Amazon Redshift: Database - PRN NO-2017BTECS00041

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Database -Amazon Redshift

PRN NO-2017BTECS00041
Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is an Internet hosting service and data warehouse

product which forms part of the larger cloud-computing platform Amazon
Web Services.
It is built on top of technology from the massive parallel processing
(MPP) data warehouse company ParAccel (later acquired by Actian),to
handle large scale data sets and database migrations. Redshift differs from
Amazon's other hosted database offering, Amazon RDS, in its ability to
handle analytic workloads on big data data sets stored by a column-oriented
DBMS principle.
According to Cloud Data Warehouse report published by Forrester in Q4 2018, Amazon Redshift
has the largest Cloud data warehouse deployments, with more than 6,500 deployments.

Amazon has listed a number of business intelligence

software proprietors as partners and tested tools in their
"APN Partner" program, including Actian, Actuate
Corporation, Alteryx, Dundas Data Visualization, IBM
Cognos, InetSoft, Infor, Logi Analytics, Looker (company),
MicroStrategy, Pentaho,[8][9] Qlik, SiSense, Tableau
Software, and Yellowfin.
Amazon Redshift is based on an older version of
PostgreSQL 8.0.2, and Redshift has made changes to that
version.[3][4] An initial preview beta was released in
November 2012[5] and a full release was made available on
February 15, 2013.
The service can handle connections from most other
applications using ODBC and JDBC connections.
Partner companies providing data integration tools include
Informatica and SnapLogic. System integration and
consulting partners include Accenture, Deloitte, Capgemini
and DXC Technology.
Comparing Amazon Redshift to Traditional Data Warehouses
Traditional data warehousing techniques are designed to support
programmedfunctionalities such as:

Roll-up: Data is generalized by summarizing it

Pivot: Cross tabulation (rotation) is performed
Slice and Dice: Performing projection operations on the dimensions
Drill-down: Revealing more details
Selection: Information is available by value and range
Sorting: Data is sorted by ordinal value
The core benefits of data warehousing are as follows:

A collection of information for competitive and comparative analysis.

High-quality level of information enhancing completeness.
Disaster recovery plans with any other data backup source.
• Optimized for Data Warehousing
• Amazon Redshift uses efficient techniques and a variety of innovations in order to obtain a very
high level of query performance on large amounts of datasets, ranging from hundred gigabytes
to a petabyte or more. This is not possible in any traditional data warehousing technique to
process an optimized query with this much data.
• Scalable
• The Amazon Redshift can be easily scaled in just a few clicks through the AWS Management
Console or by a simple API call. If your organization requires a change, you can easily add or
remove a number of nodes in your cloud data warehouse. The scaling property in traditional
data warehousing is not so easy and is very complex if you want to change your data
warehousing structure. DS (Dense Storage) nodes allow you to handle very large data
warehouse structure using HDDs (Hard Disk Drives).
Fully Managed
Monitoring, scaling and managing a traditional data warehouse can be
challenging compared to Amazon Redshift. Automatic data backups, upgrades,
and patches are services provided by Redshift that helps you focus on what’s
important. Your data and business.
Get started in minutes
Using simple API calls or the AWS Management Console, you can create a
cluster, define its size, security profile and underlying node type. The complete data
warehouse for your organization will be up and running in no time. Data warehouses
are important tools to use in order to access business insight and analysis into your
business operations. There are some traditional ways available that can be used for
data warehousing for any organization. These techniques can be challenging to
implement, manage and analyze. Amazon Redshift provides an excellent solution for
your data warehousing needs to create your cloud cluster, manage, scale and
accessing insights.
• Transfer your data into Redshift
Setting up your pipeline to load your data into Redshift smoothly and
easily can be quite a project, costing your organization valuable time and
resources. This is especially true if you want your data to be replicated at near
real-time, which is usually the case for tracking important business metrics.
This is where FlyData comes in. FlyData provides continuous, near real-
time replication into Redshift from your transactional databases, such as
MySQL, PostgreSQL, Amazon Aurora, and more. With an easy, one-time setup,
our robust system ensures 100% accuracy with each load. Your data is always
up to date.

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