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Construction management

Is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a
unique product or service
It has a single or unique set of objectives and
when these are reached the project is
It is a temporary, it has a define beginning and
define ending and it thus has a limited life
It is constrained by limited resources – machine
- money
- man power
- material
It is planned, executed and controlled
Projects may be large or small
Duration can be short (few weeks) to long (several
Project should be SMART
• S = specific
• M = measurable
• A = achievable
• R = resonable
• T = time constrained
Project management
Is the application of knowledge, skills, and
techniques to describe, organize, oversee and
control the various project processes.
To complete a project scope within budget
(cost), on time and according to specifications
(quality), with safety
“ If you can’t describe what you are doing as a
process, you don’t know what you’re doing”
Major causes of project failure
Improper planning and scope definition

There is no project structure

The plan lacks details

The project has insufficient budget and/or resources

Lack of team communications

Scope changes and extras

• Lack of trust
• Hidden agendas
• Breakdown in communication
Major causes of project success
• Stakeholders are indentified
• Stakeholders expectations are known and met
• Trust
• There is a clearly stated purpose and sound
• Goals and objectives are understood and
Project managers
• They are the people responsible for managing
the project processes and applying the tools
and techniques used to carry out the project
• The role of project manager
A project manager must be educated in the
fundamental principles of engineering design
and management
Every project manager needs
• Communications skills
• Organization skills
• Budgeting skills
• Conflict management skills
solving problems by define the problem
by separating the causes from symptoms
Is it external or internal
Is it technical problem
Analyze the problem
• Negotiation and influencing skills
Working with others to come to an agreement
The ability to get thing done through others
Convincing the other party
Duties of project manager
1. Organize
2. Plan
3. Direct
4. Control
5. Coordination
Project phases
1. Conception
2. Preliminary design & study
3. Final design
4. Tendering
5. Construction Implementation
6. Hand over
7. Operation
Quality Control
• Guarantee quality
• Make test on samples like concrete, stone
• Available labs for testing
• Make sure that everything according to
• Safety for the construction itself and neighboring
• Safety in storage
• Safe use of machines how to use
• Use warning signs
• Lighting is enough
• Suitable wearing
• Collapse of soil
• Extinguishers
• You are working on the creation of a new television series.
Your organization has created many winning series in the
past. However, no other series on the air is like the series
that’s being proposed. The series must be ready to debut
during sweeps week in November. Which of the following
statements is true?
• This is a project, because the series is unique and it has a
definite beginning and ending date.
• This is an ongoing operation, because the organization exists
to create television series.
• This is an ongoing operation, because the series will be on the
air for many years. It’s not temporary.
• This is not a unique product, because the organization exists
to create television series.

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