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• The road system is not only one of the most

important infrastructures but also the
important composition of ecological system.
• The road systems in many cities are suffering
from various water-related problems such as:-
i. water logging, increased drainage load resulted
from concentrated runoff
ii. waste of rainwater resources due to failure
replenishing of the surface runoff to the ground
water system during the rainstorm period.
• The analysis showed that the water-related
problems are mainly result from manmade
factors such as:-
i. low design standard of road drainage system
ii. poor environment protection facilities for water
storage and infiltration
iii. high-raised green belt
iv. the weakness of road building technology.
• Case study showed that the design of drain
mostly effect the condition of the built road for
a long period.
• Water is the most important compound ensuring life
in this planet.But on roads the presence of water
means mainly trouble.
• A main cause of road damage and problems with the
serviceability of road network,is excess water filling
the pores of road materials in the road and in the
subgrade soils.
• Therefore,road drainage design has as its basic
objective the reduction and elimination of energy by
flowing water.
• A road drainage system must satisfy two main criteria
if it is to be effective throughout its design life:-
i. It must allow for a minumum of disturbance of the natural
drainage pattern.
ii. It must drain surface and subsurface water away from the
roadway and dissipate it in a way that prevents excessive
collection of water in unstable areass and subsequent
downstream erosion.
• Any drainage installation is sized according to the
probability of occurence of an expected peak discharge
during the design life of the installation.
• This,of course is related to the intensity and duration
of rainfall events occuring not only in the direct vicinity
of the structure,but also upstream of the structure.
• To solve the problem,we manage to design
Interceptor Drain Type 2 (ID2).
• Cast in-situ concrete drain system are typically
constructed prior to adjacent carriageway surfacing
on top of a sub base foundation with the depth of
the insitu product being equal to the depth of
• The reason of choosing Interceptor Drain Type 2
(ID2) are:-
i. reduced cost.
ii. high productvity.
iii. rigorous process quality control.
iv. improved product durability.
v. reduced environmental impact.
•• Area
  ,wetted perimeter and hydraulic radius needd to
determined for drain design using formula below:-
1. A = By + zy2
A = cross sectional area
B = bottom width
y = depth
z = side slope
2. P = B + 2y
P = wetted perimeter
B = bottom width
y = depth
z = side slope
3. R=
R = hydraulic radius
A = cross sectional area
P = wetted perimeter
•• Manning’s
  formula is perhaps the most widely used
empirical equation for estimating discharge since it relies
solely on channel charesteristics that are easily
measured.Manning’s formula is:-
• Q = AR2/3S1/2
Q = discharge
A = cross sectional area
R = hydraulic radius
S = slope
n = manning roughness coefficient of the channel.
• Use,
i. Manning Roughness,n = 0.015 (Lined drain,concrete with smooth finish) –
Table 2.3
ii. Horton’s roughness,n* = 0.045 (average grassed) – Table 2.2
iii. Runoff coefficient,c = 0.45 (bush cover) – Table 2.5
iv. d = tc = to + td.
• To study how to determine the flow direction
based on the map given.
• To differentiate the uses and location of many
type of drainage system which is embarkment toe
drain,berm drain,shoulder drain,roadside
drain,bench drain and interceptor drain.
• To study how to design a most suitable drain.
• A road construction will be done located at Kg
Sungai Yap, Jerantut, Pahang.
• To ensure the road is in good condition for a long
time, a drain need to build along the road.
• The design of drain must according to 20 year
• The discharge need to calculate so that we know
the dimension of drain to construct.
• This project was carry out by referring the
drainage plan for segment 1 : CH0.000M –
CH600.000 M which located at Kg Sungai Yap,
Jerantut, Pahang.
• The flow of drains were determined by referring
the finished level given in the drainage plan.
• A drain was designed by taking the part CH350 –
CH500 and under the JKR Drainage standard.
• The
  overland sheer flow travel time (minutes),
to was calculated by using the formula to .  
• Formula td = was used to calculate the Travel
time in drain (minutes).
• Estimate time of concentration, tc was
calculated by summing to and td.
• was used to calculate the Average rainfall
intensity (mm/hr).
• The peak flow, was calculated by using the
formula .

