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4th International Workshop on

“Innovative Marketing Communications (IMC-4):

Promoting and Selling Training and Services in a Competitive
Global Market”


Cairo, EGYPT: February 5 – 11, 2005

Workshop Objectives, Proposed Agenda

and Working Procedures
Session: 1-2

a presentation by:
Prof. Ibrahim Hegazy

A Collaborative Activity Organized by:

SPAAC/Human Empowerment Center (HEC)
Institute of Management Development (IMD)/American University in Cairo
in collaboration with
the International Society for Improving Training Quality (isitQ)
Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 1
Session 1-2
Workshop Objectives
Proposed Agenda
Working Procedures
Dr. Ibrahim A. Hegazy
Chairman, Management Department
Associate Marketing Professor
American University in Cairo
February 2005
Session Content
1. Defining IMC
2. The IMC Mix
3. The IMC Plan
4. The Workshop Objectives
5. The Workshop Agenda
6. The Workshop Working Procedures

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 3

(1) Integrated Marketing
IMC is the development of an Integrated
Comprehensive Marketing
Communication (Promotion) Plan that
links the marketing function with the
communication function to deliver Effective
Marketing Messages capable of (1) informing,
(2) convincing and (3) persuading people to

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 4

IMC ……continued
IMC makes use of such Promotion Elements
as (1) Advertising, (2) Sales Promotion, (3)
Public Relations, (4) Publicity, (5) Direct
Marketing, (6) Networking, (7) Personal
Selling, and other non-conventional elements
like (8) On-line communications to develop
and deliver clear, consistent, and
impact-full communications capable of
informing, convincing, and persuading
customers to buy.

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 5

(2) The Integrated Marketing
Communication MIX

A dver t i s i n g D ir e ct M ar k et i n g S al e s P r o m ot io n P ubl ic R ela t io ns P ubli c i t y P er s onal S elli n g C ybber M ar k et i n g

I n t e r n et M ar k et i n g

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 6

(3) The Integrated Marketing
Communications Plan
The Executive Summary
I. The Marketing Communications Situation Analysis
A. Company & Product History
B. Product Evaluation
C. Consumer Evaluation
D. Competitive Analysis
II. Marketing Communications Target Audience
III. Marketing Communications Objectives
IV. Marketing Communications Creative Strategy
V. Marketing Communications Mix
VI. Marketing Communications Budget
VII. Marketing Communications Performance Evaluation Measures

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 7

(4) Workshop Objectives
1. Discussing the Challenges facing “Services
Delivery” with focus on training and
education delivery.
2. Presenting a Conceptual Framework for
Capacity Enhancement for training
institutions to survive in a Global
Competitive marketplace.
3. Discussing the Innovative Marketing
Communications Plan & Its Components

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 8

(4) Workshop Objectives continued

4. Taking the Participants on a “Hands-on

Practice” of how to design attractive User-
Friendly marketing communications materials
and appeals.
5. Introducing the use of Information
Technologies in Promoting Services’ Delivery
with focus on training & education promotion.

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 9

(5) The Workshop Agenda
Day One (Saturday)
Session 1-2
Workshop Objectives & Agenda
Lecture PowerPoint Presentation

Session 1-4
Reflective Thinking
Peer Learning Grouping & Discussions

Session 1-5
Holistic Conceptual Framework for Capacity Enhancement
PowerPoint Presentation

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 10

(5) The Workshop Agenda
Day Two (Sunday)
Session 2-1 & 2-2
The Integrated Marketing Communications Plan
Power Point Presentation & Lecture

Session 2-4 & 2-5

Learning Case # 1
Launching the Heriot Watt (UK) MBA Program in Egypt

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 11

(5) The Workshop Agenda
Day Three (Monday)
Session 3-1
Design & Choosing the Attractive Communications Appeals
Power Point Presentation

Session 3-2 & 3-3

Learning Case # 2
Promoting IMI

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 12

(5) The Workshop Agenda
Day Four (Wednesday)
Session 4-1
The Use of Innovative Information & Communication Technology in
Executive Education – Cases From Egypt
Lecture & Power Point Presentation

Session 4-2 & 4-3

Web Graphics to Enhance E-Marketing Materials
Practical Hands-on Exercise

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 13

(5) The Workshop Agenda
Day Five (Thursday)
Session 5-1
Using Flash Template & Components Technology
Practical Hands-on

Session 5-2
Rapid Deployment of E-training Presentation
Practical Hands-on

Session 5-3
Mini Write-shop
Design User-Friendly Marketing Communications Materials
Peer Learning & Group Reporting

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 14

(5) The Workshop Agenda
Day Six (Friday/Closing Day)
Session 6-1
IMC Awards Competition & Presentation
Training Advertisements
Peer Learning & Group Reporting

Session 6-2
Workshop Wrap-Up & Process Evaluation
Open Discussion

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 15

(6) Workshop Working Procedures
Interaction Interaction Interaction with
Conference Staff
Invited Guest Speakers
Groups Case Studies
Group Working yet with Individual Identity
Group Thinking, Brainstorming, Analysis
No Dominance Please
Lecturing of Fundamental Concepts and Principles

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 16

(6) The Working Procedures continued
Individuals’ Competition & Award Hunting
Individuals Efforts
Individuals Reflections
Hands-on Practice of the main principles and
concepts in Innovative Marketing Communications.
Sharing Award Winning Experiences from High Profile
Guest Speakers

Dr. Ibrahim Hegazy, AUC 17

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