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Sonia, Katie, Beth and Beatrice.

We are all going to equally share the load of

planning and producing our opening title

Graduation Day

Brief and Treatment

Length: 90 seconds - 2 minutes         Deadline: Friday 11th February

• Equilibrium: different groups of people in high school,
soon to graduate. Rose the ‘geek’, has a crush on Doug,
the ‘jock’.
• Problem/Disequilibrium: his friends bet him to ask
her out. They start going out and he falls for her. She
finds out that it was a bet.
• Action: she ignores him and plans to go with Ching-Lee
(another ‘geek’) to the ball. He stays cool as he doesn’t
want his friends to know that he has fallen for her.
• Resolution-Partial/Full: He does a speech about her at
Target Audience
The target audience for our film would be between the
ages of 14-16 and the primary gender would be female
however, the secondary audience would be male; this
means ‘Graduation Day’ is aimed at a niche audience.
It would appeal to women because it is a film that
would make them feel good after watching it. It would
appeal to them as many women like romance but also a
giggle as well as finding love. (Research through
questionnaires is to follow).
Will our narrative subvert this
linear model?
• It will go backwards; looking into the past.
However, it will link to Torodov’s theory
when going into the main story. Possible
scheduling publishing suggestions: may as it is
close to when people start to finish university,
college and school.
How will you test whether the
product is successful?
How will you check that it
accomplishes the intended effect?
• We would showcase it to our intended
audience then distribute questionnaires
for them to answer and give feedback.
Identifying constraints: trying to find a room
that looks like a dorm room and money if we
needed to hire one.
What generic codes and conventions
will be operating in your text?
• Typography: Red and pink. These are
stereotypical colours used in Rom-Coms. The
pink signifies love and femininity and the red
signifies love and passion. Therefore, we have
decided to stick to the original colours mainly
used in Romantic Comedy films.

• Sound: Song by the Jets to give the upbeat, fun

side of the film.
Media Languages
• Our Rom-com for our opening title sequence
will show close ups of emotions to portray the
love but also laughter too. Also, with the
sound of upbeat songs it will liven the whole
atmosphere of the movie. The typography will
show the love side to it also appealing to the
young female audience.
• We will be using Summit Entertainment
because of how is distributed Twilight it will
be much more appealing because of what a
fantastic film Twilight was. It also appealed to
the young female audience, who our are target
audience and there is also a sense of Romance
in the film. Our production company will be
called Pass Out Productions (logo in the
Representation and Genre

• Our representations of our characters will be

stereotypical as you will be able to notice from out
cast list on our next slide.
• We will keep to the typical representations of a Rom-
Com with such things like clichés like “boy meets
girl” and stereotypes but also humorous characters
and actions during the heterosexual love.

• Rose- Geek, main character.

• Doug- Jock, main character.
• Shelby- Popular girl.
• Chad- Doug’s friend.
• Mary- Geek, (Rose’s friend).
• Ching-Lee- (Rose’s prom date).

• The high school.
• Graduation stand.
• Rose’s bedroom.
• Restaurant.
• Park.
• Gym class.
• College dorm.
Visual Style

• Split screens, typical type of shot used in

Romantic Comedies.
• Close ups, used to capture the emotions of
love and happiness on people’s faces.
• Establishing shots.
• Long shot.
• Mid shot.
• Extreme close ups.

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