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What are human rights?

Human rights are “rights and freedom to which all humans are entitled.

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever the nationality,
place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any
other status.
Explain the relation between human rights and environmental issues.
Human rights and environment
The relation between human rights and environmental issues could be
understood through the following categories:

1. Equitable distribution of environmental resources

Unequal distribution of environmental resources comes through overconsumption of
resources by developed nation and hinders the process of economic and social
growth of the developing nation. Varied lifestyle, less awareness creates disparity in
sharing the resources and leads to poverty and unsustainable growth.

2. Utilisation of resources and Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)

Owing to the changing ecosystem pattern, the indigenous people lose their right in
collecting forest resources such as fuel wood if the forest land is converted into a
agricultural land. This leads to differences in the utilization of the natural resources.
Their rights are denied.
Explain the relation between human rights and environmental issues.

3. Conflicts between people and wildlife especially around PAs

If a forest area is declared as a protected area, the people who are dependent on the forest
resources are forced to change their lifestyle. In the due course, in order to protect their crop
lands from the wildlife invasion, the people resort in injuring the wildlife through intentional
killing or poisoing the animals. Further, humans are also attacked by the wildlife owing to
their habitat being fragmented.

4.Resettlement issues around development projects such as dams and mines

When developmental projects such as dams and mines are executed, adequate compensation to
the land nor employment opportunities are not adequately provided to the indigenous tribal
people of the surrounding. This results in the forcible removal of the community from that
particular area. The tribal people who are not adequately equipped lose their lifestyle and
their resettlement becomes a question leading to an unsustainable growth.

5.Access to health to prevent environment related diseases

Nutrition affects and defines the health status of all people, rich and poor. Malnutrition makes
people more vulnerable to disease and premature death. Poverty is a major cause as well as
a consequence of ill-health. Poverty, hunger, malnutrition and poorly managed environments
together affect health and weaken the socioeconomic development of a country. Nearly 30%
of humanity, especially those in developing countries – infants, children, adolescents, adults,
and older persons are affected by this problem.
Mention the human rights highlighting value education

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