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1. List activities that exemplify care for the

 Use Reusable Bags
 Print as Little as Necessary
 Recycle
 Use a Reusable Beverage Containers
 Don’t throw your notes away
 Save Electricity
 Make sure to turn of appliances
 Save water
2. Explain the effects of consumption and production
patterns that contribute to the problem of climate change?

 Food consumption and production have a considerable impact on the

environment. To be good, food needs to be responsibly sources and consumed, as
well as healthy.
 Farming techniques have evolved, and the use of fertilizers has decreased
considerably during the last few decades. Despite this, there appears to be no
decrease in nutrient loading attributable to agriculture.
 The Natural Resources Institute Finland is developing new solutions for
improving production techniques, maximizing the use of by-products, and
minimizing waste in order to reduce nutrient loading attributable to production.
The aim of the NRIF is to find ways of mitigating the environmentel and climatic
impacts of food production.
3. Explain and illustrate personal contributions that can
actually solve the problem of climate change?

 Forego Fossil Fuels- The first challenge is eliminating the burning voal, oil and eventually,
natural gas.
 Infrastructive Upgrade- building worldwide contribute around one third of all greenhouse
gas emissions (43 percent in the U.S. alone), even though investing in thicker insulation
and other cost-effective, temperature-regulating steps can save money in the long run.
 Move closer to work- Transportation is the second leading source of greenhouse gas
emissions in the U.S ( burning a single gallon of gasoline products 20 pounds of co2 ) but
it doesn’t have to be that way
 Consume less- The easiest way to cut back greenhouse emmisions
 Be efficient- A potentially simpler and even bigger impact can be made by doing more
with less.
4. Make a stand on how the consequences of ones
action affect the lives of others and the environment?

 Global climate change will affect people and the environment in

many ways. Some of these impacts, like stronger hurricanes and
severe heat waves, could be lofe threatening, others, like spreading
weeds, will be less serious. And some effects, like longer growing
seasons for crops, might even be good however, as the Earth keeps
getting warmer, the negative effects are expected to outweigh the
postive ones.

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