Graph of Finished Level against Chainage


f(x) = − 0.11 x + 121.97





300 350 400 450 500 550

• From the graph, we can clearly see that the finished
level is decrease along the drain from CH350 to
CH500, so we can concluded that the direction of
flow is flow from CH350 to CH500.
Scope of work

The part that we choose are from CH350 to CH500, the

flow of drainage were determined by referring the
drainage plan which flow from CH350 to CH500. The
flow is flow from a higher finished level to a lower
finished level.
A = By + zy2
P = B + 2y √1+z2
R = A/P
Q = 1/n AR 2/3 S ½

i. Manning Roughness, n = 0.015 (Lined drain, concrete, smooth

finish in table 2.3)
ii. Horton’s Roughness, n* = 0.045 (average grassed in table 2.2)
iii. Runoff coefficient, c = 0.45 (bush cover)
iv. d = tc = t0 + td
 Based on map
 *Our drain is designed from CH350 to CH500 with ratio
of 1.75 cm: 25m

• Area, A = ½ (110 + 135.71) (27.14)

= 3334.28m2 = 3334.28 x 10-4 ha
 Based on JKR Drainage drawing
 *Interceptor drain type 2 is used as our drain from CH350
to CH500
• Bottom width, B = 0.6m
 Height of water is reduced by 0.05m to avoid spillage
• Height of water, y = 0.6 – 0.05
= 0.55m
• Z =1
• Area, Amanning = By + zy2
= (0.6) (0.55) + 1 (0.55)2
= 0.6325m2
• Top width, T = B + 2zy
= (0.6) + 2 (1) (0.55)
= 1.7m
• Wetted perimeter, P = B + 2y √ 1 + z2
= (0.6) + 2 (0.55) (√ 1 + 12)
= 2.156m
• Hydraulic Radius, R =

• Ratio
  = 1.75cm: 25m
 From CH 350 to CH 500
• Slope for t0, S =
• = 0.07131
• Slope for td= 0.1091
 The slope for td can be obtained from the gradient of the graph below:
• The drain that our group choose to design is the
interceptor drain type 2, where the drain is cast in-
situ concrete drain.
• The purpose that we choose this drain is:
in situ concrete is a cheaper form of construction for
small structures.
it needs lesser maintenance cost.
in-situ concrete drain can be adjusted on site according
to the size of the drain needed on site.
in-situ concrete drain is more resist to earthquake
• Manning roughness, n, is assumed as 0.015, which
is for lined concrete drain and smooth finish drain.
• Horton’s roughness, n*, is assumed as 0.045 which
is for average grassed area.
• For runoff coefficient , c, is assumed as 0.45 which
is for bush cover area.
• From the calculation which shown in the result and
analysis, we can proved that the drain which we
designed is sufficient for the water to flow from
peak to the bottom of the hill, since the discharge
which we found is smaller as compare to the
discharge of manning.
Costing for the drain

Figure: Cross section of drain designed.

The estimate total costing for the drain which we designed from CH 275 to CH 500
are RM 17,941.22.
• We can conclude that the excess water filling the pores of road
materials into the road and subgrade soils will cause the road
damage and also problem with the serviceability of road
• The intensity and duration of rainfall also included in the
analysis to faced the probability of an expected peak discharge.
• Thus, the most suitable drain which is Interceptor Drain has
been design along the road to reduced and eliminate energy by
flowing excessive water.
• The discharge of water of our design drain is 0.05295 m3/s
where it is sufficient for the water to flow.
1. Major Unit Rate

2. Concrete work (Class I)


3. JKR Drainage Standard Dwgs.pdf

4. MSMA2ndEdition_august_2012.pdf

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