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315 Basic E&M and Power Engineering Topic: Biot-Savart

Example (Question)
Obtain an expression for the magnetic along the axis of a long but finite
length solenoid. See figure for dimensions.

The solenoid consists on N turns of wire ”rings of current”
each carrying a current I.
The number of turns per unit length of solenoid can be expressed as:
Lecture 21 EXAMPLE
97.315 Basic E&M and Power Engineering Topic: Biot-Savart
Example (Question)
Obtain an expression for the magnetic along the axis of a long but finite length
solenoid. See figure for dimensions.
9 7 .3 1 5 B a s i c E & M a n d P o w e r E n g i n e e r i n g T o p ic : B io t-S a v a r d
E x a m p le ( S o lu tio n )

O b ta in a n e x p r e s s io n fo r th e m a g n e tic fie ld a t a p o in t z a b o v e th e c e n tr a l a x i s o f th e
c u rr e n t r in g . T h e c u r re n t r in g is c e n te re d o n th e c o o rd in a te o rig in a n d lie s in th e ( x , y ) p la n e . A
c u rr e n t I flo w s in a c o u n te r c lo c k w is e d ir e c tio n in th e r in g .


 M a g n e tic f ie ld o n th e c e n tr a l a x is
r z

d  ad
21 o f th e c ir c u la r c u rre n t rin g


  I 2 a
B  o zˆ
I out of page

I in to p a g e
2  a2  z2  3

L e ctu re 2 0 EXAM PLE

Each ring of the solenoid
contributes a magnetic field. Can
use this expression for our finite
solenoid. Sum over the rings.
Lecture 21 EXAMPLE
97.315 Basic E&M and Power Engineering Topic: Biot-Savart
Example (Question)
Obtain an expression for the magnetic along the axis of a long but finite length
solenoid. See figure for dimensions.

We have skillfully converted the magnetic field

contribution over the segment to one which
depends on the angular extent of the segment.
This makes obtaining the magnetic field on the
axis for various solenoid lengths easy to obtain.

 2  1

Lecture 21 EXAMPLE
97.315 Basic E&M and Power Engineering Topic: Biot-Savart
Example (Question)
Obtain an expression for the magnetic along the axis of a long but finite length
solenoid. See figure for dimensions. d

 2  1

We can now sum (integrate) the expression for dBz over the
angular extent of the coil. i.e. sum over all the rings of the finite
length solenoid.

Lecture 21 EXAMPLE
97.315 Basic E&M and Power Engineering Topic: Biot-Savart
Example (Question)
Obtain an expression for the magnetic along the axis of a long but finite length
solenoid. See figure for dimensions.

 0
  180


Lecture 21 EXAMPLE
97.315 Basic E&M and Power Engineering Topic: Biot-Savard

(0) Textbook: U. S. Inan, A. S. Inan (0) p. 450 - 465
“Engineering Electromagnetics” (1) p. 144
(1) J.D. Kraus, K. R. Carver “Electromagnetics” 2nd
(2) Reitz, Milford, Christy “Foundations of Electromagnetic
(2) p. 197 - 204
theory” 4th (3) p. 203, 208,
(3) M. Plonus “Applied Electromagnetics” (4) p. 497
(4) R. P. Winch “Electricity and Magnetism”
(5) P. Lorrain, D. Corson “Electromagnetic fields and Waves”
(5) p. 295 - 299
2nd (6) p. 206
(6) Duckworth “Electricity and Magnetism” (7) p.
(7) J.D. Jackson “Classical Electrodynamics” 2nd
(8) F. Ulaby, “Fundamentals of applied Electromagnetics”
(8) p. 10, 205


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