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Constructivist Approach

 The term refers to the idea that learners construct

knowledge for themselves- each learner
individually construct meaning as he or she
 Constructing meaning is learning.
 A constructivist classroom is a student centered

Learning is an active process.

People learn to learn as they learn.

The crucial action of constructing meaning is

Learning involves language.

Leaning is a social activity.

Learning is contextual.

One needs knowledge to learn.

It takes time to learn.

Motivation is a key component in learning.
Stages in constructivist learning

 Situation

 Bridge
 Questions
 Exhibit
 reflections
Procedure- 5E method
1. Engage
 The purpose of this phase is to peak students
interest and make connection between the
concept and everyday life , make the concept
meaningful for students.
2. Explore
 The purpose of this phase is to provide an
opportunity for students to conduct an enquiry
based investigation into the topic.
 The learning goals are:
 Collaborating on an explaination for the
outcome of theinvestigation.
 Interpreting data and drawing upon the data to
support claims
 Identifying the accuracy of their predictions.
 Formulating new questions about the concept.
4. Elaborate
 The purpose of this phase is to allow students time
to apply their new understanding of the concept to a
novel scenario and develop a deeper understanding
of the concept.
5. Evaluate:

The purpose of this phase is for both students and
teachers to reflect on the concept and determine the
level of learning and understanding which has taken

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