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Anatomy of Leg

Pelvic Girdle
Structure:The pelvic is bony ring composed of sacrum and right and left hipbones joined anteriorly at the pubic
Joints:Sacroiliac joint
Hip joint
Pelvic joint
Function:Its primary functions are to bear the weight of the upper body when sitting and standing.
Its secondary functions are to contain and protect the pelvic and abdominopelvic viscera (inferior parts of the
urinary tracts, internal reproductive organs), providing attachment for external reproductive organs and
associated muscles and membranes.
Hip Bone
Type:Large flat bone
Structure:Formed by fusion of the ilium,pubis and ischium in the acetabulum.Articulate with
sacrum at Sacroiliac joint.
Joint:Hip joint
Pelvic joint
Sacroiliac joint
Introduction:thigh bone is the longest and the shortest bone of the body.
Type:Long bone
Joint:Hip joint
Patello-femoral joint
Knee joint
Covering by common Quadriceps tendons.
Type:Largest sesamoid bone
Joint:Patello femoral Joint
The Tibia is the Medial bone of the leg.
Type:Long bone
Fibula is the Lateralbone of the leg.
Type:Long bone
Ankle and Foot
Tarsus is seven Tarsal bone.
Type of bone:short bone
Metatarsals and Phalanges

Type:Long bone
Muscles of Gluteal Region
Posterior Muscles of Thigh
Anterior Muscles of the Thigh
Medial Muscles of Thigh
Anterior and Lateral Muscles of Thigh
Posterior Muscles of Leg
Blood supply of Lowerlimb
Arteries of Lower Limb
Anatomical course of Femoral artery and its
Arterial supply to the Posterior Thigh and
Gluteal region
Venous Drainage
Human Anatomy : B D Chaurasia’s 6TH Edition
Gray’s Anatomy : Henry Gray
Atlas Of Human Anatomy : Frank.Netter
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