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Job Application

Eka Sumiyatun
Luluk Alfarihah Zulfa Sofiah
Blora, 01 March 2020

Subject: Application for Employment

Dear Insan Medika

South Jakarta


The undersigned below :

Name: Berlia Mega

Address: Jln. Almad Yani Blora

Place, date of birth: December 10, 1999

Last education: D3 Nursing Blora Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang

Tel: 081xxxxxxxxx

Based on the information contained on the job vacancy website I learned that INSAN MEDIKA is looking for a NURSE. I intend to apply for a job at INSAN MEDIKA that you lead
to occupy this position. I am committed to working hard, honestly, diligently and able to work independently and in teams. I also have a friendly personality sociable and nimbl

For your consideration, I attach several files as follows:

• 1. Curriculum vitae

• 2. Photocopy of the last legalized diploma

• 3. Photocopy of legalized transcript value

• 4. Photocopy of SKCK

• 5. Photocopy of KTP

• 6. Photocopy of Family Card

• 7. Photocopy of Certificate

• 8. Work Experience Letters

• 9. 4x6 photos (5 sheets)

• Thus I made this job application letter with the truth, I am ready to be called at any time to explain my abilities in more detail. I hope to be accepted at INSAN MEDIKA in.
Thank you for your attention.

• Best regards,

• Berlia Mega

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