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The aim of the project is to rescue of trapped child in to the bore well by continues monitoring & supply of necessary
items to survive using technical method. These bore wells in turn have started to take many innocent lives. Bores which
yielded water and subsequently got depleted are left uncovered. Small children without noticing the hole dug for the
bore well slip in and get trapped. To aid in such rescue we have proposed a system. The Methods to keep a child alive in
a bore should take in to consideration the lack of oxygen, increased temperatures and humidity, which produces
hyperthermia. These problems are addressed with fresh air delivery with or without oxygen. A hand-powered
equipment to deliver fresh air inside bore is being designed. This method brings down temperature and delivers fresh
air. Visualizing the child is made possible with infrared waterproof cameras and a portable high resolution TV Monitor.
This is light weight machine that will go down into the bore well pipe and save the child life systematically. This machine
will go down the bore well and perform the action. This robot type machine can stay alive trapped body from bore well
until parallel hall will be dug up which will work as minimum amount of time and save the child life systematically

There is no proper technique to rescue victims of such accidents. When the local arrangements do not work, Army is called
for. In most cases reported so far, a parallel hole is dug up and then a horizontal path is made to reach to the subject’s body.
It is not only a time taking process, but also risky in various ways. Moreover it involves a lot of energy and expensive
resources which are not easily available everywhere and in this process we always need big space around the trapped bore
that we can dig a parallel bore.
The field of search and rescue robotics, while growing rapidly in this decade, is still relativelyvery harmful have been proved[2]..Outside of
controlled environments, humans have only performed sophisticated manipulation tasks when operated for rescue operation [3] .In normalrescue
operation, a parallel pit is dug deep to achieve the child and adjacent holes are made tothe walls of bore well. A common method used to find the
depth of child is the use of rope [3].One particular aspect of the rescue robotics domain eases the fruitful combination of highlychallenging basic
research and application oriented developments for large markets. This is thefact that rescue robots strongly benefit from autonomy while there is
a human in the loop [4].The alternative solution to this problem is the use of robotic systems which can move down
the pipe and bring the subjected body out of it properly and safely . Robots have been verysuccessful at manipulation in simulation and controlled
environments.It will be a light weightmachine that will go down into the bore well pipe and hold the trapped body systematically. Inthis
alternative scenario, there will be no requirement of digging any hole parallel to the bore-well. The remotely controlled robot will go down the
bore well and perform the action. A lotof other hassles will also be
avoided by this alternative technique. This proposed system consistof a light weight machine that will go down into the bore well pipe and hold
the trapped bodysystematically. In this alternative scenario, there will be no requirement of digging any hole parallel to the bore-well.
The remotely controlled robot will go down the bore well and performthe action of trapping
 baby outside the bore-well using 3 finger mechanism. The 3 fingermechanism is controlled using laptop. We are also using temperature sensor to
measure thetemperature of the baby trapped surroundings
B.Bharathi et-al [1]
 describes the designing a robot for rescue a child from inside bore well,which is capable of moving inside the bore well, according to the human
comment by PC andalso pick and placing based on arm design. . The robot is operated through PC using wireless Zigbee technology and using
wireless camera can view both audio and video on the TV. This robot has a high power LED which acts as a light source when light intensity
inside the pipe islow. It is a low cost robot used to monitor and the human controlled robot that gives an insightview of rescuing the baby safely
taken to achieve this . 
Palwinder Kaur et-al [2]
 describes the rescue operations without human intervention. Herethe wheeled leg mechanism is design to go inside the pipe and the legs are
circumferentiallyand symmetrically spaced out 1200 apart. The robot can adjust its legs according to the pipelinedimensions. The robot has
consisting of power supply, switch pad, and gear motor. The
child position is captured from bore well with USB Camera and monitored on PC. The LM35temperature sensor and 16*2 LCD are interfaced
with PIC 16F877A microcontroller to senseand displays on LCD.

Manish Raj et-al [3]

 describes as the diameter of the borewell is narrow for any adult personand light goes dark inside it, the rescue task those situations
is challenging. The robotic systemwhich will attach a harness to the child using pneumatic arms for picking up. Ateleconferencing system will
also attach to the robot for communicating with the child.
1. CCTV camera – To monitor the position of the child.
2. Servomotor – For the movement of rod.
3. DC motor – For the movement of pulley and robotic arms.
4. Motor driver circuit – To drive the DC motors with appropriate voltage.
5. NI myRIO – To control the entire operation.
6. Robotic arms – To hold the child from top of the child.
7. Safety airbags – To provide support from the bottom of the child.

