 'profession' is a field in a ​particular job that
requires education, high competencies and
specific training (e.g., law, medicine, teaching etc.).
• A profession is something a little more than a job; it
is a career for someone that wants to be part of
• becomes competent in their chosen field through
training; maintains their skills through continuing
professional development (CPD); and commits to
behaving ethically, to protect the interests of the
Concept of profession
 A specific job that is run by people who
have the qualifications and training
 Trained with sufficient quality, honest,
dedicated, and accountable and with high
moral values
 Has job autonomy
 Comply with the code of ethics prescribed
by the organization
Mok Soon Sang (1996)

Lieberman says, a career that is classified as a profession
should contain the following features :

1. It is unique and essential service that is clearly

defined and important part of a community and
2. Workers use their ability and intellectual capabilities
on job
3. Professional job received specialized training in a
particular field of professional skills for a specific
time period
4. Members of a profession are experts in a particular
job and have autonomy in the course of his duties

1. Members of a profession.
2. Concern for the quality of service and
dedication to job (NOT concerned with
income or financial rewards)
3. Members of a powerful organization
determine par value for admission, control the
quality of services and the removal of members
4. Members comply with a code of ethics
prescribed by the organization of the profession
5. Each member responsible for all actions and
decisions made ​
So what is professionalism ?
A specific occupation ….
     a. has approval
     b. Professional training of sufficient quality,
     c. Honest, dedicated, committed
     d. high moral values​​,
     e. autonomous
     f. comply with code of conduct as determined
by the organisation

What is the difference…?
 TEACHING - viewed as the logical and strategic
act denoting interaction between the teacher and
the student as they operate on some kind of
verifiable facts and beliefs, it encourages students’
participation and expression of their own views.
schooling and education.
 SCHOOLING make us graduate
 EDUCATION is interminable and goes on from the
cradle to the grave.

“Are teachers’ professionals?”
 Malaysian teachers ARE professionals.
 They are equipped :
1. with in-depth knowledge of a subject, pedagogy and
student psychology
2. has autonomy in carrying out their daily work in
education institutions.
3. Workers use their ability and intellectual
capabilities on job
4. specialized training in a subject matter, acquires
skills for a specific time period
5.RANJITSINGH/IPGKTB of a profession ( eg. NUTP/KPPK)
6. Adheres to SGM / Malaysian teacher Standards
Knowledgeable, skilled, competent ; knowledgeable in
Some scholars stated the characteristics needed are :  
1.A unique service
2.Special training
3.An organisation/ body to control the profession
5.Knowledge and skills
7.Code of ethics
8.Special training
Mohamad Sani (1998), professional teachers should have certain attributes
… as in the next slide
• pious
•  have a certain character
•  noble personality
•  commitment
•  Be courteous
•  be positive
•  Ability to lead
•  A culture of knowledge

Excellence in: KNOWLEDGE

•Plan T&L •MAIN contents of the lesson
•  Manage T&L •knowledge
•  Choosing T&L strategy •pedagogical content
•  Stimulate T&L
•  technology skills
•  generic skills •method
•  counseling skills •Technology
•  Evaluating T&L
Teachers have ten traits very effective
~ McEwan (2002) ~

1. mission and 1. expertise in

passion , motivation ,
2. being true and 2. effective
positive , teaching ,
3. teacher as leader , 3. reading culture ;
4. with- it- ness , 4. street smart and
5. style , 5. healthy mental
life . 15
Professional Teacher
 Being professional.
 Demonstrate Characteristics of power theory.
 Morally rich, Excellent work ethic
 Morally firm.
 Always strive to improve teaching quality.
 Concerned with the Students and parents
 Ability to assess the strengths and weaknesses of students.
 Always align themselves with the demands of contemporary skills.
 Displaying commendable character, image for, noble and

Malaysian teacher Standards (SGM)

Section A. Structure
( answer ¾ on A4 paper ) 5 m each
1. Define what is profession and professionalism.
2. Describe the criteria of an effective teacher. Give
3. The general public disputes teachers as
professionals. To what extent do you agree that
teaching is indeed a professional career?
4. Based on your school based experiences, use
graphic display to show the strengths and
weaknesses of teachers in a professional

capacity in schools.
Try answering this…
The teaching profession in the context of a professional teacher
must have the following characteristics except
A.The services of the highest quality.
B.Qualifications recognized professional teaching
C.Experts in teaching duties.
D.Optimism in fulfilling the responsibilities of the school.

A professional must be knowledgeable and have to go through

formal education to a high level and is also regulated by a code of
ethics. Teaching career is a profession because....
A. The salary is high
B. Teachers are given full autonomy
C. Teachers qualifications and professional training
D. The employment of teachers is not limited
E. It is only for trained teachers
Write short answers. ( 100-150 words)
1. What is profession and professionalism?
2. Briefly give 5 attributes of an effective teacher.
3. Explain, teaching is a professional career.


The effective teacher is a comedian/entertainer who uses
humour in the service of learning rather than as a
distraction from it. (THE EFFECTIVE TEACHER by Leo R. Sandy)
Discuss the above statement by Leo R. Sandy in regard to effective
teachers role in teaching and learning.

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