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Media Law governing Factual Programming Media Law How it imposes How it could affect How it could affect constraints on media your product your product positively production? negatively Defamation Defamation's when someone _ | This canaffect my product This can affect my product making a documentary involves crcism or any damaging allegation ofan individual or an organization. If makers involve this sort of fact into their product, they are advised to seek legal advice froma legal representative. This can impact on any program as any individual or organization can sue if being a victim of defamation. if an individual or organization does fie a lawsuit because of defamation, any person who is responsible can be sued, for example; program makers andlor broadcasters. However, ifa defamatory allegation is made the person or organization is given a chance to tespond and prove that they are not inthe wrong as its necessary fora response to be sought by the subject of the allegations are made against negatively because if | were to ‘bad mouth’ someone who is very much involved in the dance art industry, for example; a popular or famous choreographer ora well known dancer or evena reputable dance institution, without any background information and any evidence to suppor the allegation(s). As a result this action would affect my documentary i the person was to sue the production company. posttvely because now that | have understood that this statement can resulls to ‘complicated consequences obtained against the person responsible, so now that | have realized this, | now know that | should be careful when producing my documentary. Especially when creating the script, should be careful that | shouldn't use any sort of, negative language or behavior when referencing anyone involved in the documentary. Contempt of Court Ifa program contains or makes: any reference to an active or ‘current egal accounts, mainly criminal proceedings and anything that involves children, itis advised that the program maker must seek legal advice instantly. Ifthe program maker does not seek for legal advice, doesn't consider the ‘consequences and carries on to reference to an active or current legal accounts, criminal proceedings orchidren involvement, they would have to face hefty penalties, which may include an unlimited fine or up to two years imprisonment to the person who & responsible {or this offending publication or broadcasting which would ‘normally be the editor. ther financial penalties may be ‘enforced in certain circumstances. This can affect my product negatively if! were involve any referencing of legal proceedings for accounts. This can have a big impact on my documentary iffor example | was to flm a segmentwhere a person involved in the dance art industry, na cour or seeking legal advise, this would results a the production company or myself to face and bare sanctions such as, financial Penalties or up to two years of imprisonment. This can affeat my product positively, forthe reason that ‘now that | have understood to what can happen if were to se some sort of referencing or legal accounts or proceedings, | can be cautious about what the include in my documentary and what not to. However, because ‘my documentary topicissue has got nothing to do with legal 'ssues, | wouldn't have a chance to include any sort of contempt of cour. Privacy and Confidence If your program contains private ‘and confidential information vithout the permission ofthe person or organization it relates, to, itis again advised to seek legal help from the program lawyer. Its said that the law of ‘confidence isthe easiest way for an individual and ‘organization to use this offence to stop any program from being broadcasted by gaining a ‘pre- transmission injunction’ If this This can affect my product negatively because, i | were to show for example, a private conversation (interview) between a professional dancer and myself and then broadcast itwithout any consent or permission, the person who was being flmed can obtain a injunetion to stop the broadcasting of my documentary or the private ‘conversation. This canhave a huge impact on my This can affeat my product posively because now that | have acknowledged what the consequences can be obiained against the person involved in this action, !can now be careful when interviewing experts and other people, as I now know that Ihave to receive some sort of consent or permission before ' broadcast or publish my documentary to the public. Privacy and Injunction is granted, the ‘documentary as itcan modify individual or organization can | the issue of my documentary, Confidence ‘stop all other media without that segment. (Continued) ‘organizations who are aware of | Addiionally, f were to break the siuation. Breaking an that injunction process, it would injunction is a commit a mean that | would be contempt (criminal offence). | commiting a criminal offence. Copyright “Allmaterals suchas; music or Ths can affect my product This can affect my product archive footage, must be negatively because, if were to | positively because now that | ‘eared for use within programs | use any material lke copyrights | have comprehended that there ‘and this isthe producers, or trademarks without any could be substantial fines fled responsibilty. Program makers | consertipermission or legal __| against me, | have to make make a important responsibilty | advice froma legal certain that before I use or to make sure that all representative (program lawyer) | publsh copyrights or clearances, ie. copyrights, {rom the copyright owner, | trademarks, they have to be trademarks, ete. have been | would probably have to face | cleared to use within programs, achieved for their programor | some sort of hefyfitancial fine. | and also would have to make ‘show. Whenit's appropriate, | If I was to now receive without | sure that | receive a form of a Program makers must gaina | any consent/permission or egal | cense agreement from the consent of the copyright owner, | advice froma legal copyfight owner, that | have Usually in the form ofa signed | representative (program awyer) | permission to use any license agreement. iffor ary | fromthe copyright owner, in| copyrights or trademarks. reason the consents refused or | which this would be seen as a ifthere is a problemwith the | criminal offence. ‘clearing, the material must be removed before broadcasting, ‘or otherwise the program maker must alert and seek legal advice froma program lawyer, who can decide whether or not the materal can be used without making ita criminal offence.

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