8. Pulley – For the movement of robot inside the bore-well.


LabVIEW is graphically programming language (laboratory virtual instrument enginerring workbench). It is a powerful tool.
LabVIEW offers a graphical programming approach that helps you visualize every aspect of your application, including hardware configuration,
measurement data, and debugging. This visualization makes it simple to integrate measurement hardware from any vendor, represent complex
logic on the diagram, develop data analysis algorithms, and design custom engineering user interfaces.
In this project labVIEW software manually controls the operation of a devices
The programming paradigm used in LabVIEW, sometimes called G, is based on data availability. If there is enough data available to a subVI or
function, that subVI or function will execute. Execution flow is determined by the structure of a graphical block diagram (the LabVIEW-source
code) on which the programmer connects different function-nodes by drawing wires.
These wires propagate variables and any node can execute as soon as all its input data become available. Since this might be the case for multiple
nodes simultaneously


Provides reconfigurable I/O that allows us to teach and implement multiple design concepts with one device.
The myRIO Student Embedded Device features I/O on both sides of the device in the form of MXP and MSP connectors. It includes analog
inputs, analog outputs, digital I/O lines, LEDs, a push button, an onboard accelerometer, a Xilinx FPGA, and a dual ‐core ARM Cortex ‐A9
processor. Some models also include WiFi support. we can program the myRIO Student Embedded Device with LabVIEW or C. With its
onboard devices, seamless software experience, and library of courseware and tutorials, the myRIO Student Embedded Device provides an
affordable tool for students and educators.
myRIO is a real time embedded evaluation and reconfigurable I\O made by national instruments.It consists of 4 analog input ad 2 analog
output. Also consists 16 digital I\O pins. requires labVIEW.

 Motor Driver circuit which allows the DC motor to drive on any direction. It is basically current amplifiers which accepts the
low current signal, from the controller and convert it into high current signal This motor control circuit allows the voltage to be
flowing in any direction.
Motor is defined as an electric or mechanic device that can create a motion. While interfacing with the controller; some of the motors like DC
motor, stepper motor and brushless dc motor may require a driver IC or driver circuit. DC motor is a type of motor that can convert DC into a
mechanical power. In a brushless DC motor, it consists of a DC power source, an inverter producing an AC signal to drive the motor. While
stepper motor is a brushless DC electric motor that converts electrical pulses into discrete mechanical motions.
 Provides the required power to the motor drive.
John Jose Pattery et-al [4]
 describes the facility to monitor the trapped child, supply oxygen and provide a supporting platform to lift up the child.
The 1st motor placed at top turns a gear mechanism which, in turn, pushes 3 blocks arranged at 120 degrees from each
other towards the side of the bore well. The 2nd motor placed below the plate turns the bottom shaft by 360degrees, the
helping to locate the gap through which the lifting rod passes. This is done with the help of a wireless camera attached to
the lifting rod. The 3rd motor adjusts the radial distance of the lifting rod. When the diameter is adjusted, the 4th motor
helps the lifting rod to screw its way through the gap towards the bottom of the child. Once the lifting the rod reaches a
safe position under, an air compressor is operated to pump air to the bladder attached to the end of lifting rod through an
air tube that runs downwards inside the lifting rod. The bladder provides a safe seating to the child

A servomotor is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for An air compressor is a device that converts power into potential
precise control of angular or linear position. energy stored in pressurized air
It consists of a suitable motor sensor for position feedback It is used to blow the air bag .
It is used to control the rod . By one of several methods, an air compressor forces more and more
Servo motor is a type of actuator device that consists of a motor air into a storage tank, increasing the pressure. When tank pressure
and a sensor to control velocity, acceleration etc. The major motor reaches its engineered upper limit, the air compressor shuts off.
drive components for a servo motor are a controller, power supply
unit, servo motor and the necessary connections with the motor.


A DC engine is utilized to change over electrical vitality to A camera is an optical instrument to capture still images or to
mechanical vitality, normally through the collaboration of record moving images, which are stored in a physical medium such as
attractive field and current conveying channels. in a digital system or on photographic film
For the movement of robotic arms and pulley This used to continously monitor the child condition.
The most common types rely on the forces produced by magnetic An infrared camera is a non-contact device that
fields. Nearly all types of DC motors have some internal detects infrared energy (heat) and converts it into an electronic signal,
mechanism, either electromechanical or electronic, to periodically which is then processed to produce a thermal image on a video
change the direction of current flow in part of the motor. monitor

Display unit

Air compressor unit


Power Supply

Power Supply

Camera DC Motor Servomotor Safety airbags

System diagram description
The entire system is manually controlled by the user. The functional block diagram of Borewell Rescue Robot is shown. The CCTV camera is used
for continuous monitoring and records each and every action of the child and display can be observed on monitor.
The fully computerized control unit controls the camera and acquires the images that have been captured with the help of CCTV camera. With the
help of this, the child’s position can be inferred. The ground control unit comprises of air compressor unit which is used to supply air to the safety
air bag to provide a platform for the child. The video signals received are analyzed by the user and in turn sends the suitable commands to the
robot. These command signals are then passed on to the myDAQ for further actions to take place. The metallic plate can be rotated, clamped and
rod is inserted inside the gap found with the airbag tied at its one end. Finally the air is blown into the airbag to form a horizontal platform. It is
ensured that the child is provided with the oxygen supply. To implement the prototype, 4 DC motor and 2 servomotors are used to achieve the
robotic movements and ensured that the child has been held safely in the robot’s hand. Once this is ensured the entire arrangement is pulled up
using pulley arrangement.
The design of the robot basically consists of three metallic discs as shown in the .The upper metallic disc has slightly more diameter about 14
inches greater when compared to the other two discs forming a lid at the opening of the Borewell. Usually the Borewell diameter varies from 8 to
12 inches. The first and the second discs are interconnected via the rope. The second metallic disc has a diameter of 8 inches and the third disc of
6 inches. The robot is designed in a conical shape ensuring that while moving inside the well it will not collide with the edges of the well which
may hamper the rescue operations. A number of components are used to achieve and control various actions of the Robot.
Step-1 Step-2
Fix the position of stand and pulley arrangement. Tie the rope to robot and send inside the bore-well with
continuous monitoring.
Steps in rescue process:
Step-3 Step-4
Trace out a gap between the child and wall of the bore- Insert the rod having a safety bag attached into the traced
Step-5 Hold the child with robotic arms and slowly pull up the
Safety air bag is blown using air compressor. entire arrangement.
This robot replaces the current systems effectively. It mainly focuses on:
High level safety:
◦ It is very important to have a system which can ensure a maximum level of safety of the trapped
child. While pulling the child up, care has to be taken so that no rupture is caused to the child.
Fast rescue and performing life saving action:
◦ The Rescue robot provides the child with appropriate oxygen supply. The robotic arms hold the child
from the top and the airbags provide support from the bottom. Hence, the chances of child slipping
further down is avoided. The project also ensures that the rescue operation is carried out with
minimal time.
Cost effective: arms
◦ The proposed method is economical and requires less cost to rescue the child when compared to the
existing systems.
Safety airbags

B.Bharathi, B.Suchitha Samuel “Design and Construction of Rescue Robot and Pipeline Inspection Using Zigbee”, Interna-tional
Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER) Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2013.

 K.Saran, S.Vignesh, Marlon Jones Loius “Bore-well Rescue Ro-bot” International Journal of Research Aeronautical and Me-
chanical Engineering (IJRAME) Vol 1, Issue 4, pg.61-80,
[3] John Jose pottery, "robot for bore well rescue", amal jothi college of engineering, vol. 10, Jun 2009. [6] S.

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[5] V. Venmathi, E. Poorniya, S. Sumathi, "Borewell Rescue Robot", International Journal of Computer
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Design and Simulation of Bore well rescue robot- Advanced ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
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[8] Sridhar Palaniswamy, "Life Saving Machine", first International Conference on Interdisciplinary Research and
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[9] C. Kemp, A. Edsinger 2007, Challenges for Robot Manipulation in Human Environments. IEEE Robotics &
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